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Created July 15, 2015 14:31
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JavaScript Object Notation JSON and ColdFusion

#JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and CFML

###Creating JSON object

As you probably guessed JSON objects can be created from cf structures

<cfset myStruct = {
	items: {
		item1: {name: 'item1', price: 1000},
		item2: {name: 'item2', price: 12.50},
		itme3: {name; 'itme3', price: 15000}
	users: {
		user1: {id: 1, email: ''},
		user2: {id: 2, email: ''},
		user3: {id: 3, email: ''}
} />

<!--- parse the struct into a JSON object --->
<cfset myJSON = serializeJSON(myStruct) />

Because the keys in the key/value pair waren't declared as strings the serializerJSON would change the case to upcase. So to keep the letter case that you want they keys should be declared as strings.

###Convert JSON to Structure

<cfset myJsonStruct = deserializeJSON(myJSON) />

###Validate String as JSON

<cfdump var="#isJson(myJSON)#" />
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