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Created August 18, 2024 05:02
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fzf tail all pods
pods() {
command='kubectl get pods --all-namespaces' fzf \
--info=inline --layout=reverse --header-lines=1 \
--prompt "$(kubectl config current-context | sed 's/-context$//')> " \
--header $'╱ Enter (kubectl exec) ╱ CTRL-O (open log in editor) ╱ CTRL-R (reload) ╱\n\n' \
--bind 'start:reload:$command' \
--bind 'ctrl-r:reload:$command' \
--bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(80%,border-bottom|hidden|)' \
--bind 'enter:execute:kubectl exec -it --namespace {1} {2} -- bash' \
--bind 'ctrl-o:execute:${EDITOR:-vim} <(kubectl logs --all-containers --namespace {1} {2})' \
--preview-window up:follow \
--preview 'kubectl logs --follow --all-containers --tail=10000 --namespace {1} {2}' "$@"
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