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Forked from nilaydshah/
Created February 6, 2019 16:54
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ASE Pre-Registration Script
import argparse
import sys
import grp
import pwd
import subprocess
import os
import json
class PreRegistration:
def __init__(self, args = None):
self.args = args
self.osGroup = 'msawb'
self.homePath = '/opt/msawb'
self.tmpDirPath = '{0}/tmp'.format(self.homePath)
self.configDirectory = '{0}/etc/config/SAPAse'.format(self.homePath)
self.configFile = '{0}/config.json'.format(self.configDirectory)
self.sidUser = ''
self.sid = ''
self.dbPort = 4901
self.dbUser = 'sapsa'
self.dbPasswordUtil = ''
def run(self):
print("+ Setting up OS users and groups")
self.AddUserToGroup(self.sidUser, self.osGroup)
print("+ Setting up directories and permissions")
self.ChangeOwner(self.homePath, 'root', self.osGroup)
self.ChangeOwner(self.tmpDirPath, 'root', self.osGroup)
self.ChangeMod(self.tmpDirPath, 0o777)
print("+ Creating config file".format(self.configFile))
print("+ Setting up permissions for config file")
self.ChangeOwner(self.configFile, 'root', self.osGroup)
self.ChangeMod(self.configFile, 0o640) # Not a type. Its 640 in Octal : 0o640
print("+ Setting up initial configurations")
print("\n** The necessary stuffs are configured. Please return to Azure portal/PS/CLI to now select the backup policy and enable protection for these SAP ASE DBs **\n")
Display a banner
def ShowBanner(self):
print (3 * "\n")
print (57 * '-')
print (" A Z U R E - B A C K U P R E G I S T R A T I O N")
print (57 * '-')
print("\n** This script is used to configure necessary permissions for Azure Backup to be able to backup and restore SAP ASE DBs within this SAP system. ** \n")
See if all input params are set through command line. If anything param is missing ask user for input
def GetUserInputs(self):
try: input = raw_input
except NameError: pass
if self.args.sid:
self.sid = self.args.sid
self.sid = input("\n Enter the instance name of the ASE System: ")
if not self.sid:
raise Exception("No value received. Aborting.")
self.dbPasswordUtil = input("\n Enter 'sapsa' user password utility: ")
if not self.dbPasswordUtil:
raise Exception("No value received. Aborting.")
self.sidUser = input("\n Enter DB OS username: ")
if not self.sidUser:
raise Exception("No value received. Aborting.")
print (2 * "\n")
Helper method to create an OS group. Skips creation if group already exists.
def CreateOSGroup(self, groupName):
# Check if group exists
except KeyError:
# Group doesn't exists. Creating group
subprocess.check_call(["/usr/sbin/groupadd", groupName])
Helper method to add any OS user to any OS group
def AddUserToGroup(self, userName, groupName):
except KeyError:
raise Exception("\n User {0} doesn't exists.".format(userName))
subprocess.check_call(["/usr/sbin/usermod", "-a", "-G", groupName, userName])
Helper method to chown any file/directory
def ChangeOwner(self, path, userName, groupName):
os.chown(path, pwd.getpwnam(userName).pw_uid, grp.getgrnam(groupName).gr_gid)
Helper method to create a directory if not exists
def CreateDirectory(self, directoryPath):
if os.path.exists(directoryPath) and os.path.isdir(directoryPath):
Helper method to create a file if not exists
def CreateFile(self, filePath):
if os.path.exists(filePath) and os.path.isfile(filePath):
open(filePath, 'a').close()
Helper method to chmod any file/directory
def ChangeMod(self, path, permMask):
os.chmod(path, permMask)
Helper method to configure config file with config object and initial values.
def SetupInitialConfigurationSettings(self):
config = [{
"LogicalContainerId": self.sid,
"LogicalContainerOSUser": self.sidUser,
"PropertyBag": dict(dbPort = self.dbPort, dbUser = self.dbUser, dbPasswordUtil = self.dbPasswordUtil)
with open(self.configFile, "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(config, indent = 4, sort_keys = True))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.getuid() != 0:
print("This script requires admin rights. Please execute this script as root or with sudo.")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Configure a machine for running Azure Backup')
# parser.add_argument('-u', dest='unattend', help='Run the script in unattend mode', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--sid', help='The instance name of the ASE System')
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