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Last active October 3, 2019 23:22
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/* tslint:disable:interface-name max-classes-per-file no-empty-interface */
declare module 'evergreen-ui' {
import * as React from 'react';
type PositionTypes = 'top' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'left' | 'right';
type IntentTypes = 'none' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger';
type IconNameTypes =
| 'loading'
| 'error'
| 'tick-circle'
| 'caret-down'
| 'cross'
| 'menu'
| 'list'
| 'more'
| 'properties'
| 'diagram-tree'
| 'database'
| 'join-table'
| 'function'
| 'person'
| 'import'
| 'predictive-analysis'
| 'refresh'
| 'export';
interface BoxBackground {
background?: string;
backgroundBlendMode?: string;
backgroundClip?: string;
backgroundColor?: string;
backgroundImage?: string;
backgroundOrigin?: string;
backgroundPosition?: string;
backgroundRepeat?: string;
backgroundSize?: string;
interface BoxBorderRadius {
borderBottomLeftRadius?: string | number;
borderBottomRightRadius?: string | number;
borderRadius?: string | number;
borderTopLeftRadius?: string | number;
borderTopRightRadius?: string | number;
interface BoxBorders {
border?: string;
borderBottom?: string;
borderBottomColor?: string;
borderBottomStyle?: string;
borderBottomWidth?: string | number;
borderColor?: string;
borderLeft?: string;
borderLeftColor?: string;
borderLeftStyle?: string;
borderLeftWidth?: string | number;
borderRight?: string;
borderRightColor?: string;
borderRightStyle?: string;
borderRightWidth?: string | number;
borderStyle?: string;
borderTop?: string;
borderTopColor?: string;
borderTopStyle?: string;
borderTopWidth?: string | number;
borderWidth?: string | number;
interface BoxShadow {
boxShadow?: string;
interface BoxDimensions {
height?: string | number;
maxHeight?: string | number;
maxWidth?: string | number;
minHeight?: string | number;
minWidth?: string | number;
width?: string | number;
interface BoxFlex {
alignContent?: string;
alignItems?: string;
alignSelf?: string;
flex?: string | number;
flexBasis?: string | number;
flexDirection?: string;
flexFlow?: string;
flexGrow?: string | number;
flexShrink?: string | number;
flexWrap?: string;
justifyContent?: string;
justifyItems?: string;
justifySelf?: string;
order?: string | number;
placeContent?: string;
placeItems?: string;
placeSelf?: string;
interface BoxGrid {
columnGap?: string | number;
gap?: string | number;
grid?: string;
gridArea?: string;
gridAutoColumns?: string | number;
gridAutoFlow?: string;
gridAutoRows?: string | number;
gridColumn?: string | number;
gridColumnEnd?: string | number;
gridColumnGap?: string | number;
gridColumnStart?: string | number;
gridGap?: string | number;
gridRow?: string | number;
gridRowEnd?: string | number;
gridRowGap?: string | number;
gridRowStart?: string | number;
gridTemplate?: string;
gridTemplateAreas?: string;
gridTemplateColumns?: string;
gridTemplateRows?: string;
rowGap?: string | number;
interface BoxInteraction {
cursor?: string;
pointerEvents?: string;
userSelect?: string;
visibility?: string;
interface BoxLayout {
boxSizing?: string;
clear?: string;
clearfix?: boolean;
display?: 'block'
| 'contents'
| 'flex'
| 'grid'
| 'inherit'
| 'initial'
| 'inline'
| 'inline-block'
| 'inline-flex'
| 'inline-grid'
| 'inline-table'
| 'list-item'
| 'none'
| 'table'
| 'table-caption'
| 'table-cell'
| 'table-columnr'
| 'table-column-group'
| 'table-header-group'
| 'table-footer-group'
| 'table-row'
| 'table-row-group'
| '';
float?: string;
zIndex?: number;
interface BoxList {
listStyle?: string;
listStyleType?: string;
listStyleImage?: string;
listStylePosition?: string;
interface BoxOpacity {
opacity?: string | number;
interface BoxOverflow {
overflow?: 'auto' | 'hidden' | 'inherit' | 'initial' | 'revert' | 'scroll' | 'unset' | 'visible';
overflowX?: 'auto' | 'hidden' | 'inherit' | 'initial' | 'revert' | 'scroll' | 'unset' | 'visible';
overflowY?: 'auto' | 'hidden' | 'inherit' | 'initial' | 'revert' | 'scroll' | 'unset' | 'visible';
interface BoxPosition {
bottom?: string | number;
left?: string | number;
position?: 'absolute' | 'fixed' | 'inherit' | 'initial' | 'relative' | 'revert' | 'static' | 'sticky' | 'unset';
right?: string | number;
top?: string | number;
interface BoxSpacing {
margin?: string | number;
marginBottom?: string | number;
marginLeft?: string | number;
marginRight?: string | number;
marginTop?: string | number;
marginX?: string | number;
marginY?: string | number;
padding?: string | number;
paddingBottom?: string | number;
paddingLeft?: string | number;
paddingRight?: string | number;
paddingTop?: string | number;
paddingX?: string | number;
paddingY?: string | number;
interface BoxText {
color?: string;
font?: string;
fontFamily?: string;
fontSize?: string | number;
fontStyle?: string;
fontVariant?: string;
fontWeight?: string | number;
letterSpacing?: string | number;
lineHeight?: string | number;
textAlign?: 'center' | 'end' | 'inherit' | 'justify' | 'left' | 'match-parent' | 'revert' | 'right' | 'start' | 'unset';
textDecoration?: string;
textOverflow?: string;
textShadow?: string;
textTransform?: string;
whiteSpace?: string;
wordBreak?: string;
wordWrap?: string;
interface BoxTransform {
transform?: string;
transformOrigin?: string;
interface BoxTransition {
transition?: string;
transitionDelay?: string;
transitionDuration?: string;
transitionProperty?: string;
transitionTimingFunction?: string;
interface UiBoxPropsType extends BoxBackground,
BoxTransition {
is?: React.ReactNode;
to?: string;
css?: object;
style?: object;
innerRef?: (ref: HTMLElement) => void;
onMouseDown?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
onMouseUp?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
export interface AlertProps extends BoxDimensions, BoxLayout, BoxPosition, BoxSpacing {
intent: IntentTypes;
title?: React.ReactNode;
hasTrim?: boolean;
hasIcon?: boolean;
isRemoveable?: boolean;
onRemove?: () => void;
appearance?: 'default' | 'card';
children?: React.ReactNode;
export class Alert extends React.PureComponent<AlertProps> {
export interface AutocompleteProps {
title?: React.ReactNode;
items: any[];
itemToString?: (i: any) => string;
children: (props: {
toggle: () => void,
getRef: (ref: React.RefObject) => void,
isShown: NonNullable<PopoverProps['isShown']>,
getInputProps: () => {
onKeyDown: (e: React.ChangeEvent<any>) => void;
onChange: (e: React.ChangeEvent<any>) => void;
onBlur: (e: React.ChangeEvent<any>) => void;
openMenu: () => any,
inputValue: string,
) => React.ReactNode;
itemSize?: number;
position?: PositionTypes;
isFilterDisabled?: boolean;
popoverMinWidth?: number;
popoverMaxHeight?: number;
selectedItem?: any;
buttonProps?: buttonProps;
onChange: (selectedItem: any) => void;
export class Autocomplete extends React.PureComponent<AutocompleteProps> {
export interface AvatarProps {
src?: string;
size?: number;
name?: string;
hashValue?: string;
isSolid?: boolean;
color?: string;
getInitials?: (name: string) => string;
forceShowInitials?: boolean;
sizeLimitOneCharacter?: number;
export class Avatar extends React.PureComponent<AvatarProps> {
export interface CheckboxProps extends BoxDimensions, BoxLayout, BoxPosition, BoxSpacing, TextProps {
id?: string;
name?: string;
label?: React.ReactNode;
value?: string;
checked?: boolean;
indeterminate?: boolean;
onChange?: (e: React.ChangeEvent<string>) => void;
disabled?: boolean;
isInvalid?: boolean;
appearance?: 'default';
export class Checkbox extends React.PureComponent<CheckboxProps> {
export interface ButtonProps extends BoxDimensions, BoxLayout, BoxPosition, BoxSpacing, TextProps {
type?: 'submit' | 'button';
intent?: IntentTypes;
appearance?: 'default' | 'minimal' | 'primary' ;
isLoading?: boolean;
isActive?: boolean;
iconBefore?: IconNameTypes;
iconAfter?: IconNameTypes;
disabled?: boolean;
className?: string;
onClick?: (e: React.ChangeEvent<any>) => void | false | undefined;
export class Button extends React.PureComponent<ButtonProps> {
export class Card extends React.PureComponent<PaneProps> {
export interface IconProps {
color?: string;
icon: IconNameTypes;
size?: number;
title?: string;
style?: Record<string, string | number>;
export class Icon extends React.PureComponent<IconProps> {
export interface FormFieldProps extends BoxDimensions, BoxSpacing, BoxPosition, BoxLayout {
label: NonNullable<React.ReactNode>;
labelFor?: string;
description?: React.ReactNode;
hint?: React.ReactNode;
validationMessage?: React.ReactNode;
export class FormField extends React.PureComponent<FormFieldProps> {
export class FormFieldDescription extends React.PureComponent<ParagraphProps> {
export class FormFieldHint extends React.PureComponent<ParagraphProps> {
export interface FormFieldLabelProps extends LabelProps {
isAstrixShown?: boolean;
export class FormFieldLabel extends React.PureComponent<FormFieldLabelProps> {
export interface FormFieldValidationMessageProps extends PaneProps {
children?: React.ReactNode;
export class FormFieldValidationMessage extends React.PureComponent<FormFieldValidationMessageProps> {
export interface IconButtonProps extends ButtonProps {
icon: IconNameTypes;
iconAim?: 'down' | 'up';
iconSize?: number;
export class IconButton extends React.PureComponent<IconButtonProps> {
export interface LabelProps extends TextProps {
htmlFor?: string;
className?: string;
export class Label extends React.PureComponent<LabelProps> {
export interface MenuProps {
children: React.ReactNode[];
export interface MenuItemProps {
is?: string | (() => void);
onSelect?: () => void;
icon?: React.JSX;
children?: React.JSX;
secondaryText?: React.JSX;
appearance?: 'default';
intent?: IntentTypes;
export class Menu extends React.PureComponent<MenuProps> {
public static Item = class MenuItem extends React.PureComponent<MenuItemProps> {
public static Divider = class MenuDivider extends React.PureComponent {
export interface PaneProps extends UiBoxPropsType {
background?: 'tint1' | 'tint2' | 'overlay' | 'yellowTint' | 'greenTint' | 'orangeTint' | 'redTint' | 'blueTint' | 'purpleTint' | 'tealTint';
elevation?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
hoverElevation?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
activeElevation?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
border?: string | boolean;
borderTop?: string | boolean;
borderRight?: string | boolean;
borderBottom?: string | boolean;
borderLeft?: string | boolean;
export class Pane extends React.PureComponent<PaneProps> {
export interface PopoverProps {
position?: PositionTypes;
isShown?: boolean;
trigger?: 'click' | 'hover';
content: React.ReactNode | ((object: { close: () => void }) => React.ReactNode);
((props: { toggle: () => void, getRef: (ref: React.RefObject) => void, isShow: NonNullable<PopoverProps['isShown']> }) => React.ReactNode)
| React.ReactNode;
display?: string;
minWidth?: number | string;
minHeight?: number | string;
animationDuration?: number;
onOpen?: () => void;
onClose?: () => void;
onOpenComplete?: () => void;
onCloseComplete?: () => void;
onBodyClick?: () => void;
bringFocusInside?: boolean;
shouldCloseOnExternalClick?: boolean;
export class Popover extends React.PureComponent<PopoverProps> {
export interface ParagraphProps extends UiBoxPropsType {
size?: 300 | 400 | 500;
fontFamily?: 'ui' | 'display' | 'mono';
export class Paragraph extends React.PureComponent<ParagraphProps> {
export interface PositionerProps {
position?: PositionTypes;
isShown?: boolean;
children: (params: {
top: number,
left: number,
zIndex: NonNullable<StackProps['value']>,
style: {
transformOrigin: string,
left: number,
top: number,
zIndex: NonNullable<StackProps['value']>,
getRef: (ref: React.RefObject) => void,
animationDuration: PositionerProps['animationDuration'],
state: 'exited' | 'entering' | 'entered' | 'exiting';
}) => React.ReactNode;
innerRef?: (ref: React.RefObject) => void;
bodyOffset?: number;
targetOffset?: number;
target: (params: { getRef: () => React.RefObject, isShow: boolean }) => React.ReactNode;
initialScale?: number;
animationDuration?: number;
onCloseComplete?: () => void;
onOpenComplete?: () => void;
export class Positioner extends React.PureComponent<PositionerProps> {
export interface RadioProps extends BoxSpacing, BoxPosition, BoxLayout, BoxDimensions {
id?: string;
name?: string;
label?: React.ReactNode;
value?: string;
onChange?: (e: React.ChangeEvent<any>) => void;
disabled?: boolean;
checked?: boolean;
size?: 12 | 16;
isRequired?: boolean;
isInvalid?: boolean;
appearance?: 'default';
export class Radio extends React.PureComponent<RadioProps> {
export interface RadioGroupProps extends BoxSpacing, BoxPosition, BoxLayout, BoxDimensions {
options: Array<{ label: React.ReactNode, value: string, isDisabled?: boolean }>;
value?: string;
defaultValue?: string;
onChange: (value: string) => void;
label?: string;
size?: 12 | 16;
isRequired?: boolean;
export class RadioGroup extends React.PureComponent<RadioGroupProps> {
export class SearchInput extends React.PureComponent<TextInputProps> {
export interface SegmentedControlProps extends BoxSpacing, BoxPosition, BoxLayout, BoxDimensions {
options: Array<{ label: string, value: NonNullable<SegmentedControlProps['value']> }>;
value?: number | string | boolean;
defaultValue?: number | string | boolean;
onChange: (value: NonNullable<SegmentedControlProps['value']>) => void;
name?: string;
height?: number;
export class SegmentedControl extends React.PureComponent<SegmentedControlProps> {
export interface SelectMenuProps {
title?: string;
width?: string | number;
height?: string | number;
options: Array<{ label: string, value: string | null }>;
onSelect?: (item: { label: string, value: string }) => void;
onDeselect?: (item: { label: string, value: string }) => void;
selected?: string | string[];
isMultiSelect?: boolean;
hasTitle?: boolean;
hasFilter?: boolean;
filterPlaceholder?: string;
filterIcon?: IconNameTypes;
onFilterChange?: (searchValue: string) => void;
position?: Omit<PositionTypes, 'left' | 'right'>;
detailView?: PopoverProps['content'];
titleView?: React.ReactNode | (() => React.ReactNode);
emptyView?: React.ReactNode | (() => React.ReactNode);
closeOnSelect?: boolean;
export class SelectMenu extends React.PureComponent<SelectMenuProps> {
export interface SideSheetProps {
children: React.ReactNode | (() => React.ReactNode);
isShown?: boolean;
onCloseComplete?: () => void;
onOpenComplete?: () => void;
onBeforeClose?: () => void;
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick?: boolean;
shouldCloseOnEscapePress?: boolean;
width?: string | number;
containerProps?: PaneProps;
position?: PICK<PositionTypes, 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'>;
preventBodyScrolling?: boolean;
export class SideSheet extends React.PureComponent<SideSheetProps> {
export interface SidebarTabProps extends TabProps {
export class SidebarTab extends React.PureComponent<SidebarTabProps> {
export interface StackProps {
children: (zIndex: number) => React.ReactNode;
value?: number;
export class Stack extends React.PureComponent<StackProps> {
export interface TabProps extends TextProps {
onSelect?: () => void;
isSelected?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
appearance?: 'default';
export class Tab extends React.PureComponent<TabProps> {
export interface TablistProps extends UiBoxPropsType {
export class Tablist extends React.PureComponent<TablistProps> {
export interface TabNavigationProps extends UiBoxPropsType {
export class TabNavigation extends React.PureComponent<TabNavigationProps> {
export interface TextProps extends UiBoxPropsType {
size?: 300 | 400 | 500 | 600;
fontFamily?: 'ui' | 'display' | 'mono';
export class Text extends React.PureComponent<TextProps> {
export interface HeadingProps extends UiBoxPropsType {
size?: 100 | 200| 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900;
marginTop?: 'default';
export class Heading extends React.PureComponent<HeadingProps> {
export interface TextInputProps extends TextProps {
id?: string;
name?: string;
type?: 'text' | 'number' | 'hidden' | 'email';
required?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
readOnly?: boolean;
isInvalid?: boolean;
input?: string;
spellCheck?: boolean;
placeholder?: string;
appearance?: 'default' | 'primary';
width?: string | number;
className?: string;
value?: string | number;
onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
onKeyUp?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
onChange?: (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
onBlur?: (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
onFocus?: (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
min?: string;
max?: string;
export class TextInput extends React.PureComponent<TextInputProps> {
export interface TextInputFieldProps extends TextInputProps, FormFieldProps {
inputHeight?: number;
inputWidth?: number | string;
export class TextInputField extends React.PureComponent<TextInputFieldProps> {
export interface TooltipProps extends TextProps {
appearance?: 'default' | 'card';
position?: PositionTypes;
content: React.ReactNode;
hideDelay?: number;
isShown?: boolean;
children: React.ReactNode;
export class Tooltip extends React.PureComponent<TooltipProps> {
export interface SpinnerProps extends UiBoxPropsType {
delay?: number;
size: number;
export class Spinner extends React.PureComponent<SpinnerProps> {
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