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Created March 25, 2020 03:00
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Read USB Camera in Nvidia Jetson TX2 Development Board
from PIL import Image
import sys
import os
import pdb
import urllib
from posix_ipc import *
from mmap import *
import subprocess
# Python modules
import mmap
import os
import sys
import hashlib
# 3rd party modules
import posix_ipc
# globals
ipc = {}
ipc['app2py'] = None
ipc['py2app'] = None
ipc['shm_app2py'] = None
ipc['shm_py2app'] = None
# ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
def ipc_init():
global ipc
# Semaphore(name, [flags = 0, [mode = 0600, [initial_value = 0]]])
# Creates a new semaphore or opens an existing one.
ipc['app2py'] = Semaphore("/ipc_app2py", flags=O_CREAT)
ipc['py2app'] = Semaphore("/ipc_py2app", flags=O_CREAT)
# SharedMemory(name, [flags = 0, [mode = 0600, ]]])
# Creates a new shared memory segment or opens an existing one.
ipc['shm_app2py'] = SharedMemory("/ipc_shm_app2py", flags=O_CREAT,
ipc['shm_py2app'] = SharedMemory("/ipc_shm_py2app", flags=O_CREAT,
# ----- ----- -----
# spawn the camera server + rendering process
'-d', '/dev/video4'])
def ipc_pend():
global ipc
print("ipc: waiting...")
# ex) acquire([timeout = None])
# Waits (conditionally) until the semaphore's value is > 0
# and then returns, decrementing the semaphore.
print("ipc: got event!")
# Read at most n bytes from file descriptor fd.
# Return a string containing the bytes read.
data =['shm_app2py'].fd, 300 * 300 * 5 * 3)
# Set the current position of file descriptor fd to position pos,
# modified by how: SEEK_SET or 0 to set the position relative
os.lseek(ipc['shm_app2py'].fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET)
img = Image.frombytes('RGB', (1500,300), data)
return img
def ipc_post(buf):
global ipc
print("ipc: posting...")
os.lseek(ipc['shm_py2app'].fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET)
os.write(ipc['shm_py2app'].fd, buf)
# ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
def main():
imgs = [None] * 5
while True:
image = ipc_pend();
# Loading and Preprocessing Image
py2app_response_arr = []
ipc_post(bytearray(np.array(py2app_response_arr, dtype=np.float32)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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