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Last active July 21, 2024 05:32
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Run a command prompt command and get its output in VBScript.
Function CmdOut( pCmd )
' Run a command prompt command and get its output.
' pCmd <string> - A command prompt command.
' CmdOut <string> - The output of the command.
' Jeremy England,
' Function CmdOut(p):Dim w,e,r,o:Set w=CreateObject("WScript.Shell"):Set e=w.Exec("Cmd.exe"):e.StdIn.WriteLine p&" 2>&1":e.StdIn.Close:While(InStr(e.StdOut.ReadLine,">"&p)=0)::Wend:Do:o=e.StdOut.ReadLine:If(e.StdOut.AtEndOfStream)Then:Exit Do:Else:r=r&o&vbLf:End If:Loop:CmdOut=r:End Function
Dim oWss, oExe, Return, Output
Set oWss = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Set oExe = oWss.Exec( "Cmd.exe" )
Call oExe.StdIn.WriteLine( pCmd & " 2>&1" )
Call oExe.StdIn.Close()
While( InStr( oExe.StdOut.ReadLine, ">" & pCmd ) = 0 ) :: Wend
Do : Output = oExe.StdOut.ReadLine()
If( oExe.StdOut.AtEndOfStream )Then
Exit Do
Return = Return & Output & vbLf
End If
CmdOut = Return
End Function
' Put the full or mini class/sub/function in your script to use.
Function CmdOut(p):Dim w,e,r,o:Set w=CreateObject("WScript.Shell"):Set e=w.Exec("Cmd.exe"):e.StdIn.WriteLine p&" 2>&1":e.StdIn.Close:While(InStr(e.StdOut.ReadLine,">"&p)=0)::Wend:Do:o=e.StdOut.ReadLine:If(e.StdOut.AtEndOfStream)Then:Exit Do:Else:r=r&o&vbLf:End If:Loop:CmdOut=r:End Function
' returns the result of whatever command you run
Dim Result
Result = CmdOut( "ECHO Hello, world!" )
MsgBox Result
' if you run with cscript instead of wscript you can see the full output when using wscript.echo because msgbox has a character limit
Dim IpConfig
IpConfig = CmdOut( "ipconfig /all" )
WScript.Echo IpConfig
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