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tyler-ball / gist:f7c16e814265f34260e9
Last active March 14, 2016 23:15
Test Kitchen Shared Examples

Create the following folder structure in your cookbook:

└── integrationq
    ├── helpers
    │   ├── serverspec
    │   │   ├── shared_serverspec_tests
    │   │   │   └── shared_tests2.rb
    │   │   └── spec_helper.rb
chuckg /
Last active May 18, 2020 17:37
Splunk Storm recipes for Heroku logs.

Splunk Recipes for Heroku

A collection of Splunk recipes for Heroku logs. Instructions for setting up Splunk Storm with Heroku can be found here. For the vast majority of these recipes you'll need to have enabled the Heroku labs feature, log-runtime-metrics, for your application.

machty /
Last active July 10, 2024 15:14
Guide to the Router Facelift

Ember Router Async Facelift

The Ember router is getting number of enhancements that will greatly enhance its power, reliability, predictability, and ability to handle asynchronous loading logic (so many abilities), particularly when used in conjunction with promises, though the API is friendly enough that a deep understanding of promises is not required for the simpler use cases.

machty /
Last active April 16, 2020 22:03
How to do cool stuff with the new Router API
hartmantis / spec_helper.rb
Last active November 15, 2017 15:50
ChefSpec stubs for testing a recipe in isolation
require 'chefspec'
module SpecHelper
def global_stubs
# Don't worry about external cookbook dependencies
# Test each recipe in isolation, regardless of includes
@included_recipes = []
mywaiting /
Last active May 7, 2022 08:30
The example to how to shutdown tornado web server gracefully...
#!/usr/bin/env python
How to use it:
1. Just `kill -2 PROCESS_ID` or `kill -15 PROCESS_ID` , The Tornado Web Server Will shutdown after process all the request.
2. When you run it behind Nginx, it can graceful reboot your production server.
3. Nice Print in
mattconnolly / gist:4158961
Created November 28, 2012 04:04
RSpec basic authentication helper module for request and controller specs
module AuthHelper
def http_login
user = 'username'
pw = 'password'
request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(user,pw)
module AuthRequestHelper
funny-falcon /
Last active August 15, 2024 15:13
Performace patch for ruby-1.9.3-p327


  • this version includes backport of Greg Price's patch for speedup startup .

    ruby-core prefers his way to do thing, so that I abandon cached-lp and sorted-lf patches of mine.

  • this version integrates 'array as queue' patch, which improves performance when push/shift pattern is heavily used on Array.

    This patch is accepted into trunk for Ruby 2.0 and last possible bug is found by Yui Naruse. It is used in production* for a couple of months without issues even with this bug.

require "timeout"
module WaitSteps
extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL
matcher :become_true do
match do |block|
Timeout.timeout(Capybara.default_wait_time) do
sleep(0.1) until value =