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Created February 12, 2019 09:43
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convert bower manifest to npm manifest
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use JSON::Pretty;
my $components = from-json(slurp "components.json");
my $mappings = from-json(slurp "components.json");
sub add-npm-org (Str $name) {
return qq@financial-times/{$name};
sub create-npm-dependency (Str $name, Str $version) {
my $is-origami-component = $components.contains($name);
if ($is-origami-component) {
return add-npm-org($name), $version;
my $name-is-mapped = $mappings<name>.keys.contains($name);
if ($name-is-mapped) {
return $mappings<name><<$name>>, $version;
my $version-is-mapped = $mappings<version>.keys.contains($version);
if ($version-is-mapped) {
return $name, $mappings<version><<$version>>;
my $hash-version-match = $version ~~ /'#'(\^?\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/;
if ($ {
return $name, @$hash-version-match[0].Str;
return $name, $version;
sub MAIN (Str $version where * ~~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
my $bowerManifest = from-json(lines);
my $packageManifest = {};
$packageManifest<version> = $version;
$packageManifest<name> = add-npm-org($bowerManifest<name>);
$packageManifest<description> = $bowerManifest<description>;
$packageManifest<homepage> = $bowerManifest<homepage>;
$packageManifest<license> = $bowerManifest<license>;
$packageManifest<dependencies> = $bowerManifest<dependencies>.map({
my ($name, $version) = create-npm-dependency(.key, .value); $name, $version;
put to-json($packageManifest);
"name": {
"ftdomdelegate": "dom-delegate",
"prism": "prismjs",
"hogan": "hogan.js"
"version": {
"Financial-Times/highlight.js-shim": "^8.4.0"
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