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Pending StateDeclaration changes
/** @module state */ /** for typedoc */
import {ParamDeclaration} from "../params/interface";
import {State} from "./stateObject";
import {ViewContext} from "../view/interface";
import {IInjectable} from "../common/common";
import {Transition} from "../transition/transition";
import {TransitionStateHookFn} from "../transition/interface";
import {ResolvePolicy, ResolvableLiteral} from "../resolve/interface";
import {Resolvable} from "../resolve/resolvable";
export type StateOrName = (string|StateDeclaration|State);
export interface TransitionPromise extends Promise<State> {
transition: Transition;
export interface ProviderLike {
provide: any,
useClass?: any,
useFactory?: Function,
useValue?: any,
useExisting?: any,
deps?: any[]
export type ResolveTypes = Resolvable | ResolvableLiteral | ProviderLike;
* Base interface for [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]] and [[Ng2ViewDeclaration]]
* This interface defines the basic data that a normalized view declaration will have on it.
* Framework-specific implementations may add additional fields (to their interfaces which extend this interface).
* @hidden
export interface _ViewDeclaration {
* The raw name for the view declaration, i.e., the [[StateDeclaration.views]] property name.
* @hidden
$name?: string;
* The normalized address for the `ui-view` which this ViewConfig targets.
* A ViewConfig targets a `ui-view` in the DOM (relative to the `uiViewContextAnchor`) which has
* a specific name.
* @example `header` or `$default`
* The `uiViewName` can also target a _nested view_ by providing a dot-notation address
* @example `` or `foo.$`
* @hidden
$uiViewName?: string;
* The normalized context anchor (state name) for the `uiViewName`
* When targeting a `ui-view`, the `uiViewName` address is anchored to a context name (state name).
* @hidden
$uiViewContextAnchor?: string;
* A type identifier for the View
* This is used when loading prerequisites for the view, before it enters the DOM. Different types of views
* may load differently (e.g., templateProvider+controllerProvider vs component class)
* @hidden
$type?: string;
* The context that this view is declared within.
* @hidden
$context?: ViewContext;
* The StateDeclaration object is used to define a state or nested state.
* It should be registered with the [[$stateProvider]].
* @example
* ```js
* // StateDeclaration object
* var foldersState = {
* name: 'folders',
* url: '/folders',
* resolve: {
* allfolders: function(FolderService) {
* return FolderService.list();
* }
* },
* template: "<ul><li ng-repeat='folder in allfolders'>{{}}</li></ul>",
* controller: function(allfolders, $scope) {
* $scope.allfolders = allfolders;
* }
* }
* ```
export interface StateDeclaration {
* The state name
* A unique state name, e.g. `"home"`, `"about"`, `"contacts"`.
* To create a parent/child state use a dot, e.g. `"about.sales"`, `"home.newest"`.
* Note: States require unique names. If you omit this property, you must provide
* the state name when you register it with the [[$stateProvider]].
name?: string;
* abstract state indicator
* An abstract state can never be directly activated. Use an abstract state to provide inherited
* properties (url, resolve, data, etc) to children states.
abstract?: boolean;
* The parent state
* Normally, a state's parent is implied from the state's [[name]], e.g., `"parentstate.childstate"`.
* Alternatively, you can explicitly set the parent state using this property. This allows shorter state
* names, e.g., `<a ui-sref="childstate">Child</a>` instead of `<a ui-sref="parentstate.childstate">Child</a>
* When using this property, the state's name should not have any dots in it.
* @example
* ```js
* var parentstate = {
* name: 'parentstate'
* }
* var childstate = {
* name: 'childstate',
* parent: 'parentstate'
* // or use a JS var which is the parent StateDeclaration, i.e.:
* // parent: parentstate
* }
* ```
parent?: (string|StateDeclaration);
* Gets the private API portion of the state
* @hidden
$$state?: () => State;
* Resolve - a mechanism to asynchronously fetch data, participating in the Transition lifecycle
* The `resolve:` property defines data (or other dependencies) to be fetched asynchronously when the state
* is being entered. After the data is fetched, it can be used in views, transition hooks or other resolves
* that belong to this state, or to any views or resolves that belong to nested states.
* ### As an array
* Each array element should either be:
* - a [[ResolvableLiteral]] object (a plain old javascript object), e.g., `{ token: 'token', resolveFn: (http) => http.get('/'), deps: [ Http ] }`
* - a [[Resolvable]] object, e.g., `new Resolvable('token', (http) => http.get('/'), [ Http ])`
* - an Angular 2 style [provider literal](!#provide), e.g.,
* `{ provide: 'token', useFactory: (http) => http.get('/'), deps: [ Http ] }`
* @example
* ```js
* import {Resolvable} from "ui-router-ng2"; // or "angular-ui-router"
* ...
* // ng2 example
* resolve: [
* // If you inject `myStateDependency` into a component, you'll get "abc"
* { provide: 'myStateDependency', useFactory: () => 'abc' }, // ng2 style provide literal
* new Resolvable('myFoos', (http, trans) => http.get(`/foos/${trans.params().fooId}`), [Http, Transition])
* ]
* ```
* ### As an object
* - The key (string) is the name of the dependency.
* - The value (function) is an injectable function which returns the dependency, or a promise for the dependency.
* Note: You cannot specify a policy for each Resolvable, nor can you use non-string
* tokens when using the object style `resolve:` block.
* @example
* ```js
* // ng1 example
* resolve: {
* // If you inject `myStateDependency` into a controller, you'll get "abc"
* myStateDependency: function() {
* return "abc";
* },
* myAsyncData: ['$http', '$transition$' function($http, $transition$) {
* // Return a promise (async) for the data
* return $http.get("/foos/" + $transition$.params().foo);
* }]
* }
* ```
* ### Lifecycle
* Since a resolve function can return a promise, the router will delay entering the state until the promises
* are ready. If any of the promises are rejected, the Transition is aborted with an Error.
* By default, resolves for a state are fetched just before that state is entered. Note that only states
* which are being *entered* have their resolves fetched. States that are "retained" do not have their resolves
* re-fetched. If you are currently in a parent state `A` and are transitioning to a child state `A.B`, the
* previously resolved data for state `A` can be injected into `A.B` without delay.
* Any resolved data for `A.B` is retained until `A.B` is exited, e.g., by transitioning back to the parent state `A`.
* Because of this, resolves are a great place to fetch your application's primary data.
* ### Injecting resolves into other things
* During a transition, Resolve data can be injected into:
* - ui-view Controllers
* - TemplateProviders and ControllerProviders
* - Other resolves
* ### Injecting other things into resolves
* Since resolve functions are injected, a common pattern is to inject a custom service such as `UserService`
* and delegate to a custom service method, such as `UserService.list()`;
* #### Angular 1
* An Angular 1 resolve function can inject some special values:
* - `$transition$`: The current [[Transition]] object; information and API about the current transition, such as
* "to" and "from" State Parameters and transition options.
* - Other resolves: This resolve can depend on another resolve, either from the same state, or from any parent state.
* - `$stateParams`: (deprecated) The parameters for the current state (Note: these parameter values are
* #### Angular 2
* An Angular 2 resolve function can inject some special values:
* - `Transition`: The current [[Transition]] object; information and API about the current transition, such as
* "to" and "from" State Parameters and transition options.
* - Other resolves: This resolve can depend on another resolve, either from the same state, or from any parent state.
* @example
* ```js
* // Injecting a resolve into another resolve
* resolve: [
* // Define a resolve 'allusers' which delegates to the UserService.list()
* // which returns a promise (async) for all the users
* { provide: 'allusers', useFactory: (UserService) => UserService.list(), deps: [UserService] },
* // Define a resolve 'user' which depends on the allusers resolve.
* // This resolve function is not called until 'allusers' is ready.
* { provide: 'user', (allusers, trans) => _.find(allusers, trans.params().userId, deps: ['allusers', Transition] }
* }
* ```
resolve?: (ResolveTypes[] | { [key: string]: IInjectable; });
* Sets the resolve policy defaults for all resolves on this state
* This should be an [[ResolvePolicy]] object.
* It can contain the following optional keys/values:
* - `when`: (optional) defines when the resolve is fetched. Accepted values: "LAZY" or "EAGER"
* - `async`: (optional) if the transition waits for the resolve. Accepted values: "WAIT", "NOWAIT", "RXWAIT"
* See [[ResolvePolicy]] for more details.
resolvePolicy?: ResolvePolicy
* The url fragment for the state
* A URL fragment (with optional parameters) which is used to match the browser location with this state.
* This fragment will be appended to the parent state's URL in order to build up the overall URL for this state.
* See [[UrlMatcher]] for details on acceptable patterns.
* @examples
* ```js
* url: "/home"
* // Define a parameter named 'userid'
* url: "/users/:userid"
* // param 'bookid' has a custom regexp
* url: "/books/{bookid:[a-zA-Z_-]}"
* // param 'categoryid' is of type 'int'
* url: "/books/{categoryid:int}"
* // two parameters for this state
* url: "/books/{publishername:string}/{categoryid:int}"
* // Query parameters
* url: "/messages?before&after"
* // Query parameters of type 'date'
* url: "/messages?{before:date}&{after:date}"
* // Path and query parameters
* url: "/messages/:mailboxid?{before:date}&{after:date}"
* ```
url?: string;
* Params configuration
* An object which optionally configures parameters declared in the url, or defines additional non-url
* parameters. For each parameter being configured, add a [[ParamDeclaration]] keyed to the name of the parameter.
* @example
* ```js
* params: {
* param1: {
* type: "int",
* array: true,
* value: []
* },
* param2: {
* value: "index"
* }
* }
* ```
params?: { [key: string]: (ParamDeclaration|any); };
* Named views
* An optional object which defines multiple views, or explicitly targets specific named ui-views.
* - What is a view config
* - What is a ui-view
* - Shorthand controller/template
* - Incompatible with ^
* Examples:
* Targets three named ui-views in the parent state's template
* @example
* ```js
* views: {
* header: {
* controller: "headerCtrl",
* templateUrl: "header.html"
* }, body: {
* controller: "bodyCtrl",
* templateUrl: "body.html"
* }, footer: {
* controller: "footCtrl",
* templateUrl: "footer.html"
* }
* }
* ```
* @example
* ```js
* // Targets named ui-view="header" from ancestor state 'top''s template, and
* // named `ui-view="body" from parent state's template.
* views: {
* 'header@top': {
* controller: "msgHeaderCtrl",
* templateUrl: "msgHeader.html"
* }, 'body': {
* controller: "messagesCtrl",
* templateUrl: "messages.html"
* }
* }
* ```
views?: { [key: string]: _ViewDeclaration; };
* An inherited property to store state data
* This is a spot for you to store inherited state metadata. Child states' `data` object will
* prototypically inherit from the parent state .
* This is a good spot to put metadata such as `requiresAuth`.
data?: any;
* A Transition Hook called with the state is being entered. See: [[IHookRegistry.onEnter]]
* @example
* ```js
* .state({
* name: 'mystate',
* onEnter: function(trans, state) {
* console.log("Entering " +;
* }
* });
* ```
* Note: The above `onEnter` on the state declaration is effectively sugar for:
* ```
* transitionService.onEnter({ entering: 'mystate' }, function(trans, state) {
* console.log("Entering " +;
* });
onEnter?: TransitionStateHookFn;
* A [[TransitionStateHook]] called with the state is being retained/kept. See: [[IHookRegistry.onRetain]]
* @example
* ```js
* .state({
* name: 'mystate',
* onRetain: function(trans, state) {
* console.log( + " is still active!");
* }
* });
* ```
* Note: The above `onRetain` on the state declaration is effectively sugar for:
* ```
* transitionService.onRetain({ retained: 'mystate' }, function(trans, state) {
* console.log( + " is still active!");
* });
onRetain?: TransitionStateHookFn;
* A Transition Hook called with the state is being exited. See: [[IHookRegistry.onExit]]
* @example
* ```js
* .state({
* name: 'mystate',
* onExit: function(trans, state) {
* console.log("Leaving " +;
* }
* });
* ```
* Note: The above `onRetain` on the state declaration is effectively sugar for:
* ```
* transitionService.onExit({ exiting: 'mystate' }, function(trans, state) {
* console.log("Leaving " +;
* });
onExit?: TransitionStateHookFn;
* @deprecated define individual parameters as [[ParamDeclaration.dynamic]]
reloadOnSearch?: boolean;
export interface HrefOptions {
relative?: StateOrName;
lossy?: boolean;
inherit?: boolean;
absolute?: boolean;
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