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Created January 13, 2014 21:32
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Save codebycliff/8408571 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The pocket bookmarklet modified to add the tag "archive" automatically.
var PKT_D = "";
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alert("Please enter at least one tag");
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t = /\s/,
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while (t.test(e.charAt(--n)));
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var PKT_BM = function () {};
PKT_BM.prototype = {
init: function () {
if (this.inited) return;
var e = this;
this.overlay = new PKT_BM_OVERLAY({
saveTagsCallback: function (t) {
}); = this;
this.inited = true
save: function () {
var e = this;
this.overlay.displayMessage("Test successful!");
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else if (PKT_STATUS >= 3) this.promptError(PKT_STATUS)
promptLogin: function () {
this.overlay.hidesOnClick = true;
this.overlay.displayMessage("Please login.");
this.overlay.showButton("Login", this.overlay.isMobile ? "http://" + PKT_D + "/bl/login/?url=http://" + PKT_D + "/bloggedin" : "http://" + PKT_D + "/l")
promptError: function (e) {
if (e == 3) {
this.overlay.displayMessage("Error saving")
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this.overlay.displayMessage("Could not save")
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this.overlay.displayMessage("Error saving")
this.overlay.showButton("Get Help", "");
this.overlay.showViewListButton("View List", "http://" + PKT_D + "/a/?r=bookmarklet")
saveTags: function (e) {
var t = this;
this.overlay.displayMessage("Saving Tags&#8230;");
u: document.location.href,
tags: e.toJSON ? e.toJSON() : JSON.stringify(e),
}, function () {
t.overlay.displayMessage("Tags Saved!");
t.overlay.showViewListButton("View List", "http://" + PKT_D + "/a/?r=bookmarklet");
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sendRequest: function (e, t) {
var n = function () {
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this.imageInt = setInterval(n, 250)
checkImage: function () {
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var t = e == 1;
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if (e == 2) this.promptLogin();
else if (e == 3) this.promptError()
} = "none";
return t
setTimeout(function () {
var e = new PKT_BM; = "";
}, 1)
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