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Created October 10, 2023 23:23
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Overriding the ETAG decorator for wagtail document's serve method
# Replace the wagtaildocs serve() view to change the cache-control header that it returns.
# This prevents any cache besides the user's own browser from storing any potentially confidential document.
multitenant_document_serve = etag(document_etag)(cache_control(max_age=3600, private=True)(serve.__wrapped__))
patched_wagtail_urlpatterns = [
# This overrides the wagtaildocs_serve view.
re_path(r'^documents/(\d+)/(.*)$', multitenant_document_serve),
#### and then in our file, we prepend the normal patterns with the patch list
# We override several /admin/* URLs with our own custom views, which are defined in patched_wagtail_urlpatterns.
urlpatterns = patched_wagtail_urlpatterns + [
# Serve the usual django admin interface from /django-admin/, because Wagtail takes /admin/.
path('django-admin/', include([:2],,
# We now include wagtails' own admin URLs.
path('admin/', include('wagtail.admin.urls')),
# These are the URLs Wagtail serves documents from.
path('documents/', include('wagtail.documents.urls')),
# Public URLs for our custom apps.
# etc
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