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Created September 20, 2023 10:50
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This gist shows an example for why an "accept" as an optional feature would be nice to have in the airhdl generated register files. It would connect to a register file which implements a memory field. Read is just included for completeness. A testbench for how I would imagine the output of the register file to look is also included.
module tb;
logic clk_axi;
initial begin
clk_axi = 1'd0;
forever begin
clk_axi <= !clk_axi;
logic rstn_axi;
initial begin
rstn_axi= 1'd0;
@(posedge clk_axi);
rstn_axi= 1'd1;
logic ex_we,ex_accept;
logic [7:0] ex_addr;
logic [31:0] ex_data;
example_mem example_mem(.clk(clk_axi), .rstn(rstn_axi), .we(ex_we), .waccept(ex_accept), .waddress(ex_addr), .wdata(ex_data), .rdata(), .raddress());
initial begin
ex_we = 1'd0;
ex_addr = 'd0;
ex_data = 'd0;
@(posedge clk_axi);
for (int i = 0; i< 256; i++) begin
ex_addr = i;
ex_data = $urandom();
ex_we = 1'd1;
@(posedge clk_axi);
while (!ex_accept) @(posedge clk_axi);
ex_we = 1'd0;
@(posedge clk_axi);
module example_mem(
input logic clk,
input logic rstn,
input logic we,
output logic waccept,
input logic [7:0] waddress,
input logic [31:0] wdata,
output logic [31:0] rdata,
input logic [7:0] raddress
logic [255:0][31:0] mem;
logic unsigned [7:0] delay_cnt;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (!rstn) delay_cnt <= 'd0;
else if (we && delay_cnt == 0) delay_cnt <= $urandom() % 20; //Example: It takes a random number of cycles (less than 20) to actually write data
else if (delay_cnt >0) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt - 'd1;
assign waccept = (delay_cnt == 'd1);
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (delay_cnt == 'd1) mem[waddress] <= wdata;
assign rdata = mem[raddress];
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