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Last active October 4, 2018 21:09
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Print 10
(ns quil-site.examples.ten-print
(:require [quil.core :as q :include-macros true]
[quil.middleware :as m]
(def start-scale 10)
(def ratio 0.9)
(def threshold 2)
(def initial-setup
{:x 0
:y 0
:scale-x start-scale
:scale-y start-scale})
(defn update-state [{:keys [x y scale-x scale-y] :as state}]
(let [is-newline (>= x (q/width))
is-restart (< scale-y threshold)
new-scale-x (if is-restart (* scale-x ratio) scale-x)
new-scale-y (if is-restart
(if is-newline (* scale-y ratio) scale-y))
new-x (if is-newline 0 (+ x scale-x))
new-y (if (zero? new-x) (+ y scale-y) y)]
{:x new-x
:y (if (>= new-y (q/height)) new-y new-y)
:scale-x new-scale-x
:scale-y new-scale-y}))
(defn draw-state [{:keys [x y scale-x scale-y once] :as state}]
(q/stroke (rand-int 255) (rand-int 255) 255)
(if (> (rand) 0.5)
(q/line x y (+ x scale-x) (+ y scale-y))
(q/line x (+ y scale-y) (+ x scale-x) y)))
(defn draw-sk []
(q/background 0)
(q/color-mode :hsb)
(loop [state initial-setup]
(when (< (:y state) (q/height))
(draw-state state)
(recur (update-state state)))))
(q/defsketch ten-print
:host "host"
:size [500 500]
:draw draw-sk)
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