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Last active September 20, 2024 23:17
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We are doing anchor text analysis for an SEO campaign. I will provide you with a company name, their website, and their anchor text profile, as well as an ideal anchor text distribution table. The ideal anchor text distribution table will contain different types of anchor text classifications, a definition of each, and examples for each. Please analyze the client's anchor text profile and catalogue their anchor text into a table with the columns "Anchor Text Type", and "Percentage". Use the anchor text categories in the ideal anchor text distribution table I provide you with.
*Client Information*
Website: {WEBSITE_URL}
*Ideal Anchor Text Distribution*
Anchor Text Type,Percentage (%),Definition,Examples
Branded,50,Uses the brand name or a variation of it. Helps build brand recognition and is generally seen as a natural and safe way to link.,"Nike, Nike Store, Nike Official"
Naked Link,20,The URL of the webpage is used as the anchor text. It appears natural and direct, providing a straightforward link to the webpage.,","
Generic,5,Uses common phrases that don't contain keywords or brand names. Provides a natural way to link without specific keyword targeting.,"Click here, Read more, Learn more"
LSI Keywords,5,Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are contextually related terms that support the main keyword. Helps provide more context to search engines.,"running shoes (for a page about sneakers), sports apparel (for a brand selling clothing)"
Partial-match,2,Contains a variation or part of the target keyword. Offers some keyword relevance without being overly optimized.,"best running shoes, sneaker store in New York"
Exact-match,1,The anchor text exactly matches the target keyword. While it directly signals the page's content, overuse can appear manipulative to search engines.,"buy running shoes online, SEO services"
*Company's Anchor Text Profile*
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