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Attilio Meucci's Entropy Pooling
import numpy
import scipy.optimize
import pandas
def probability_constraint(x):
j, n = x.shape
Aeq = numpy.ones([1, j])
beq = numpy.array([1.])
return [Aeq, beq]
def rank_view(x, p, lower, upper):
j, n = x.shape
k = len(lower)
v = x[:, lower] - x[:, upper]
A = v.transpose()
if A.ndim == 1:
A = A.reshape(1, j)
b = numpy.zeros([A.shape[0], 1])
return [A, b]
def mean_qualitative_view(x, p, c, multiplier):
given a panel x
and probabilities p
for column c
m is a multiplier against the vol (e.g. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, etc)
j, n = x.shape
m = numpy.mean(x[:, c])
s = numpy.std(x[:, c])
A = x[:, c].transpose().reshape(1, j)
b = numpy.array([m + multiplier * s])
return [A, b]
def mean_qualitative_relative_view(x, p, first, second, multiplier):
given a panel x
and probabilities p
for the difference between first and second
m is a multiplier against the vol (e.g. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, etc)
j, n = x.shape
v = x[:, first] - x[:, second]
m = numpy.mean(v)
s = numpy.std(v)
A = v.transpose().reshape(1, j)
b = numpy.array([m + multiplier * s])
return [A, b]
def median_view(x, p, c, q):
given a panel x
and probabilities p
for column c
set view that the median will be greater than quintile q
j, n = x.shape
v = numpy.abs(x[:, c])
i_sort = numpy.argsort(v)
v_sort = v[i_sort]
f = numpy.cumsum(p[i_sort])
i_ref = numpy.max(numpy.where(f <= q))
v_ref = v_sort[i_ref]
i_select = numpy.where(v <= v_ref)
a = numpy.zeros(1, j)
a[i_select] = 1.
A = a
b = numpy.array([0.5])
return [A, b]
def volatility_qualitative_view(x, p, c, multiplier):
multiplier is between (0, infinity)
j, n = x.shape
m = numpy.mean(x[:, c])
s = numpy.std(x[:, c])
A = numpy.square(x[:, c] - m).transpose().reshape(1, j)
b = numpy.array([m ** 2 + (multiplier * s) ** 2])
return [A, b]
def correlation_view(x, p, first, second, corr):
given a panel x
and probabilities p
set view that the correlations between first and second will be c
j, n = x.shape
v = x[:, first] * x[:, second]
m = numpy.mean(x[:, first]) * numpy.mean(x[:, second])
s = numpy.std(x[:, first]) * numpy.std(x[:, second])
Aeq = v.transpose().reshape(1, j)
beq = numpy.array([m + s * corr])
return [Aeq, beq]
def entropy_program(p, A, b, Aeq, beq):
p - The set of prior probabilities (1 x j)
A - matrix of inequality constraints (paired with b) (k_ x n)
b - vector consisting of inequality constraints (1 x k_)
Aeq - matrix of equality constraints (paired with beq) (k x n)
beq - vector consisting of equality constraints (1 x k)
k_ = A.shape[0] # the number of inequality constraints
k = Aeq.shape[0] # the number of equality constraints
if k_ + k < 0:
raise Exception("Must have at least 1 equality or inequality view")
if abs(numpy.sum(p) - 1.) > 1e-8:
raise Exception("Probabilities must sum to 1.")
if Aeq.shape[0] != beq.shape[0]:
raise Exception("Rows in Aeq must equal rows in beq")
if A.shape[0] != b.shape[0]:
raise Exception("Rows in A must equal rows in b")
if p.shape[1] != 1:
raise Exception("p must be jx1 shaped")
A_ = A.transpose()
b_ = b.transpose()
Aeq_ = Aeq.transpose()
beq_ = beq.transpose()
x0 = numpy.zeros([k_ + k, 1]) # starting guess for optimization; length = number of views
# if we only have equality constraints
if k_ == 0:
def gradient_u(v):
v = v.reshape(len(v), 1)
x = numpy.exp(numpy.log(p) - 1 -
x = numpy.clip(x, 1e-32, numpy.inf)
return beq -
def hessian_u(v):
v = v.reshape(len(v), 1)
x = numpy.exp(numpy.log(p) - 1 -
x = numpy.clip(x, 1e-32, numpy.inf)
return, k)), Aeq_)) # Hessian computed by Chen Qing, Lin Daimin, Meng Yanyan, Wang
def fmin_u(v):
v = v.reshape(len(v), 1)
x = numpy.exp(numpy.log(p) - 1 -
x = numpy.clip(x, 1e-32, numpy.inf)
L = x.transpose().dot(numpy.log(x) - numpy.log(p) + -
return -L
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(fmin_u, x0, method = 'L-BFGS-B', jac = gradient_u, tol=1e-6, options = {'ftol': 1e2 * numpy.finfo(float).eps})
if not result.success:
raise Exception("Optimization failed. Status " + str(result.status) + ". Cause: " + result.message)
#print result
v = result.x
v = v.reshape(len(v), 1)
p_ = numpy.exp(numpy.log(p) - 1 -
# inequality constraints are specified
inq_mat = -numpy.eye(k_ + k)
inq_mat = inq_mat[:k_,:]
inq_constraint = lambda x:
jac_constraint = lambda x: inq_mat
def gradient_c(lv):
lv = lv.reshape(len(lv), 1)
l = lv[:k_]
v = lv[k_:]
x = numpy.exp(numpy.log(p) - 1 - -
x = numpy.clip(x, 1e-32, numpy.inf)
return numpy.vstack((b -, beq -
def fmin_c(lv):
lv = lv.reshape(len(lv), 1)
log_p = numpy.log(p)
l = lv[:k_]
v = lv[k_:]
x = numpy.exp(log_p - 1 - -
x = numpy.clip(x, 1e-32, numpy.inf)
ineq = - b
eq = - beq
L = x.transpose().dot(numpy.log(x) - log_p) + l.transpose().dot(ineq) + v.transpose().dot(eq)
return -L
cons = {'type': 'ineq',
'fun': inq_constraint,
'jac': jac_constraint}
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(fmin_c, x0, method='SLSQP', jac = gradient_c, constraints = cons, tol=1e-6, options = {'ftol': 1e2 * numpy.finfo(float).eps})
if not result.success:
raise Exception("Optimization failed. Status " + str(result.status) + ". Cause: " + result.message)
#print result
lv = result.x
lv = lv.reshape(len(lv), 1)
l = lv[0:k_]
v = lv[k_:]
p_ = numpy.exp(numpy.log(p) - 1 - -
if not (abs(1. - numpy.sum(p_)) < 1e-3):
raise Exception("Sum of posterior probabilities is not equal to 1.")
return p_
def merge_prior_posterior(p, p_, x, c):
if (c < -1e8) or (c > (1 + 1e-8)):
raise Exception("Confidence must be in [0, 1]")
j, n = x.shape
p_ = (1. - c) * p + c * p_
exps = x.transpose().dot(p_)
scnd_mom = x.transpose().dot(numpy.multiply(x,[1, n]))))
scnd_mom = (scnd_mom + scnd_mom.transpose()) / 2
covs = scnd_mom -
return exps, covs
if __name__ == "__main__":
er = pandas.read_csv("cmas/er-vol.csv", index_col = 0, parse_dates = False)['ER'] / 100.
vol = pandas.read_csv("cmas/er-vol.csv", index_col = 0, parse_dates = False)['Vol'] / 100.
corr = pandas.read_csv("cmas/correlations.csv", index_col = 0, parse_dates = False)
covariance = numpy.diag(vol.values).dot(corr).dot(numpy.diag(vol.values))
covariance = pandas.DataFrame(covariance, index = corr.index, columns = corr.columns)
mu = er
sigma = covariance
j = 1000000
x = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma, j)
p = numpy.ones([j, 1]) / j
ranks = ['Credit - High Yield', 'Equity - US Small', 'Bond - INT Treasuries', 'Credit - REITs', 'Alternative - Gold']
rank_index = [er.index.get_loc(r) for r in ranks]
Aeq, beq = probability_constraint(x)
A, b = rank_view(x, p, rank_index[0:-1], rank_index[1:])
p_ = entropy_program(p, A, b, Aeq, beq)
ps = {}
ps['Prior'] = pandas.Series(dict(zip(range(0, len(p)), p.flatten())))
ps['Posterior'] = pandas.Series(dict(zip(range(0, len(p)), p_.flatten())))
ps = pandas.DataFrame(ps)
mu_, sigma_ = merge_prior_posterior(p, p_, x, 1.)
mu_ = pandas.Series(mu_.flatten(), index = er.index)
expected_returns = {}
expected_returns['Prior'] = er
expected_returns['Posterior'] = mu_
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