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Forked from anonymous/PatchedOpenStruct.methods
Created December 11, 2012 22:02
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[:w342, :w92, :w500=, :w92=, :original, :original=, :w154=, :w185, :w185=, :w154, :w500, :w342=, :type, :id, :marshal_dump, :to_s, :modifiable, :delete_field, :method_missing, :==, :table, :new_ostruct_member, :inspect, :marshal_load, :present?, :`, :html_safe?, :include_class, :as_json, :to_param, :java_kind_of?, :with_options, :to_yaml_properties, :acts_like?, :try, :psych_to_yaml, :to_yaml, :presence, :blank?, :is_haml?, :duplicable?, :to_json, :dclone, :eval_js, :handle_different_imports, :instance_variable_names, :in?, :to_query, :instance_values, :pretty_print_inspect, :pretty_print_cycle, :pretty_print_instance_variables, :pretty_print, :require_association, :require_dependency, :unloadable, :require_or_load, :require, :load, :load_dependency, :java_signature, :methods, :define_singleton_method, :breakpoint, :enable_warnings, :silence_stream, :capture, :initialize_clone, :freeze, :extend, :nil?, :tainted?, :method, :is_a?, :instance_variable_defined?, :instance_variable_get, :pretty_inspect, :singleton_class, :instance_variable_set, :hash, :public_method, :silence_stderr, :gem, :display, :send, :private_methods, :enum_for, :com, :to_java, :public_send, :instance_of?, :taint, :class, :java_annotation, :instance_variables, :!~, :org, :untrust, :=~, :protected_methods, :trust, :java_implements, :tap, :frozen?, :silence, :initialize_dup, :java, :respond_to?, :quietly, :===, :java_package, :untaint, :respond_to_missing?, :clone, :java_name, :suppress_warnings, :to_enum, :singleton_methods, :untrusted?, :with_warnings, :<=>, :eql?, :silence_warnings, :suppress, :kind_of?, :dup, :java_require, :javax, :class_eval, :debugger, :public_methods, :instance_exec, :__send__, :instance_eval, :equal?, :object_id, :__id__, :!, :!=]
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