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Created August 31, 2024 04:00
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Scripting replies in Outlook with AutoHotkey v2
; Scripting replies in Outlook with AutoHotkey v2
; Hit Alt + x (or !x) to create a reply email (template) with
; salutation to sender's First Name from selected / opened
; email in Microsoft Outlook, which looks like this:
; Hello <FirstName>,
; Thank you for your email.
; <Signature appears here, if set-up in Outlook>
#Requires AutoHotkey >=2.0
; Get the active email item
ol := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveExplorer().Selection.Item(1)
; Check if the item is valid and get the sender's name
if (IsObject(ol)) {
senderName := ol.SenderName
; MsgBox "Sender Name: " . senderName ; Debug message to check senderName
; Initialize variables
firstName := ""
; Check if the name is in "Lastname, Firstname" format
commaPos := InStr(senderName, ",")
if (commaPos > 0) {
; Extract first name after the comma
firstName := SubStr(senderName, commaPos + 2) ; Skip ", " (comma and space)
} else {
; Handle "Firstname Lastname" format
spacePos := InStr(senderName, " ")
if (spacePos > 0) {
firstName := SubStr(senderName, 1, spacePos - 1) ; Extract first name before the space
;; Display the extracted first name
; MsgBox "Extracted First Name: " . firstName
; Send the reply with the template
Send("^r") ; Open reply
Sleep(10) ; Wait for the reply window to open
Send("Hello " . firstName . ",{Enter 2}Thank you for your email.{Enter 2}")
} else {
MsgBox "No valid Outlook item found."
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