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Last active December 10, 2019 08:45
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  • Save chrisvogt/692d8849d9988daae8f6e0a6c05bed1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Small utility script to convert lists of presidential candidates – found on the website – from CSV to JSON.
// NOTE(cvogt): parses documents from the FEC registered candidates table
// located at
const csvToJson = require('csvtojson/v2');
const candidatesFile = './candidates-running-2016-2019-12-09T23_23_05.csv';
const bracketsStringToArray = str => {
// HACK(cvogt): this can be optimized, and is fragile – throws upon {00,00}
const itemJsonString = str.replace('{', '[').replace('}', ']');
const items = JSON.parse(itemJsonString);
return items;
(async () => {
try {
const parsed = await csvToJson({
colParser: {
cycles: item => bracketsStringToArray(item),
election_years: item => bracketsStringToArray(item)
} catch (err) {
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