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Created November 15, 2014 14:42
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def minor_tables
nil => {
1..4 => "Armor and shields",
5..9 => "Weapons",
10..44 => "Potions",
45..46 => "Rings",
47..81 => "Scrolls",
82..91 => "Wands",
92..100 => "Wondrous items"
"Armor and shields" => {
1..60 => "+1 shield",
61..80 => "+1 armor",
81..85 => "+2 shield",
86..87 => "+2 armor",
88..89 => "Specific armor",
90..91 => "Specific shield",
92..100 => "Special ability and roll again"
"Special armor" => {
1..25 => "Glamered",
26..32 => "Fortification, light",
33..52 => "Slick",
53..92 => "Shadow",
93..96 => "Spell resistance (13)",
97..97 => "Slick, improved",
98..99 => "Shadow, improved",
100..100 => "Roll twice again"
"Special shield" => {
1..20 => "Arrow catching",
21..40 => "Bashing",
41..50 => "Blinding",
51..75 => "Fortification, light",
76..92 => "Arrow deflection",
93..97 => "Animated",
98..99 => "Spell resistance (13)",
100..100 => "Roll twice again"
"Specific armor" => {
1..50 => "Mithral shirt",
51..80 => "Dragonhide plate",
81..100 => "Elven chain"
"Specific shield" => {
1..30 => "Darkwood buckler",
31..80 => "Darkwood shield",
81..95 => "Mithral heavy shield",
96..100 => "Caster’s shield"
"Weapons" => {
1..70 => "+1",
71..85 => "+2",
86..90 => "Specific weapon",
91..100 => "Special weapon ability and roll again"
"Special melee weapon" => {
1..10 => "Bane",
11..17 => "Defending",
18..27 => "Flaming",
28..37 => "Frost",
38..47 => "Shock",
48..56 => "Ghost touch",
57..67 => "Keen",
68..71 => "Ki Focus",
72..75 => "Merciful",
76..82 => "Mighty cleaving",
83..87 => "Spell storing",
88..91 => "Throwing",
92..95 => "Thundering",
96..99 => "Vicious",
100..100 => "Roll again twice"
"Special ranged weapon" => {
1..12 => "Bane",
13..25 => "Distance",
26..40 => "Flaming",
41..55 => "Frost",
56..60 => "Merciful",
61..68 => "Returning",
69..83 => "Shock",
84..93 => "Seeking",
94..99 => "Thundering",
100..100 => "Roll again twice"
"Bane" => {
1..5 => "Aberrations",
6..9 => "Animals",
10..16 => "Constructs",
17..22 => "Dragons",
23..27 => "Fey",
28..60 => "Humanoids (pick one subtype)",
61..65 => "Magical beasts",
66..70 => "Monstrous humanoids",
71..72 => "Oozes",
73..88 => "Outsiders (pick one subtype)",
89..90 => "Plants",
91..98 => "Undead",
99..100 => "Vermin"
"Specific weapon" => {
1..15 => "Sleep arrow",
16..25 => "Screaming bolt",
26..45 => "Silver dagger, masterwork",
46..65 => "Cold iron longsword, masterwork",
66..75 => "Javelin of lightning",
76..80 => "Slaying arrow",
81..90 => "Adamantine dagger",
91..100 => "Adamantine battleaxe"
"Slaying arrow" => {
1..5 => "Aberrations",
6..9 => "Animals",
10..16 => "Constructs",
17..27 => "Dragons",
28..32 => "Fey",
33..33 => "Humanoids, aquatic",
34..35 => "Humanoids, dwarf",
36..37 => "Humanoids, elf",
38..44 => "Humanoids, giant",
45..45 => "Humanoids, gnoll",
46..46 => "Humanoids, gnome",
47..49 => "Humanoids, goblinoid",
50..50 => "Humanoids, halfling",
51..54 => "Humanoids, human",
55..57 => "Humanoids, reptilian",
58..60 => "Humanoids, orc",
61..65 => "Magical beasts",
66..70 => "Monstrous humanoids",
71..72 => "Oozes",
73..73 => "Outsiders, air",
74..76 => "Outsiders, chaotic",
77..77 => "Outsiders, earth",
78..80 => "Outsiders, evil",
81..81 => "Outsiders, fire",
82..84 => "Outsiders, good",
85..87 => "Outsiders, lawful",
88..88 => "Outsiders, water",
89..90 => "Plants",
91..98 => "Undead",
99..100 => "Vermin"
"Potions" => {
1..20 => "0 Level",
21..60 => "1st Level",
61..100 => "2nd Level"
"Rings" => {
1..18 => "Protection +1",
19..28 => "Feather falling",
29..36 => "Sustenance",
37..44 => "Climbing",
45..52 => "Jumping",
53..60 => "Swimming",
61..70 => "Counterspells",
71..75 => "Mind shielding",
76..80 => "Protection +2",
81..85 => "Force shieldr",
86..90 => "Ram, the",
91..93 => "Animal friendship",
94..96 => "Energy resistance, minor",
97..98 => "Chameleon power",
99..100 => "Water walking"
"Scrolls" => {
1..5 => "0 Level",
6..50 => "1st Level",
51..95 => "2nd Level",
96..100 => "3rd Level"
"Wands" => {
1..5 => "0 Level",
6..60 => "1st Level",
61..100 => "2nd Level"
"Wondrous items" => {
1..1 => "Feather token, anchor",
2..2 => "Universal solvent",
3..3 => "Elixir of love",
4..4 => "Unguent of timelessness",
5..5 => "Feather token, fan",
6..6 => "Dust of tracelessness",
7..7 => "Elixir of hiding",
8..8 => "Elixir of tumbling",
9..9 => "Elixir of swimming",
10..10 => "Elixir of vision",
11..11 => "Silversheen",
12..12 => "Feather token, bird",
13..13 => "Feather token, tree",
14..14 => "Feather token, swan boat",
15..15 => "Elixir of truth",
16..16 => "Feather token, whip",
17..17 => "Dust of dryness",
18..18 => "Hand of the mage",
19..19 => "Bracers of armor +1",
20..20 => "Cloak of resistance +1",
21..21 => "Pearl of power, 1st-level spell",
22..22 => "Phylactery of faithfulness",
23..23 => "Salve of slipperiness",
24..24 => "Elixir of fire breath",
25..25 => "Pipes of the sewers",
26..26 => "Dust of illusion",
27..27 => "Brooch of shielding",
28..28 => "Necklace of fireballs type I",
29..29 => "Dust of appearance",
30..30 => "Hat of disguise",
31..31 => "Pipes of sounding",
32..32 => "Efficient quiver",
33..33 => "Amulet of natural armor +1",
34..34 => "Handy haversack",
35..35 => "Horn o fog",
36..36 => "Elemental gem",
37..37 => "Robe of bones",
38..38 => "Sovereign glue",
39..39 => "Bag of holding, type I",
40..40 => "Boots of elvinkind",
41..41 => "Boots of the winterlands",
42..42 => "Candle of truth",
43..43 => "Cloak of elvenkind",
44..44 => "Eyes of the eagle",
45..45 => "Goggles of minute seeing",
46..46 => "Scarab, golembane",
47..47 => "Necklace of fireballs type II",
48..48 => "Stone of alarm",
49..49 => "Bead of force",
50..50 => "Chime of opening",
51..51 => "Horseshoes of speed",
52..52 => "Rope of climbing",
53..53 => "Bag of tricks, gray",
54..54 => "Dust of disappearance",
55..55 => "Lens of detection",
56..56 => "Vestment, druid's",
57..57 => "Figurine of wondrous power, silver raven",
58..58 => "Belt of giant strength +2",
59..59 => "Belt of incredible dexterity +2",
60..60 => "Belt of mighty constitution +2",
61..61 => "Bracers of armor +2",
62..62 => "Cloak of resistance +2",
63..63 => "Gloves of arrow snaring",
64..64 => "Headband of alluring charisma +2",
65..65 => "Headband of inspired wisdom +2",
66..66 => "Headband of vast intelligence +2",
67..67 => "Ioun stone, clear spindle",
68..68 => "Restorative ointment",
69..69 => "Marvelous pigments",
70..70 => "Pearl of power, 2nd-level spell",
71..71 => "Stone salve",
72..72 => "Necklace of fireballs type III",
73..73 => "Circlet of persuasion",
74..74 => "Slippers of spider climbing",
75..75 => "Incense of meditation",
76..76 => "Amulet of mighty fists +1",
77..77 => "Bag of holding type II",
78..78 => "Bracers of archery, lesser",
79..79 => "Ioun stone, dusty rose prism",
80..80 => "Helm of comprehend languages and read magic",
81..81 => "Vest of escape",
82..82 => "Eversmoking bottle",
83..83 => "Sustaining spoon",
84..84 => "Necklace of fireballs type IV",
85..85 => "Boots of striding and springing",
86..86 => "Wind fan",
87..87 => "Necklace of fireballs type V",
88..88 => "Horseshoes of a zephyr",
89..89 => "Pipes of haunting",
90..90 => "Gloves of swimming and climbing",
91..91 => "Crown of blasting, minor",
92..92 => "Horn of goodness/evil",
93..93 => "Robe of useful items",
94..94 => "Boat, folding",
95..95 => "Cloak of the manta ray",
96..96 => "Bottle of air",
97..97 => "Bag of holding, type III",
98..98 => "Periapt of health",
99..99 => "Boots of levitation",
100..100 => "Harp of charming"
def roll_die(sides)
def coin_flip
def choose_from_table(table)
die = roll_die(100)
choices = table.keys
i = 0
while i < choices.size
if choices[i].include?(die)
return table[choices[i]]
i = i + 1
i = 0
a = 0
total = 0
while i < 3
total = total + rand(1..4)
i = i + 1
while a < total
i = 0
choice = choose_from_table(minor_tables[nil])
puts "The category is #{choice}."
item = choose_from_table(minor_tables[choice])
puts "The item is #{item}."
if choice == "Armor and shields"
if item == "Specific armor" or item == "Specific shield"
armor = choose_from_table(minor_tables[item])
if item == "Special ability and roll again"
armor = choose_from_table(minor_tables["Armor and shields"])
if armor == "armor +1" or armor == "armor +2" or armor == "Specific armor"
spec = "Special armor"
spec = "Special shield"
special = choose_from_table(minor_tables[spec])
if armor != nil
puts armor
if special != nil
puts special
armor = nil
special = nil
if choice == "Weapons"
coin = coin_flip
if item == "Specific weapon"
weapon = choose_from_table(minor_tables["Specific weapon"])
if weapon == "Slaying arrow"
slay = chooose_from_table(minor_tables["Slaying arrow"])
if item == "Special weapon ability and roll again"
weapon = choose_from_table(minor_tables["Weapons"])
puts weapon
if coin == 0
spec = "Special melee weapon"
spec = "Special ranged weapon"
weapon = choose_from_table(minor_tables[spec])
if weapon == "Bane"
bane = choose_from_table(minor_tables["Bane"])
if bane != nil
puts bane
if weapon != nil
puts weapon
if slay != nil
puts slay
weapon = nil
bane = nil
slay = nil
a = a + 1
def med_tables
nil => {
1..10 => "Armor and Shields",
11..20 => "Weapons",
21..30 => "Potions",
31..40 => "Rings",
41..50 => "Rods",
51..65 => "Scrolls",
66..68 => "Staves",
69..83 => "Wands",
84..100 => "Wondrous Items"
"Armor and Shields" => {
1..5 => "+1 shield",
6..10 => "+1 armor",
11..20 => "+2 shield",
21..30 => "+2 armor",
31..40 => "+3 shield",
41..50 => "+3 armor",
51..55 => "+4 shield",
56..57 => "+4 armor",
58..60 => "Specific armor",
61..63 => "Specific shield",
64..100 => "Special ability and roll again"
"Special armor" => {
1..5 => "Glamered",
6..8 => "Fortification, light",
9..11 => "Slick",
12..17 => "Shadow",
18..19 => "Spell resistance (13)",
20..29 => "Slick, improved",
30..49 => "Shadow, improved",
50..74 => "Energy resistance",
75..79 => "Ghost touch",
80..84 => "Invulnerability",
85..89 => "Fortification, moderate",
90..94 => "Spell resistance (15)",
95..99 => "Wild",
100..100 => "Roll twice again"
"Special shield" => {
1..10 => "Arrow catching",
11..20 => "Bashing",
21..25 => "Blinding",
26..40 => "Fortification, light",
41..50 => "Arrow deflection",
51..57 => "Animated",
58..59 => "Spell resistance (13)",
60..79 => "Energy resistance",
80..85 => "Ghost touch",
86..95 => "Fortification, moderate",
96..98 => "Spell resistance (15)",
99..99 => "Wild",
100..100 => "Roll twice again"
"Specific armor" => {
1..25 => "Mithral shirt",
26..45 => "Dragonhide plate",
46..57 => "Elven chain",
58..67 => "Rhino hide",
68..82 => "Adamantine breastplate",
83..97 => "Dwarven plate",
98..100 => "Banded mail of luck"
"Specific shield" => {
1..20 => "Darkwood buckler",
21..45 => "Darkwood shield",
46..70 => "Mithral heavy shield",
71..85 => "Caster’s shield",
86..90 => "Spined shield",
91..95 => "Lion’s shield",
96..100 => "Winged shield"
"Weapons" => {
1..10 => "+1",
11..29 => "+2",
30..58 => "+3",
59..62 => "+4",
63..68 => "Specific weapon",
69..100 => "Special weapon ability and roll again"
"Special melee weapon" => {
1..6 => "Bane",
7..12 => "Defending",
13..19 => "Flaming",
20..26 => "Frost",
27..33 => "Shock",
34..38 => "Ghost touch",
39..44 => "Keen",
45..48 => "Ki Focus",
49..50 => "Merciful",
51..54 => "Mighty cleaving",
55..59 => "Spell storing",
60..63 => "Throwing",
64..65 => "Thundering",
66..69 => "Vicious",
70..72 => "Anarchic",
73..75 => "Axiomatic",
76..78 => "Disruption",
79..81 => "Flaming burst",
82..84 => "Icy burst",
85..87 => "Holy",
88..90 => "Shocking burst",
91..93 => "Unholy",
94..95 => "Wounding",
96..100 => "Roll again twice"
"Special ranged weapon" => {
1..8 => "Bane",
9..16 => "Distance",
17..28 => "Flaming",
29..40 => "Frost",
41..42 => "Merciful",
43..47 => "Returning",
48..59 => "Shock",
60..64 => "Seeking",
65..68 => "Thundering",
69..71 => "Anarchic",
72..74 => "Axiomatic",
75..79 => "Flaming burst",
80..82 => "Holy",
83..87 => "Icy burst",
88..92 => "Shocking burst",
93..95 => "Unholy",
96..100 => "Roll again twice"
"Specific weapon" => {
1..9 => "Javelin of lightning",
10..15 => "Slaying arrow",
16..24 => "Adamantine dagger",
25..33 => "Adamantine battleaxe",
34..37 => "Slaying arrow (greater)",
38..40 => "Shatterspike",
41..46 => "Dagger of venom",
47..51 => "Trident of warning",
52..57 => "Assassin’s dagger",
58..62 => "Shifter’s sorrow",
63..66 => "Trident of fish command",
67..74 => "Flame tongue",
75..79 => "Luck blade (o wishes)",
80..86 => "Sword of subtlety",
87..91 => "Sword of the planes",
92..95 => "Nine lives stealer",
96..98 => "Oathbow",
99..100 => "Sword of life stealing",
"Slaying arrow" => {
1..5 => "Aberrations",
6..9 => "Animals",
10..16 => "Constructs",
17..27 => "Dragons",
28..32 => "Fey",
33..33 => "Humanoids, aquatic",
34..35 => "Humanoids, dwarf",
36..37 => "Humanoids, elf",
38..44 => "Humanoids, giant",
45..45 => "Humanoids, gnoll",
46..46 => "Humanoids, gnome",
47..49 => "Humanoids, goblinoid",
50..50 => "Humanoids, halfling",
51..54 => "Humanoids, human",
55..57 => "Humanoids, reptilian",
58..60 => "Humanoids, orc",
61..65 => "Magical beasts",
66..70 => "Monstrous humanoids",
71..72 => "Oozes",
73..73 => "Outsiders, air",
74..76 => "Outsiders, chaotic",
77..77 => "Outsiders, earth",
78..80 => "Outsiders, evil",
81..81 => "Outsiders, fire",
82..84 => "Outsiders, good",
85..87 => "Outsiders, lawful",
88..88 => "Outsiders, water",
89..90 => "Plants",
91..98 => "Undead",
99..100 => "Vermin"
"Slaying arrow (greater)" => {
1..5 => "Aberrations",
6..9 => "Animals",
10..16 => "Constructs",
17..27 => "Dragons",
28..32 => "Fey",
33..33 => "Humanoids, aquatic",
34..35 => "Humanoids, dwarf",
36..37 => "Humanoids, elf",
38..44 => "Humanoids, giant",
45..45 => "Humanoids, gnoll",
46..46 => "Humanoids, gnome",
47..49 => "Humanoids, goblinoid",
50..50 => "Humanoids, halfling",
51..54 => "Humanoids, human",
55..57 => "Humanoids, reptilian",
58..60 => "Humanoids, orc",
61..65 => "Magical beasts",
66..70 => "Monstrous humanoids",
71..72 => "Oozes",
73..73 => "Outsiders, air",
74..76 => "Outsiders, chaotic",
77..77 => "Outsiders, earth",
78..80 => "Outsiders, evil",
81..81 => "Outsiders, fire",
82..84 => "Outsiders, good",
85..87 => "Outsiders, lawful",
88..88 => "Outsiders, water",
89..90 => "Plants",
91..98 => "Undead",
99..100 => "Vermin"
"Potions" => {
1..20 => "1st Level",
21..60 => "2nd Level",
61..100 => "3rd Level"
"Rings" => {
1..5 => "Counterspells",
6..8 => "Mind shielding",
9..18 => "Protection +2",
19..23 => "Force shield",
24..28 => "Ram, the",
29..34 => "Climbing, improved",
35..40 => "Jumping, improved",
41..46 => "Swimming, improved",
47..50 => "Animal friendship",
51..56 => "Energy resistance, minor",
57..61 => "Chameleon power",
62..66 => "Water walking",
67..71 => "Protection +3",
72..76 => "Spell storing, minor",
77..81 => "Invisibility",
82..85 => "Wizardry (I)",
86..90 => "Evasion",
91..93 => "X-ray vision",
94..97 => "Blinking",
98..100 => "Energy resistance, major"
"Rods" => {
1..7 => "Metamagic, Enlarge, lesser",
8..14 => "Metamagic, Extend, lesser",
15..21 => "Metamagic, Silent, lesser",
22..28 => "Immovable",
29..35 => "Metamagic, Empower, lesser",
36..42 => "Metal and mineral detection",
43..53 => "Cancellation",
54..57 => "Metamagic, Enlarge",
58..61 => "Metamagic, Extend",
62..65 => "Metamagic, Silent",
66..71 => "Wonder",
72..79 => "Python",
80..83 => "Metamagic, Maximize, lesser",
84..89 => "Flame extinguishing",
90..97 => "Viper",
98..99 => "Metamagic, Empower",
100..100 => "Metamagic, Quicken, lesser"
"Wonder" => {
1..5 => "Slow target for 10 rounds (Will DC 15 negates)",
6..10 => "Faerie fire surrounds the target",
11..15 => "Deludes wielder for 1 round into believing the rod functions as indicated by a second die roll (no save)",
16..20 => "Gust of wind, but at windstorm force (Fortitude DC 14 negates)",
21..25 => "Wielder learns target’s surface thoughts (as with detect thoughts) for 1d4 rounds (no save)",
26..30 => "Stinking cloud appears at 30-ft. range (Fortitude DC 15 negates)",
31..33 => "Heavy rain falls for 1 round in 60-ft. radius centered on rod wielder",
34..36 => "Summon an animal--a rhino (01-25 on d%), elephant (26-50), or mouse (51-100)",
37..46 => "Lightning bolt (70 ft. long, 5 ft. wide), 6d6 damage (Reflex DC 15 half)",
47..49 => "A stream of 600 large butterflies pours forth and flutters around for 2 rounds, blinding everyone within 25 ft. (Reflex DC 14 negates)",
50..53 => "Enlarge person on target if within 60 ft. of rod (Fortitude DC 13 negates)",
54..58 => "Darkness, 30-ft.-diameter hemisphere, centered 30 ft. away from rod",
59..62 => "Grass grows in 160-square-ft. area before the rod, or grass existing there grows to 10 times normal size",
63..65 => "Turn ethereal any nonliving object of up to 1,000 lbs. mass and up to 30 cubic ft. in size",
66..69 => "Reduce wielder two size categories (no save) for 1 day",
70..79 => "Fireball at target or 100 ft. straight ahead, 6d6 damage (Reflex DC 15 half)",
80..84 => "Invisibility covers rod wielder",
85..87 => "Leaves grow from target if within 60 ft. of rod. These last 24 hours.",
88..90 => "10-40 gems, value 1 gp each, shoot forth in a 30-ft.-long stream. Each gem deals 1 point of damage to any creature in its path: roll 5d4 for the number of hits and divide them among the available targets",
91..95 => "Shimmering colors dance and play over a 40-ft.-by-30-ft. area in front of rod. Creatures therein are blinded for 1d6 rounds (Fortitude DC 15 negates)",
96..97 => "Wielder (50% chance) or target (50% chance) turns permanently blue, green, or purple (no save)",
98..100 => "Flesh to stone or stone to flesh if target is stone already (Fortitude DC 18 negates)"
"Scrolls" => {
1..5 => "2nd Level",
6..65 => "3rd Level",
66..95 => "4th Level",
96..100 => "5th Level"
"Staves" => {
1..15 => "Charming",
16..30 => "Fire",
31..40 => "Swarming insects",
41..55 => "Size alteration",
56..75 => "Healing",
76..90 => "Frost",
91..95 => "Illumination",
96..100 => "Defense"
"Wands" => {
1..60 => "2nd Level",
61..100 => "3rd Level"
"Wondrous Items" => {
1..1 => "Amulet of natural armor +2",
2..2=> "Golem manual, flesh",
3..3 => "Hand of glory",
4..4 => "Ioun stone, deep red sphere",
5..5 => "Ioun stone, incandescent blue sphere",
6..6 => "Ioun stone, pale blue rhomboid",
7..7 => "Ioun stone, pink and green sphere",
8..8 => "Ioun stone, pink rhomboid",
9..9 => "Ioun stone, scarlet and blue sphere",
10..10 => "Deck of illusions",
11..11 => "Necklace of fireballs type VI",
12..12 => "Candle of invocation",
13..13 => "Robe of blending",
14..14 => "Bag of tricks, rust",
15..15 => "Necklace of fireballs type VII",
16..16 => "Bracers of armor +3",
17..17 => "Cloak of resistance +3",
18..18 => "Decanter of endless water",
19..19 => "Necklace of adaptation",
20..20 => "Pearl of power, 3rd-level spell",
21..21 => "Figurine of wondrous power, serpentine owl",
22..22 => "Strand of prayer beads, lesser",
23..23 => "Bag of holding type IV",
24..24 => "Belt of physical might +2",
25..25 => "Figurine of wondrous power, bronze griffon",
26..26 => "Figurine of wondrous power, ebony fly",
27..27 => "Gloves of storing",
28..28 => "Headband of mental prowess +2",
29..29 => "Ioun stone, dark blue rhomboid",
30..30 => "Cape of the mountebank",
31..31 => "Phylactery of negative channeling",
32..32 => "Phylactery of positive channeling",
33..33 => "Guantlet of rust",
34..34 => "Boots of speed",
35..35 => "Goggles of night",
36..36 => "Golem manuel, clay",
37..37 => "Medallion of thoughts",
38..38 => "Blessed book",
39..39 => "Gem of brightness",
40..40 => "Lyre of building",
41..41 => "Robe, Monk's",
42..42 => "Cloak of arachnida",
43..43 => "Belt of dwarvenkind",
44..44 => "Periapt of wound closure",
45..45 => "Pearl of the sirines",
46..46 => "Figurine of wondrous power, onyx dog",
47..47 => "Bag of tricks, tan",
48..48 => "Belt of giant strength +4",
49..49 => "Belt of incredible dexterity +4",
50..50 => "Belt of mighty constitution +4",
51..51 => "Belt of physical perfection +2",
52..52 => "Boots, winged",
53..53 => "Bracers of armor +4",
54..54 => "Cloak of resistance +4",
55..55 => "Headband of alluring charisma +4",
56..56 => "Headband of inspired wisdom +4",
57..57 => "Headband of mental superiority +2",
58..58 => "Headband of vast intelligence +4",
59..59 => "Pearl of power, 4th-level spell",
60..60 => "Scabbard of keen edges",
61..61 => "Figurine of wondrous power, golden lions",
62..62 => "Chime of interruption",
63..63 => "Broom of flying",
64..64 => "Figurie of wondrous power, marble elephant",
65..65 => "Amulet of natural armor +3",
66..66 => "Ioun stone, iridescent spindle",
67..67 => "Bracelet of friends",
68..68 => "Amulet of mighty fists +2",
69..69 => "Carpet of flying, 5 ft. by 5ft.",
70..70 => "Horn of blasting",
71..71 => "Ioun stone, pale lavender ellipsoid",
72..72 => "Ioun stone, pearly white spindle",
73..73 => "Portable hole",
74..74 => "Stone of good luck (luckstone)",
75..75 => "Figurine of wondrous power, ivory goats",
76..76 => "Rope of entanglement",
77..77 => "Golem manual, stone",
78..78 => "Mask of the skull",
79..79 => "Mattock of the titans",
80..80 => "Crown of blasting, major",
81..81 => "Cloak of displacement, minor",
82..82 => "Helm of underwater action",
83..83 => "Bracers of archery, greater",
84..84 => "Bracers of armor +5",
85..85 => "Cloak of resistance +5",
86..86 => "Eyes of doom",
87..87 => "Pearl of power, 5th-level spell",
88..88 => "Maul of the titans",
89..89 => "Cloak of the bat",
90..90 => "Iron bands of binding",
91..91 => "Cube of frost resistance",
92..92 => "Helm of telepathy",
93..93 => "Periapt of proof against poison",
94..94 => "Robe of scintillating colors",
95..95 => "Manual of bodily health +1",
96..96 => "Manual of gainful exercise +1",
97..97=> "Manual of quickness in action +1",
98..98 => "Tome of clear thought +1",
99..99 => "Tome of leadership and influence +1",
100..100 => "Tome of understanding +1"
a = 0
dice = roll_die(6)
total = dice
while a < total
choice = choose_from_table(med_tables[nil])
puts "The category is #{choice}."
item = choose_from_table(med_tables[choice])
puts "The item is #{item}."
if choice == "Armor and Shields"
if item == "Specific armor" or item == "Specific shield"
armor = choose_from_table(med_tables[item])
if item == "Special ability and roll again"
armor = choose_from_table(med_tables["Armor and Shields"])
if armor == "+1 armor" or armor == "+2 armor" or armor == "+3 armor" or armor == "+4 armor" or armor == "Specific armor"
spec = "Special armor"
spec = "Special shield"
special = choose_from_table(med_tables[spec])
if armor != nil
puts armor
if special != nil
puts special
armor = nil
special = nil
if choice == "Weapons"
coin = coin_flip
if item == "Specific weapon"
weapon = choose_from_table(med_tables["Specific weapon"])
if weapon == "Slaying arrow" or weapon == "Slaying arrow (greater)"
slay = choose_from_table(med_tables[weapon])
if item == "Special weapon ability and roll again"
weapon = choose_from_table(med_tables["Weapons"])
puts weapon
if coin == 0
spec = "Special melee weapon"
spec = "Special ranged weapon"
weapon = choose_from_table(med_tables[spec])
if weapon == "Bane"
bane = choose_from_table(minor_tables["Bane"])
if bane != nil
puts bane
if weapon != nil
puts weapon
if slay != nil
puts slay
weapon = nil
bane = nil
slay = nil
if item == "Wonder"
rod = choose_from_table(med_tables["Wonder"])
if rod != nil
puts rod
rod = nil
a = a + 1
def major_tables
nil => {
1..10 => "Armor and shields",
11..20 => "Weapons",
21..25 => "Potions",
26..35 => "Rings",
36..45 => "Rods",
46..55 => "Scrolls",
56..75 => "Staves",
76..80 => "Wands",
81..100 => "Wondrous item"
"Armor and shields" => {
1..8 => "+3 shield",
9..16 => "+3 armor",
17..27 => "+4 shield",
28..38 => "+4 armor",
39..49 => "+5 shield",
50..57 => "+5 armor",
58..60 => "Specific armor",
61..63 => "Specific shield",
64..100 => "Special ability and roll again"
"Special armor" => {
1..3 => "Glamered",
4..4 => "Fortification, light",
5..7 => "Slick, improved",
8..13 => "Shadow, improved",
14..28 => "Energy resistance",
29..33 => "Ghost touch",
34..35 => "Invulnerability",
36..40 => "Fortification, moderate",
41..42 => "Spell resistance (15)",
43..43 => "Wild",
44..48 => "Slick, greater",
49..58 => "Shadow, greater",
59..83 => "Energy resistance,improved",
84..88 => "Spell resistance (17)",
89..89 => "Etherealness",
90..90 => "Undead controlling",
91..92 => "Fortification, heavy",
93..94 => "Spell resistance (19)",
95..99 => "Energy resistance, greater",
100..100 => "Roll twice again"
"Special shield" => {
1..5 => "Arrow catching",
6..8 => "Bashing",
9..10 => "Blinding",
11..15 => "Fortification, light",
16..20 => "Arrow deflection",
21..25 => "Animated",
26..41 => "Energy resistance",
42..46 => "Ghost touch",
47..56 => "Fortification, moderate",
57..58 => "Spell resistance (15)",
59..59 => "Wild",
60..84 => "Energy resistance, improved",
85..86 => "Spell resistance (17)",
87..87 => "Undead controlling",
88..91 => "Fortification, heavy",
92..93 => "Reflecting",
94..94 => "Spell resistance (19)",
95..99 => "Energy resistance, greater",
100..100 => "Roll twice again"
"Specific armor" => {
1..10 => "Adamantine breastplate",
11..20 => "Dwarven plate",
21..32 => "Banded mail of luck",
33..50 => "Celestial armor",
51..60 => "Plate armor of the deep",
61..75 => "Breastplate of command",
76..90 => "Mithral full plate of speed",
91..100 => "Demon armor"
"Specific shield" => {
1..20 => "Caster’s shield",
21..40 => "Spined shield",
41..60 => "Lion’s shield",
61..90 => "Winged shield",
91..100 => "Absorbing shield"
"Weapons" => {
1..20 => "+3",
21..38 => "+4",
39..49 => "+5",
50..63 => "Specific weapon",
64..100 => "Special weapon ability and roll again"
"Special melee weapon" => {
1..3 => "Bane",
4..6 => "Flaming",
7..9 => "Frost",
10..12 => "Shock",
13..15 => "Ghost touch",
16..19 => "Ki Focus",
20..21 => "Mighty cleaving",
22..24 => "Spell storing",
25..28 => "Throwing",
29..32 => "Thundering",
33..36 => "Vicious",
37..41 => "Anarchic",
42..46 => "Axiomatic",
47..49 => "Disruption",
50..54 => "Flaming burst",
55..59 => "Icy burst",
60..64 => "Holy",
65..69 => "Shocking burst",
70..74 => "Unholy",
75..78 => "Wounding",
79..83 => "Speed",
84..86 => "Brilliant energy",
87..88 => "Dancing",
89..90 => "Vorpal",
91..100 => "Roll again twice"
"Special ranged weapon" => {
1..4 => "Bane",
5..8 => "Distance",
9..12 => "Flaming",
13..16 => "Frost",
17..21 => "Returning",
22..25 => "Shock",
26..27 => "Seeking",
28..29 => "Thundering",
30..34 => "Anarchic",
35..39 => "Axiomatic",
40..49 => "Flaming burst",
50..54 => "Holy",
55..64 => "Icy burst",
65..74 => "Shocking burst",
75..79 => "Unholy",
80..84 => "Speed",
85..90 => "Brilliant energy",
91..100 => "Roll again twice"
"Specific weapon" => {
1..4 => "Assassin’s dagger",
5..7 => "Shifter’s sorrow",
8..9 => "Trident of fish command",
10..13 => "Flame tongue",
14..17 => "Luck blade (o wishes)",
18..24 => "Sword of subtlety",
25..31 => "Sword of the planes",
32..37 => "Nine lives stealer",
38..42 => "Oathbow",
43..46 => "Sword of life stealing",
47..51 => "Mace of terror",
52..57 => "Life-drinker",
58..62 => "Sylvan scimitar",
63..67 => "Rapier of puncturing",
68..73 => "Sun blade",
74..79 => "Frost brand",
80..84 => "Dwarven thrower",
85..91 => "Luck blade (1 wish)",
92..95 => "Mace of smiting",
96..97 => "Luck blade (2 wishes)",
98..99 => "Holy avenger",
100..100 => "Luck blade (3 wishes)"
"Potions" => {
1..20 => "2nd Level",
21..100 => "3rd Level"
"Rings" => {
1..2 => "Energy resistance, minor",
3..7 => "Protection +3",
8..10 => "Spell storing, minor",
11..15 => "Invisibility",
16..19 => "Wizardry (I)",
20..25 => "Evasion",
26..28 => "X-ray vision",
29..32 => "Blinking",
33..39 => "Energy resistance, major",
40..49 => "Protection +4",
50..55 => "Wizardry (II)",
56..60 => "Freedom of movement",
61..63 => "Energy resistance, greater",
64..65 => "Friend shield (pair)",
66..70 => "Protection +5",
71..74 => "Shooting stars",
75..79 => "Spell storing",
80..83 => "Wizardry (III)",
84..86 => "Telekinesis",
87..88 => "Regeneration",
89..91 => "Spell turning",
92..93 => "Wizardry (IV)",
94..94 => "Three wishes",
95..95 => "Djinni calling",
96..96 => "Elemental command (air)",
97..97 => "Elemental command (earth)",
98..98 => "Elemental command (fire)",
99..99 => "Elemental command (water)",
100..100 => "Spell storing, major"
"Rods" => {
1..4 => "Cancellation",
5..6 => "Metamagic, Enlarge",
7..8 => "Metamagic, Extend",
9..10 => "Metamagic, Silent",
11..14 => "Wonder",
15..19 => "Python",
20..21 => "Metamagic, Maximize, lesser",
22..25 => "Viper",
26..30 => "Enemy detection",
31..36 => "Metamagic, Enlarge, greater",
37..42 => "Metamagic, Extend, greater",
43..48 => "Metamagic, Silent, greater",
49..53 => "Splendor",
54..58 => "Withering",
59..64 => "Metamagic, Quicken, lesser",
65..69 => "Thunder and lightning",
70..73 => "Metamagic, Quicken, lesser",
74..77 => "Negation",
78..80 => "Absorption",
81..84 => "Flailing",
85..86 => "Metamagic, Maximize",
87..88 => "Rulership",
89..90 => "Security",
91..92 => "Lordly might",
93..94 => "Metamagic, Empower, greater",
95..96 => "Metamagic, Quicken",
97..98 => "Alertness",
99..99 => "Metamagic, Maximize, greater",
100..100 => "Metamagic, Quicken, greater"
"Scrolls" => {
1..5 => "4th Level",
6..50 => "5th Level",
51..70 => "6th Level",
71..85 => "7th Level",
86..95 => "8th Level",
96..100 => "9th Level"
"Staves" => {
1..3 => "Charming",
4..9 => "Fire",
10..11 => "Swarming insects",
12..13 => "Size alteration",
14..19 => "Healing",
20..24 => "Frost",
25..31 => "Illumination",
32..38 => "Defense",
39..45 => "Abjuration",
46..50 => "Conjuration",
51..55 => "Divination",
56..60 => "Enchantment",
61..65 => "Evocation",
66..70 => "Illusion",
71..75 => "Necromancy",
76..80 => "Transmutation",
81..85 => "Earth and stone",
86..90 => "Woodlands",
91..95 => "Life",
96..98 => "Passage",
99..100 => "Power"
"Wands" => {
1..60 => "3rd Level",
61..100 => "4th Level"
"Wondrous item" => {
1..1 => "Dimensional shackles",
2..2 => "Figurine of wondrous power, obsidian steed",
3..3 => "Drums of panic",
4..4 => "Ioun stone, orange prism",
5..5 => "Ioun stone, pale green prism",
6..6 => "Lantern of revealing",
7..7 => "Amulet of natural armor +4",
8..8 => "Amulet of proof against detection and locations",
9..9 => "Carpet of flying, 5 ft. by 10 ft.",
10..10 => "Golem manual, iron",
11..11 => "Belt of giant strength +6",
12..12 => "Belt of incredible dexterity +6",
13..13 => "Belt of mighty constitution +6",
14..14 => "Bracers of armor +6",
15..15 => "Headband of alluring charisma +6",
16..16 => "Headband of inspired wisdom +6",
17..17 => "Headband of vast intelligence +6",
18..18 => "Ioun stone, vibrant purple prism",
19..19 => "Pearl of power, 6th-level spell",
20..20 => "Scarab of protection",
21..21 => "Belt of physical might +4",
22..22 => "Headband of mental prowess +4",
23..23 => "Ioun stone, lavender and green ellipsoid",
24..24 => "Ring gates",
25..25 => "Crystal ball",
26..26 => "Golem manual, stone guardian",
27..27 => "Amulet of mighty fists +3",
28..28 => "Strand of prayer beads",
29..29 => "Orb of storms",
30..30 => "Boots of teleportation",
31..31 => "Bracers of armor +7",
32..32 => "Pearl of power, 7th-level spell",
33..33 => "Amulet of natural armor +5",
34..34 => "Cloak of displacement, major",
35..35 => "Crystal ball with see invisibility",
36..36 => "Horn of Valhalla",
37..37 => "Crystal ball with detect thoughts",
38..38 => "Wings of flying",
39..39 => "Cloak of etherealness",
40..40 => "Instant fortress",
41..41 => "Manual of bodily health +2",
42..42 => "Manual of gainful exercise +2",
43..43 => "Manual of quickness in action +2",
44..44 => "Tome of clear thought +2",
45..45 => "Tome of leadership and influence +2",
46..46 => "Tome of understanding +2",
47..47 => "Eyes of charming",
48..48 => "Robe of stars",
49..49 => "Carpet of flying, 10 ft. by 10 ft.",
50..50 => "Darkskull",
51..51 => "Cube of force",
52..52 => "Belt of physical perfection +4",
53..53 => "Bracers of armor +8",
54..54 => "Headband of mental superiority +4",
55..55 => "Pearl of power, 8th-level spell",
56..56 => "Crystal ball with telepathy",
57..57 => "Horn of blasting, greater",
58..58 => "Pearl of power, two spells",
59..59 => "Helm of teleportation",
60..60 => "Gem of seeing",
61..61 => "Robe of the archmagi",
62..62 => "Mantle of faith",
63..63 => "Amulet of mighty fists +4",
64..64 => "Crystal ball with true seeing",
65..65 => "Pearl of power, 9th level spell",
66..66 => "Well of many worlds",
67..67 => "Manual of bodily health +3",
68..68 => "Manual of gainful exercise +3",
69..69 => "Manual of quickness in action +3",
70..70 => "Tome of clear thought +3",
71..71 => "Tome of leadership and influence +3",
72..72 => "Tome of understanding +3",
73..73 => "Apparatus of the crab",
74..74 => "Belt of physical might +6",
75..75 => "Headband of mental prowess +6",
76..76 => "Mantle of spell resistance",
77..77 => "Mirror of opposition",
78..78 => "Strand of prayer beads, greater",
79..79 => "Manual of bodily health +4",
80..80 => "Manual of gainful exercise +4",
81..81 => "Manual of quickness in action +4",
82..82 => "Tome of clear thought +4",
83..83 => "Tome of leadership and influence +4",
84..84 => "Tome of understanding +4",
85..85 => "Amulet of th planes",
86..86 => "Robe of eyes",
87..87 => "Amulet of mighty fists +5",
88..88 => "Helm of brilliance",
89..89 => "Manual of bodily health +5",
90..90 => "Manual of gainful exercise +5",
91..91 => "Manual of quickness in action +5",
92..92 => "Tome of clear thought +5",
93..93 => "Tome of leadership and influence +5",
94..94 => "Tome of understanding +5",
95..95 => "Belt of physical perfection +6",
96..96 => "Headband of mental superiority +6",
97..97 => "Efreeti bottle",
98..98 => "Cubic gate",
99..99 => "Iron flask",
100..100 => "Mirror of life trapping"
a = 0
dice = roll_die(4)
total = dice
while a < total
choice = choose_from_table(major_tables[nil])
puts "The category is #{choice}."
item = choose_from_table(major_tables[choice])
puts "The item is #{item}."
if choice == "Armor and shields"
if item == "Specific armor" or item == "Specific shield"
armor = choose_from_table(major_tables[item])
if item == "Special ability and roll again"
armor = choose_from_table(major_tables["Armor and shields"])
if armor == "+3 armor" or armor == "+4 armor" or armor == "+5 armor" or armor == "Specific armor"
spec = "Special armor"
spec = "Special shield"
special = choose_from_table(major_tables[spec])
if armor != nil
puts armor
if special != nil
puts special
armor = nil
special = nil
if choice == "Weapons"
coin = coin_flip
if item == "Specific weapon"
weapon = choose_from_table(major_tables["Specific weapon"])
if item == "Special weapon ability and roll again"
weapon = choose_from_table(major_tables["Weapons"])
puts weapon
if coin == 0
spec = "Special melee weapon"
spec = "Special ranged weapon"
weapon = choose_from_table(major_tables[spec])
if weapon == "Bane"
bane = choose_from_table(minor_tables["Bane"])
if bane != nil
puts bane
if weapon != nil
puts weapon
if slay != nil
puts slay
weapon = nil
bane = nil
slay = nil
if item == "Wonder"
rod = choose_from_table(med_tables["Wonder"])
if rod != nil
puts rod
rod = nil
a = a + 1
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