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Hyperswarm DHT setup

Checking your network for P2Pness

Running a node

Running a dht node is as simple as installing the DHT cli.

npm i -g @hyperswarm/cli
blahah /
Last active May 9, 2017 14:39
easily find retracted papers in PubMed, using only bionode-ncbi and jq
# you'll need:
# - bionode-ncbi (
# - jq (
# count the number of retracted papers
bionode-ncbi search pubmed "\"Retracted Publication\"" \
| jq -c 'select(.pubtype[] | inside("Retracted Publication"))'
| wc -l
# get DOIs for all the retracted papers
blahah /
Last active January 27, 2021 16:12
Reply to Wiley's claim that they "do not create fake DOIs"
ruario /
Last active March 7, 2017 05:32
Extracts an Opera Debian package and installs it into /usr/local. An uninstall script is also created and installed as well. Upgrades work if you used this script to install a previous version. Completely unofficial and unsupported by Opera Software.

Disclaimer: I wrote this script for my own personal usage. It is not officially supported by Opera Software.

Whilst Opera currently only provide .deb packages, it is possible to install Opera on different distros. This install script automates the process.

If you don't already have the script, fetch it like so:

git clone

To install the latest stable release, issue:

domoritz / wos.php
Created March 10, 2012 19:32 — forked from pol/wos.php
Web of Science API access with ruby, python and php libs
$auth_url = "";
$auth_client = @new SoapClient($auth_url);
$auth_response = $auth_client->authenticate();
$search_url = "";
$search_client = @new SoapClient($search_url);
$search_array = array(