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Created January 21, 2023 05:36
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Functors in lambda calculus
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
module demo where
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Unit
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
data Unit₁ : Set₁ where
point : Unit₁
data Ty : Set where
unit : Ty
arrow : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
prod : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
cat : Ty
opcat : Ty
data Env : Set where
nil : Env
cons : Ty -> Env -> Env
data FTerm : Env -> Ty -> Set where
var : {t : Ty} -> {e : Env} -> FTerm (cons t e) t
weak : {t u : Ty} -> {e : Env} -> FTerm e t -> FTerm (cons u e) t
app : {a b : Ty} -> {e : Env} -> FTerm e (arrow a b) -> FTerm e a -> FTerm e b
abs : {a b : Ty} -> {e : Env} -> FTerm (cons a e) b -> FTerm e (arrow a b)
pair : {a b : Ty} -> {e : Env} -> FTerm e a -> FTerm e b -> FTerm e (prod a b)
fst : {a b : Ty} -> {e : Env} -> FTerm e (prod a b) -> FTerm e a
snd : {a b : Ty} -> {e : Env} -> FTerm e (prod a b) -> FTerm e b
const : {e : Env} -> (a : Set) -> FTerm e cat
constOp : {e : Env} -> (a : Set) -> FTerm e opcat
prodType : {e : Env} -> FTerm e cat -> FTerm e cat -> FTerm e cat
prodTypeOp : {e : Env} -> FTerm e opcat -> FTerm e opcat -> FTerm e opcat
arrowType : {e : Env} -> FTerm e opcat -> FTerm e cat -> FTerm e cat
arrowTypeOp : {e : Env} -> FTerm e cat -> FTerm e opcat -> FTerm e opcat
record Category : Set₁ where
Obj : Set
Map : Obj Obj Set
Comp : {A B C} (Map B C) (Map A B) (Map A C)
Id : {A} (Map A A)
open Category
record Functor (a : Category) (b : Category) : Set₁ where
ObjF : Obj a Obj b
MapF : {A B} Map a A B Map b (ObjF A) (ObjF B)
open Functor
unitCategory : Category
Obj unitCategory =
Map unitCategory tt tt =
Comp unitCategory tt tt = tt
Id unitCategory = tt
functorCategory : Category Category Category
Obj (functorCategory x y) = Functor x y
Map (functorCategory x y) a b = (A : Obj x) Map y (ObjF a A) (ObjF b A)
Comp (functorCategory x y) g f = λ a Comp y (g a) (f a)
Id (functorCategory x y) = λ a Id y
cartesianCategory : Category Category Category
Obj (cartesianCategory x y) = Obj x × Obj y
Map (cartesianCategory x y) (a , b) (c , d) = Map x a c × Map y b d
Comp (cartesianCategory x y) (g , g') (f , f') = Comp x g f , Comp y g' f'
Id (cartesianCategory x y) = Id x , Id y
setCategory : Category
Obj setCategory = Set
Map setCategory x y = x -> y
Comp setCategory g f = λ x g (f x)
Id setCategory = λ x x
opSetCategory : Category
Obj opSetCategory = Set
Map opSetCategory x y = y -> x
Comp opSetCategory g f = λ x f (g x)
Id opSetCategory = λ x x
category : Ty Category
category unit = unitCategory
category (arrow t v) = functorCategory (category t) (category v)
category (prod t v) = cartesianCategory (category t) (category v)
category cat = setCategory
category opcat = opSetCategory
data ObjSpace : Env Set₁ where
nilO : ObjSpace nil
consO : {t : Ty} {e : Env} Obj (category t) ObjSpace e ObjSpace (cons t e)
data MapSpace : Env Set₁ where
nilM : MapSpace nil
consM : {t : Ty} {e : Env} (a b : Obj (category t)) (f : Map (category t) a b) MapSpace e MapSpace (cons t e)
left : {e} MapSpace e ObjSpace e
left nilM = nilO
left (consM a b f m) = consO a (left m)
right : {e} MapSpace e ObjSpace e
right nilM = nilO
right (consM a b f m) = consO b (right m)
vectorize : {e} ObjSpace e MapSpace e
vectorize nilO = nilM
vectorize (consO {t} x m) = consM x x (Id (category t)) (vectorize m)
cong : {A B : Set} (f : A B) {x y : A}
x ≡ y
f x ≡ f y
cong f refl = refl
theorem1 : {e} (m : ObjSpace e) left (vectorize m) ≡ m
theorem1 nilO = refl
theorem1 (consO x m) = cong (consO x) (theorem1 m)
theorem2 : {e} (m : ObjSpace e) right (vectorize m) ≡ m
theorem2 nilO = refl
theorem2 (consO x m) = cong (consO x) (theorem2 m)
obj : {a : Ty} {e : Env} FTerm e a ObjSpace e Obj (category a)
obj var (consO x space) = x
obj (weak term) (consO x space) = obj term space
obj (app t v) space with obj t space
obj (app t v) space | functor = ObjF functor (obj v space)
ObjF (obj (abs t) space) x = obj t (consO x space)
MapF (obj {arrow a b} (abs t) space) = mapM a b t space
obj (pair t v) space = obj t space , obj v space
obj (fst t) space = proj₁ (obj t space)
obj (snd t) space = proj₂ (obj t space)
obj (prodType t v) space = obj t space × obj v space
obj (prodTypeOp t v) space = obj t space × obj v space
obj (arrowType t v) space = obj t space -> obj v space
obj (arrowTypeOp t v) space = obj t space -> obj v space
obj (const a) space = a
obj (constOp a) space = a
mapM : a b {e} (t : FTerm (cons a e) b) (space : ObjSpace e) {A B : Obj (category a)}
Map (category a) A B
Map (category b) (ObjF (obj (abs t) space) A)
(ObjF (obj (abs t) space) B)
mapM a b t space {A} {B} ab with mapF t (consM A B ab (vectorize space))
mapM a b t space {A} {B} ab | m rewrite theorem1 space rewrite theorem2 space = m
mapF : {a : Ty} {e : Env} (t : FTerm e a) (m : MapSpace e) Map (category a) (obj t (left m)) (obj t (right m))
mapF var (consM a b f space) = f
mapF (weak term) (consM a b f space) = mapF term space
mapF (app t v) space with mapF t space | mapF v space
mapF {z} (app t v) space | f | g = Comp (category z) (f (obj v (right space))) (MapF (obj t (left space)) g)
mapF {a = arrow a b} (abs t) space x = mapF t (consM x x (Id (category a)) space)
mapF (pair t v) space = mapF t space , mapF v space
mapF (fst t) space = proj₁ (mapF t space)
mapF (snd t) space = proj₂ (mapF t space)
mapF (prodType t v) space with mapF t space | mapF v space
mapF (prodType t v) space | m | w = λ (x , y) m x , w y
mapF (prodTypeOp t v) space = λ (x , y) mapF t space x , mapF v space y
mapF (arrowType t v) space = λ f x (mapF v space) (f (mapF t space x))
mapF (arrowTypeOp t v) space = λ f x (mapF v space) (f (mapF t space x))
mapF (const a) space = Id setCategory
mapF (constOp a) space = Id opSetCategory
testFunctor : {e} FTerm e (arrow cat cat)
testFunctor = abs (prodType var var)
testTest : (A B : Set) (A B) A × A B × B
testTest A B f = mapF (app testFunctor var) (consM A B f nilM)
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