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Created January 3, 2018 17:44
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DustMod Prop Wind Script
const float DT = 1.0 / 60;
class script
[text] PropsWind props_wind;
array<controllable@> players;
int num_players;
num_players = num_cameras();
void checkpoint_load()
void step(int entities)
controllable@ player;
for(int i = 0; i < num_players; i++)
if((@player = players[i]) != null)
entity@ e = controller_entity(i);
@players[i] = @player = (@e != null ? e.as_controllable() : null);
class PropsWind : callback_base
float cell_size = 32 * 48;
array<int> step_cells;
array<string> step_cells_hash;
dictionary cells;
float t = 0;
[text] float wind_speed = 3;
[text] float wind_strength = 4;
float speed_factor = 1;
float strength_factor = 1;
float target_speed_factor = 1;
float target_strength_factor = 1;
dictionary props = {
// Grass
{'1/5/12', PropSettings(1.25, 1)},
{'1/5/13', PropSettings(1.25, 1)},
{'1/5/14', PropSettings(1.25, 1)},
{'2/5/4', PropSettings(1.25, 1)},
// "Leaves" (small foliage)
{'2/5/1', PropSettings(1.5, 1)},
// Chains >>
{'1/2/2', PropSettings(0.35, 0.35)},
{'1/2/1', PropSettings(0.35, 0.35)},
{'1/2/3', PropSettings(0.35, 0.35)}
add_broadcast_receiver("wind_strength", this, "on_wind_strength");
void on_wind_strength(string id, message@ msg)
target_speed_factor = msg.get_float("speed");
target_strength_factor = msg.get_float("strength");
void player(controllable@ player)
const int x = int(floor(player.x() / cell_size));
const int y = int(floor(player.y() / cell_size));
for(int ix = x - 1; ix <= x + 1; ix++)
for(int iy = y - 1; iy <= y + 1; iy++)
const string key = ix + "," + iy;
if(step_cells_hash.find(key) < 0)
void checkpoint_load()
void step()
for(uint i = 0; i < step_cells.length(); i += 2)
const int x = step_cells[i];
const int y = step_cells[i + 1];
const string key = x + "," + y;
PropsWindCell@ cell = cast<PropsWindCell>(cells[key]);
if(cell is null)
@cells[key] = @cell = PropsWindCell(x, y, cell_size, props);
cell.step(t, wind_strength * strength_factor);
t += wind_speed * DT * speed_factor;
speed_factor += (target_speed_factor - speed_factor) * 0.025;
strength_factor += (target_strength_factor - strength_factor) * 0.025;
class PropsWindCell
array<PropData@> prop_list;
PropsWindCell(int x, int y, float cell_size, dictionary props)
scene@ g = get_scene();
const float cx = x * cell_size;
const float cy = y * cell_size;
const int prop_count = g.get_prop_collision(
cy, cy + cell_size,
cx, cx + cell_size
for(int i = 0; i < prop_count; i++)
prop@ p = g.get_prop_collision_index(i);
const string key = p.prop_set() + "/" + p.prop_group() + "/" + p.prop_index();
PropSettings@ settings = cast<PropSettings>(props[key]);
if(settings is null) continue;
prop_list.insertLast(PropData(p, settings));
void step(float t, float wind_strength)
const uint count = prop_list.length();
for(uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
PropData@ data = prop_list[i];
prop@ p = data.prop;
const float pr = (sin(p.x() + p.y()) * 0.25 + 1) * data.settings.wind_speed;
const float wind = sin(t * pr + (p.x() + p.y()) * 0.1f) * wind_strength * data.settings.wind_strength;
p.rotation(data.rotation + wind);
class PropSettings
float wind_strength;
float wind_speed;
PropSettings(float wind_strength=1, float wind_speed=1)
this.wind_strength = wind_strength;
this.wind_speed = wind_speed;
class PropData
uint id;
float rotation;
PropSettings@ settings;
prop@ prop = null;
PropData(prop@ p, PropSettings@ settings)
@this.prop = p;
id =;
rotation = p.rotation();
@this.settings = settings;
class Windtrigger : trigger_base
[text] float strength = 1;
[text] float speed = 1;
void init(script@ s, scripttrigger@ self)
void activate(controllable@ e)
for(uint i = 0; i < num_cameras(); i++)
entity@ player = controller_entity(i);
if(@player != null and e.is_same(player))
message@ msg = create_message();
msg.set_float("strength", strength);
msg.set_float("speed", speed);
broadcast_message("wind_strength", msg);
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