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Created February 13, 2020 16:22
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Script to Debug Gloo with Squash
POD=$(kubectl get po -n gloo-system | grep $GLOO | awk '{ print $1 }' | head -n 1)
echo "gloo pod to debug '$POD'"
PF_CMD=$(squashctl --debugger dlv --namespace gloo-system --machine --pod $POD)
echo "PF CMD: $PF_CMD"
K_CMD=$(echo "$PF_CMD" | jq .PortForwardCmd | sed s/:/2345:/)
echo "running command $K_CMD"
SQUASH_POD=$(echo $K_CMD | awk '{ print $3}')
echo "Squash pod $SQUASH_POD"
function cleanup {
echo "Deleting squash pod $SQUASH_POD"
kubectl delete pod -n squash-debugger $SQUASH_POD
trap cleanup EXIT
bash -c "$K_CMD"
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