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sarciszewski /
Created May 30, 2015 04:25
A Crusade Against Bad Code

Aniruddh Agarwal blogged A short tour of PHP, and this is one of the negatives he identified:

Community: I know. I said that PHPs community was an advantage to it, but it is also a disadvantage, because of BAD CODE. Beginners are not taught the best practices and they go on to write bad code and distribute it, either as answers on Stack Overflow or similar websites or blog about it, which encourages other beginners to adopt those practices. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and it is very difficult to separate the good from the bad. This is perhaps the worst thing about PHP, because PHP is an entry-level language and people learning it are usually not aware of the best practices.

This is spot on!

The existence of BAD CODE being copied and pasted by newcomers is probably the biggest source of exploitable security vulnerabilities in the entire industry.

The biggest offenders are often the highest ranking search results on Google and other search eng

justin-schroeder / gist:d3ef404e80a7ae658a8d
Last active August 10, 2018 19:54
Installing X-Sendfile on Mac OS X Yosemitee

Installing mod_xsendfile on Mac OS X (Yosemite) [Update: El Capitan]

Update: El Capitan follows the same procedures, but you may have some difficulty with the compile/install, see the secation at the bottom for specific help with El Capitan

Installing mod_xsendfile for apache is atually quite simple, however I could find very little documentation out there. Here's my attempt to help out. In order to proceeed you'll need: