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❯ npm test tests/fixtures.test.ts
> @ryangjchandler/prettier-plugin-blade@ test /Users/crcarter/src/prettier-plugin-blade
> jest "tests/fixtures.test.ts"
FAIL tests/fixtures.test.ts
✕ comment/basic.blade.php (262 ms)
✕ comment/escaped.blade.php (6 ms)
✕ components/component-directive.blade.php (24 ms)
✓ components/component-namespace-tag-no-closing.blade.php (5 ms)

Downloading Photos and Videos from a LeapPad2 onto a Raspberry Pi

The Problem

In some dark corner of the house, I found an old LeapPad2 that hadn't been used for years. Before sending it to Goodwill, I wanted to wipe any data off of it, but before I could get to that, I found a number of old photos on the it. The OEM software (LeapFrog Connect) would download some of them, but not all of them. Do we have any other options for saving these crude, blurry, sentimental photos and videos?!


I am not an expert in USB devices, nor embedded Linux, nor even Linux. This worked for me, and I'm writing it up in case it works for someone else, but if you try it and run into a problem, there is functionally no chance that I will be able to help you. Please proceed at your own caution.

(lldb) bt all
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
* frame #0: 0x00000001005bd3f6 ObjectiveGit`git__strncasecmp(a=".php", b="AndObjectProperty.php", sz=4) at util.c:236
frame #1: 0x0000000100572c34 ObjectiveGit`git_path_cmp(name1="ObjectWithXmlNamespaces.php", len1=27, isdir1=0, name2="ObjectWithXmlNamespacesAndObjectProperty.php", len2=44, isdir2=0, compare=(ObjectiveGit`git__strncasecmp at util.c:231)) at path.c:843
frame #2: 0x000000010053cf9d ObjectiveGit`tree_entry_cmp(a=0x0000000102ab6a60, b=0x0000000102ab6a78, icase=true) at iterator.c:475
frame #3: 0x000000010053d8d8 ObjectiveGit`tree_iterator_entry_sort_icase(ptr_a=0x00000001029b3b30, ptr_b=0x00000001029b3b40) at iterator.c:503
frame #4: 0x00000001005bc4b2 ObjectiveGit`tsort_r_cmp(a=0x00000001029b3b30, b=0x00000001029b3b40, payload=0x000000010053d8a0) at tsort.c:378
frame #5: 0x00000001005bbb4b ObjectiveGit`count_run(dst=0x00000001122ad730, start=0, size=97, store=0x00007fff5fbf6fb0) at tsor
claytonrcarter /
Last active April 27, 2024 04:09
Bash script to check GitLab pipeline status

A super simple bash script to check the status of a GitLab CI pipeline.

$ git push
$ git pipeline-status
Status of last pipeline for user/project on gitlab/master:
$ git pipeline-status
claytonrcarter /
Last active June 8, 2023 05:42
Share named routes between Laravel and Javascript

Share named routes between Laravel and Javascript

This is a 2-part technique to share named routes between Laravel and Javascript. It uses a custom artisan command to export your named routes to JSON, and a Javascript route() helper to lookup the route and fill in any parameters. Written for Laravel 5.3; not tested in 5.4.


1. Install RouteJson.php

Copy RouteJson.php into your app as app/Console/Commands/RouteJson.php

Process: OpenEmu [72678]
Path: /Applications/
Identifier: org.openemu.OpenEmu
Version: 2.0.4 (2.0.4)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: OpenEmu [72678]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2017-01-12 15:39:28.419 -0500
claytonrcarter / 1482943384037.log
Last active December 28, 2016 16:50
Atom console dump of socket error in php-integrator-base
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
::shadow pseudo-element is deprecated. See for more details.
Loading Emmet extensions from ~/emmet
Emmet: no such extension folder: /Users/crcarter/emmet
/deep/ combinator is deprecated. See for more details.
The PHP server has something to say: Starting socket server on port 14590...
Debug message: creating socket connection.
Missing config file save-commands.json on the path
php-integrator-base - Indexing: 244.317ms
claytonrcarter / gutter.png
Last active February 26, 2022 20:14
Atom: highlight git changed/modified lines in the gutter background