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#Working with XML in ColdFusion

Cheatsheet with code examples to read, create and search xml files

ColdFusion provides many built-in functions for doing all sort of XML based operations.

###Reading XML Document Read the document then passes it to the parser to create an XML object

<cffile action="read" file="#ExpandPath('./some.xml')#" variable="myXML" />
<cfset myDoc=XmlParse(myXML) />

The XmlParse can also read the file so we can avoid one step here.

<cfset myDoc=XmlParse(ExpandPath("./some.xml")) />

###Generating an XML with data from a database

<!--- Get some data from the database --->
<cfquery name="getData" datasource="">

<!--- Create the XML with the getData var --->
<cfxml variable="testXML">
<cfoutput query="getData">

<!--- Write the XML out in a document --->
<cffile action="write" file="#ExpandPath('./out.xml')#" output="#testXML#" />

<!--- Dump Output to the Browser --->
<cfdump var="#testXML#" />

###Parsing XML Coldfusion has one function to parse xml files. This function has a casesensitive property that can be enabled or disabled when reading the XML file. xmlParse can read xml documents from a local file, URL or a string containing XML code. It can also validate XML based on a DTD or schema.

In this example I'm reading a local file

<cfset myDoc=xmlParse("./testXML.xml", [true || false (default is false)]*) 

xmlParse takes 2 arguments, the path where the file is located and casesensitive true or false.

The XML file looks like this:

		<itemName Type="1">Art Name</item>

We can access to the root of the document as follow if the case sensitive is false:


if the case sensitive is true, this will produce an error. The right way to do it would be like this:


The same is also true with nodes and attributes

case sensitive false:[1].itemname.xmltext

case sensitive true:


###XML to String

<cfset xmlString=toString(myDoc) />

###Looping over XML Knowing the structure of the document

<cfloop array="" index="i">
		name: #i.itemName.xmlText#<br/>

###Setting XML Node Value

<cfloop array="" index="i">
	<!--- set a new name --->
	<cfset i.itemName.xmlText = "Jonny" />

###Convert XML to Query Result Set

artQuery = QueryNew("artistid, artid, name, description, image, price, sold"); 
queryAddRow(artQuery, arraylen(;

for (i = 1; i lte arraylen(; i++){
    thisItem =[i];
    QuerySetCell(artQuery, "artistid",, i);
    QuerySetCell(artQuery, "artid",, i);
    QuerySetCell(artQuery, "sold", thisItem.xmlAttributes.available, i);
    QuerySetCell(artQuery, "name", thisItem.artname.xmltext, i);
    QuerySetCell(artQuery, "description", thisItem.description.xmltext, i);
    QuerySetCell(artQuery, "image", thisItem.image.xmltext, i);
    QuerySetCell(artQuery, "price", thisItem.price.xmltext, i);


###Searching XML

<cffile action="read" file"#ExpandPath('./out.xml')#" variable="myXML" />

<cfset myDoc=XmlParse(myXML) />
	params = structNew();
	params["artname"] = "Mary";

<cfset searchRes=xmlSearch(myXML, '//piece/artname[. = $artname], params) />

<cfdump var="#searchRes[1].xmlParent#" />
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