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Last active September 6, 2016 16:44
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import json
import markovify
import re
import time
from slackclient import SlackClient
BOT_TOKEN = "bot user API token"
GROUP_TOKEN = "slack user API token"
MESSAGE_QUERY = "from:username_to_parrot"
DEBUG = True
def _load_db():
Reads 'database' from a JSON file on disk.
Returns a dictionary keyed by unique message permalinks.
with open('message_db.json', 'r') as json_file:
messages = json.loads(
except IOError:
with open('message_db.json', 'w') as json_file:
messages = {}
return messages
def _store_db(obj):
Takes a dictionary keyed by unique message permalinks and writes it to the JSON 'database' on
with open('message_db.json', 'w') as json_file:
return True
def _query_messages(client, page=1):
Convenience method for querying messages from Slack API.
print "requesting page {}".format(page)
return client.api_call('search.messages', query=MESSAGE_QUERY, count=MESSAGE_PAGE_SIZE, page=page)
def _add_messages(message_db, new_messages):
Search through an API response and add all messages to the 'database' dictionary.
Returns updated dictionary.
for match in new_messages['messages']['matches']:
message_db[match['permalink']] = match['text']
return message_db
# get all messages, build a giant text corpus
def build_text_model():
Read the latest 'database' off disk and build a new markov chain generator model.
Returns TextModel.
print "Building new model..."
messages = _load_db()
return markovify.Text(" ".join(messages.values()), state_size=2)
def format_message(original):
Do any formatting necessary to markon chains before relaying to Slack.
if original is None:
# Clear <> from urls
cleaned_message = re.sub(r'<(htt.*)>', '\1', original)
return cleaned_message
def update_corpus(sc, channel):
Queries for new messages and adds them to the 'database' object if new ones are found.
Reports back to the channel where the update was requested on status.
sc.rtm_send_message(channel, "Leveling up...")
# Messages will get queried by a different auth token
# So we'll temporarily instantiate a new client with that token
group_sc = SlackClient(GROUP_TOKEN)
# Load the current database
messages_db = _load_db()
starting_count = len(messages_db.keys())
# Get first page of messages
new_messages = _query_messages(group_sc)
total_pages = new_messages['messages']['paging']['pages']
# store new messages
messages_db = _add_messages(messages_db, new_messages)
# If any subsequent pages are present, get those too
if total_pages > 1:
for page in range(2, total_pages + 1):
new_messages = _query_messages(group_sc, page=page)
messages_db = _add_messages(messages_db, new_messages)
# See if any new keys were added
final_count = len(messages_db.keys())
new_message_count = final_count - starting_count
# If the count went up, save the new 'database' to disk, report the stats.
if final_count > starting_count:
# Write to disk since there is new data.
sc.rtm_send_message(channel, "I have been imbued with the power of {} new messages!".format(
sc.rtm_send_message(channel, "No new messages found :(")
print("Start: {}".format(starting_count), "Final: {}".format(final_count),
"New: {}".format(new_message_count))
# Make sure we close any sockets to the other group.
del group_sc
return new_message_count
def main():
Startup logic and the main application loop to monitor Slack events.
# build the text model
model = build_text_model()
# Create the slackclient instance
sc = SlackClient(BOT_TOKEN)
# Connect to slack
if not sc.rtm_connect():
raise Exception("Couldn't connect to slack.")
# Where the magic happens
while True:
# Examine latest events
for slack_event in sc.rtm_read():
# Disregard events that are not messages
if not slack_event.get('type') == "message":
message = slack_event.get("text")
user = slack_event.get("user")
channel = slack_event.get("channel")
if not message or not user:
# Commands we're listening for.
if "parrot me" in message.lower():
markov_chain = model.make_sentence()
sc.rtm_send_message(channel, format_message(markov_chain))
if "level up parrot" in message.lower():
# Fetch new messages. If new ones are found, rebuild the text model
if update_corpus(sc, channel) > 0:
model = build_text_model()
# Sleep for half a second
if __name__ == '__main__':
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