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Christina Harlow cmharlow

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am cmharlow on github.
  • I am charlow ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 0B2E 3909 623B 467D 430E 1C6F 2159 B821 4AF8 7C4C

To claim this, I am signing this object:

"executionRoleArn": null,
"containerDefinitions": [
"dnsSearchDomains": null,
"logConfiguration": null,
"entryPoint": [
"portMappings": [
swagger: '2.0'
title: Draft SDR-PC API
description: >
Writing up a test API specification for SDR-PC.
version: 1.0.0
name: Christina Harlow
- application/json
cmharlow / mashcatdlfaig_metadata_ids.txt
Created September 18, 2017 22:48
Deduped Tweet IDs from the Mashcat / DLFAIG Metadata Assessment Group Twitter Chat on Metadata Assessment (Sept. 18 2017). Use to 'hydrate' (to see the Tweet texts & details).
- Current resource_type => edm:hasType <URI for value> (label: CV label for URI) ; dcterms:type <URI for type from DCMI>, <URI for type from LC> - Article => edm:hasType <> (label: articles) ; dcterms:hasType Text
- Audio => n/a ; dcterms:type (DCMI Types: Sound, LC Resource Types: Audio)
- Book => edm:hasType <> (label: books) ; dcterms:hastype <>, <>
- Capstone Project => edm:hasType <> (label: Academic theses) ; dcterms:hastype <>, <>
- Conference Proceeding => edm:hasType <> (label: Conference papers and proceedings) ; dcterms:hastype <>, <>
- Dataset => n/a ; dcterms:type <
{"count": 462, "next": null, "includes-extra": false, "files": [{"filetype": "warc", "checksums": {"sha1": "4b0a36a69ba3d46a5d152d9c7fc78b94c5672c6d", "md5": "067d6680f273e4aa9dfd174529b5bafa"}, "crawl-start": "2015-12-24T09:47:06Z", "account": 925, "collection": 5425, "filename": "ARCHIVEIT-5425-CRAWL_SELECTED_SEEDS-JOB188828-20151227094353149-00022.warc.gz", "crawl": 188828, "size": 1000034362, "locations": [""]}, {"filetype": "warc", "checksums": {"sha1": "95e2275091148c9f880abd8f5e02fb06f3a85c67", "md5": "92ff6581fa765364046e45ad20df49fe"}, "crawl-start": "2015-12-24T09:47:06Z", "account": 925, "collection": 5425, "filename": "ARCHIVEIT-5425-CRAWL_SELECTED_SEEDS-JOB188828-20151227040930645-00021.warc.gz", "crawl": 188828, "size": 1000004206, "locations": [""]}, {"filety
cmharlow /
Last active April 24, 2023 20:02
Proposed Metadata Starter Specs to add to metadata-docs/ for Hyrax Codebase

Hyrax Metadata Specifications & Documentation

Table of Contents

Goal(s) & Scope of metadata-docs/

This metadata-docs/ directory contains metadata technical documentation and specifications that don't fit in the existing codebase documentation methods, but require management, a review process, and versioning beyond what is captured in the GitHub wiki. In particular, when a Hyrax version is released, the metadata-docs/ travel with the codebase and indicate the current metadata specifications followed in that release. This documentation doesn't indicate recommendations for individual implementations of Hyrax (your metadata documentation will no doubt vary), but aims to clarify what metadata specifications exist in the core Hyrax codebase.

cmharlow / !
Last active April 12, 2017 12:35
Comparing using proxies, iana to order articles/pages with using hw:Range to order articles/pages?
  1. Would Article resources be of class hw:Range, using pcdm:hasMember to point to a list of component parts?
  2. Okay for that rdf:List of component parts to be the Page resources (pcdm:Object), NOT the Filesets (per the hydraworks definition for Range)?
  3. What does this gain us that not using option 1 (just more proxies, iana for ordering) doesn't?
  4. Would Article (Range) resources still be (pcdm) members of the Issue resource? Pages make sense in this regard.
  5. What does Range gain us? Fewer proxies? Closer alignment with IIIF?
  6. Can our (CUL)'s current Hydra setup for working with F4 (Curation Concerns, not Hyrax, not Sufia) work with these Range resources - aka, how do they appear in the editor? In the interface? In search and discovery?
cmharlow / tweet-ids.txt
Last active June 13, 2021 12:58
backing up twitter ids for #WomensMarch due to size.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
cmharlow /
Last active January 20, 2017 21:13
for javed.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pymarc
import sys
input = sys.argv[1]
output = input + '.xml'
reader = pymarc.MARCReader(open(input, 'rb'), to_unicode=True)
with open(output, 'w') as writer:
writer.write("<collection xmlns=''>")