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Created August 14, 2023 16:33
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Publication date field
class NewsPage(Page):
publication_date = models.DateTimeField(
help_text="This field will be automatically filled in once this news article is published. "
"After that, you may edit it. This date is used to sort articles and is displayed on the teaser."
exclude_fields_in_copy = [
'go_live_at', 'expire_at', 'expired', 'publication_date'
class NewsPageForm(WagtailAdminPageForm):
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super().clean()
# Don't let users remove the publication_date from a live article. Unfortunately, the field 'live' defaults
# to True for a never saved article. But having a live_revision_id appears to be an accurate indicator.
# This is absolutely required because our code relies on publication_date existing in order to sort News.
if self.instance.live_revision_id and not cleaned_data.get('publication_date'):
ValidationError('You may not remove the publication date from a live news article.')
return cleaned_data
def update_publication_date(sender, instance, **kwargs):
We need an editable 'date this was first published'. We had been using first_published_at but edits
get lost if someone changes first_published_at and then saves as draft. So make a new field to use for
display on the teaser and the article itself (and to use for sorting articles). Fill it in here.
if issubclass(sender, NewsPage) or issubclass(sender, SiteNewsPage):
if and not instance.publication_date:
instance.publication_date =['publication_date'])
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