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Last active January 15, 2022 21:56
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Basic Multipass commands
sudo multipass set local.driver=virtualbox # errors on my work laptop
# Default driver
sudo multipass set local.driver=hyperkit
# Create a VM
multipass launch --name ubuntu2004
# Create a VM with custom parameters
multipass launch \
--cpus 3 \
--disk 15G \
--mem 5G \
--name ubuntu
# Open Shell session
multipass shell ubuntu2004
# List all instances
multipass list
# Drop a VM
multipass delete <name>
# In case of issues with network access
# Add a public Google DNS IP to /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
# Install Docker
# Add the ubuntu user to the docker group to access Docker without superuser permissions
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
# Use Docker as if it was running locally
alias docker='multipass exec ubuntu2004 -- docker'
# E.g. access Postgres running inside of a Multipass VM:
docker exec -it postgres-test psql -U postgres
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