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padeoe /
Last active September 19, 2024 03:30
CLI-Tool for download Huggingface models and datasets with aria2/wget+git

🤗Huggingface Model Downloader

Considering the lack of multi-threaded download support in the official huggingface-cli, and the inadequate error handling in hf_transfer, this command-line tool smartly utilizes wget or aria2 for LFS files and git clone for the rest.


  • ⏯️ Resume from breakpoint: You can re-run it or Ctrl+C anytime.
  • 🚀 Multi-threaded Download: Utilize multiple threads to speed up the download process.
  • 🚫 File Exclusion: Use --exclude or --include to skip or specify files, save time for models with duplicate formats (e.g., *.bin or *.safetensors).
  • 🔐 Auth Support: For gated models that require Huggingface login, use --hf_username and --hf_token to authenticate.
  • 🪞 Mirror Site Support: Set up with HF_ENDPOINT environment variable.
CrystalGamma / rk3399 sgrf.rst
Last active April 9, 2024 19:00

RK3399 SGRF Documentation

Rockchip does not publish documentation about the contents of the (PMU)SGRF register block in the RK3399. This document attempts to compile what is known through various documents, code drops and experiments.


Unless otherwise noted, SGRF registers are 16 bits wide and are accessed with 32-bit accesses (and 4-byte alignment), where the upper half is a write mask. Registers are identified by their offset, e. g. :reg:`R0x1C` would refer to the 8th register in the block. Bit ranges such as :reg:`R0x40[10:13]` are inclusive. Bit positions are counted from 0, the least significant bit.

(defvar +org-babel-mode-alist
'((cpp . C)
(C++ . C)
(D . C)
(sh . shell)
(bash . shell)
(matlab . octave)
(amm . ammonite))
"An alist mapping languages to babel libraries. This is necessary for babel
libraries (ob-*.el) that don't match the name of the language.
progfolio /
Last active April 3, 2024 16:02
Emacs as an Org capture server

Emacs as an Org capture server

The Concept

The general idea is to run an Emacs server as a daemon which clients can quickly connect to via a bash script. The client executes org-capture and the frame closes upon finalizing or aborting the capture.

Running a server daemon

The first step is to get an Emacs daemon running as a server with your name of choice. For this example, I’m going to use “capture” as the server name.

Advance the support of Scala.js in Dotty, a tutorial

Dotty contains preliminary support for Scala.js under the flag -scalajs. Or rather, it contains the infrastructure for preliminary support. It is far from being actually usable, but this is where you can help!

This small tutorial walks you through a few steps that you can do to further the support of Scala.js in Dotty. Even if you do not typically contribute to a compiler, this can be your chance. It is not very difficult, given that there already exists an extensive test suite, as well as a working implementation for scalac.

abrochard /
Last active May 5, 2024 04:53
Notes from the "Conquering Kubernetes with Emacs" presentation

Conquering Kubernetes with Emacs

Specific Annoying workflow

Listing pods with kubectl get pods, then select a pod name and copy paste it into kubectl logs [pod name]


  • I want to streamline my workflow and stop using the terminal
  • learn more about kubernetes
  • main kubernetes extension for Emacs out there is greedy for permissions
markblundeberg /
Created August 31, 2018 01:23
Using PGP signatures with bitcoin script OP_CHECKDATASIG

Using PGP signatures with bitcoin script OP_CHECKDATASIG

Dr. Mark B. Lundeberg, 2018 August 30 bitcoincash:qqy9myvyt7qffgye5a2mn2vn8ry95qm6asy40ptgx2

Since version 2.1, GnuPG is able to use the very same secp256k1 elliptic curve signature algorithm (ECDSA) as used in bitcoin. Quite soon Bitcoin Cash will add a new script opcode OP_CHECKDATASIG that is able to check signatures not just on the containing transaction, but also on arbitrary data. For fun, let's try to intersect the two signature systems and see what can be done!



Principled Meta Programming for Scala

This note outlines a principled way to meta-programming in Scala. It tries to combine the best ideas from LMS and Scala macros in a minimalistic design.

  • LMS: Types matter. Inputs, outputs and transformations should all be statically typed.

  • Macros: Quotations are ultimately more easy to deal with than implicit-based type-lifting

  • LMS: Some of the most interesting and powerful applications of meta-programming

zmactep /
Created August 20, 2017 13:08
Number encodings

Alternative to the Church, Scott and Parigot encodings of data on the Lambda Calculus.

When it comes to encoding data on the pure λ-calculus (without complex extensions such as ADTs), there are 3 widely used approaches.

Church Encoding

The Church Encoding, which represents data structures as their folds. Using Caramel’s syntax, the natural number 3 is, for example. represented as:

0 c0 = (f x -> x)
1 c1 = (f x -> (f x))
2 c2 = (f x -> (f (f x)))

Revisiting Tagless Final Interpreters

Tageless Final interpreters are an alternative to the traditional Algebraic Data Type (and generalized ADT) based implementation of the interpreter pattern. This document presents the Tageless Final approach with Scala, and shows how Dotty with it's recently added implicits functions makes the approach even more appealing. All examples are direct translations of their Haskell version presented in the Typed Tagless Final Interpreters: Lecture Notes (section 2).

The interpreter pattern has recently received a lot of attention in the Scala community. A lot of efforts have been invested in trying to address the biggest shortcomings of ADT/GADT based solutions: extensibility. One can first look at cats' Inject typeclass for an implementation of [Data Type à la Carte](