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Last active February 12, 2022 18:19
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Gaussian Mixture in JAGS
# from here:
modelstring <- "
model {
# Likelihood:
for( i in 1 : N ) {
y[i] ~ dnorm( mu[i] , tau[i] )
mu[i] <- muOfClust[ clust[i] ]
tau[i] <- tauOfClust[clust[i]]
clust[i] ~ dcat( pClust[1:Nclust] )
# Prior:
for ( clustIdx in 1: Nclust ) {
muOfClust[clustIdx] ~ dnorm( 0 , 1.0E-10 )
tauOfClust[clustIdx] ~ dgamma( 0.01 , 0.01 )
pClust[1:Nclust] ~ ddirch( onesRepNclust )
# Generate random data from known parameter values:
trueM1 = 100
N1 = 200
trueM2 = 145 # 145 for first example below; 130 for second example
N2 = 200
trueSD = 15
effsz = abs( trueM2 - trueM1 ) / trueSD
y1 = rnorm( N1 )
y1 = (y1-mean(y1))/sd(y1) * trueSD + trueM1
y2 = rnorm( N2 )
y2 = (y2-mean(y2))/sd(y2) * trueSD + trueM2
y = c( y1 , y2 )
N = length(y)
# Must have at least one data point with fixed assignment
# to each cluster, otherwise some clusters will end up empty:
Nclust = 2
clust = rep(NA,N)
clust[which.min(y)]=1 # smallest value assigned to cluster 1
clust[which.max(y)]=2 # highest value assigned to cluster 2
dataList = list(
y = y ,
N = N ,
Nclust = Nclust ,
clust = clust ,
onesRepNclust = rep(1,Nclust)
model=jags.model(textConnection(modelstring), data=dataList)
variable.names=c("muOfClust","tau","clust","pClust" ),
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