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Created March 4, 2018 22:27
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A solution to the 3 gods puzzle
#!/usr/bin/env stack
--resolver lts-10.1
--package random-extras
--package random-fu
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import System.Random
import Control.Monad
import Data.Random.Extras
import Data.Random.RVar
import Data.Random.Source.DevRandom
data GodType = T | F | R deriving (Eq, Show)
type GodID = Int
type Permutation = [GodType]
data PrimQ =
PrimQ GodID GodID GodType -- (X, Y, Z): ask god X "Is god Y of type Z?"
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Eng = Yes | No deriving (Eq, Show)
data Urk = Da | Ja deriving (Eq, Show)
data LangMap = DaMeansYes | DaMeansNo deriving (Eq, Show)
type Question = ([GodType], GodType, LangMap) -> Eng
data Strategy =
SDone Permutation
| SQuestion
GodID -- who to ask
Strategy -- when the repsonse is "da"
Strategy -- when the repsonse is "ja"
boolToEng :: Bool -> Eng
boolToEng True = Yes
boolToEng False = No
solution :: Strategy
solution =
q about theType (types, ty, langMap) =
$ (case ty of
T -> id
F -> not
R -> id)
$ (if langMap == DaMeansYes then id else not)
$ (types !! about) == theType
SQuestion 0 (q 1 R)
(SQuestion 2 (q 0 R)
(SQuestion 2 (q 2 T)
(SDone [R, F, T])
(SDone [R, T, F]))
(SQuestion 2 (q 2 T)
(SDone [F, R, T])
(SDone [T, R, F])))
(SQuestion 1 (q 0 R)
(SQuestion 1 (q 1 T)
(SDone [R, T, F])
(SDone [R, F, T]))
(SQuestion 1 (q 1 T)
(SDone [F, T, R])
(SDone [T, F, R])))
sampleRun :: Strategy -> IO ()
sampleRun s = do
perm <- runRVar (shuffle [T, F, R]) DevRandom
langMap <- fmap ([DaMeansYes, DaMeansNo] !!) $ randomRIO (0, 1)
flipEng Yes = No
flipEng No = Yes
engToUrk DaMeansYes Yes = Da
engToUrk DaMeansYes No = Ja
engToUrk DaMeansNo Yes = Ja
engToUrk DaMeansNo No = Da
answerAs T eng = return $ engToUrk langMap eng
answerAs F eng = return $ engToUrk langMap (flipEng eng)
answerAs R eng = fmap ([Da, Ja] !!) $ randomRIO (0, 1)
go (SDone p) = print (p == perm, p, perm)
go (SQuestion to q whenDa whenJa) = do
answer <- answerAs (perm !! to) (q (perm, perm !! to, langMap))
case (answer :: Urk) of
Da -> go whenDa
Ja -> go whenJa
go s
main :: IO ()
main = replicateM_ 10 $ sampleRun solution
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