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Created August 9, 2023 05:59
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import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import get_window
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fftshift
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
A4-Part-1: Extracting the main lobe of the spectrum of a window
Write a function that extracts the main lobe of the magnitude spectrum of a window given a window
type and its length (M). The function should return the samples corresponding to the main lobe in
decibels (dB).
To compute the spectrum, take the FFT size (N) to be 8 times the window length (N = 8*M) (For this
part, N need not be a power of 2).
The input arguments to the function are the window type (window) and the length of the window (M).
The function should return a numpy array containing the samples corresponding to the main lobe of
the window.
In the returned numpy array you should include the samples corresponding to both the local minimas
across the main lobe.
The possible window types that you can expect as input are rectangular ('boxcar'), 'hamming' or
NOTE: You can approach this question in two ways: 1) You can write code to find the indices of the
local minimas across the main lobe. 2) You can manually note down the indices of these local minimas
by plotting and a visual inspection of the spectrum of the window. If done manually, the indices
have to be obtained for each possible window types separately (as they differ across different
window types).
Tip: log10(0) is not well defined, so its a common practice to add a small value such as eps = 1e-16
to the magnitude spectrum before computing it in dB. This is optional and will not affect your answers.
If you find it difficult to concatenate the two halves of the main lobe, you can first center the
spectrum using fftshift() and then compute the indexes of the minimas around the main lobe.
Test case 1: If you run your code using window = 'blackmanharris' and M = 100, the output numpy
array should contain 65 samples.
Test case 2: If you run your code using window = 'boxcar' and M = 120, the output numpy array
should contain 17 samples.
Test case 3: If you run your code using window = 'hamming' and M = 256, the output numpy array
should contain 33 samples.
def extractMainLobe(window, M):
window (string): Window type to be used (Either rectangular ('boxcar'), 'hamming' or '
M (integer): length of the window to be used
The function should return a numpy array containing the main lobe of the magnitude
spectrum of the window in decibels (dB).
w = get_window(window, M) # get the window
### Your code here
N = 8*M
fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)
hM1 = (M + 1) // 2
hM2 = M // 2
fftbuffer[:hM1] = w[hM2:]
fftbuffer[-hM2:] = w[:hM1]
X = fft(fftbuffer)
X = abs(X)
X = fftshift(X)
center = N // 2
hb = center
while X[hb] >= X[hb + 1]:
hb += 1
lb = center
while X[lb] >= X[lb - 1]:
lb -= 1
X = X[lb:hb+1]
X = 20 * np.log10(abs(X) + eps)
return X
if __name__ == '__main__':
import loadTestCases
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nCases = 3
for i in range(nCases):
testcase = loadTestCases.load(1, i + 1)
samples = extractMainLobe(**testcase['input'])
w = get_window(testcase['input']['window'], testcase['input']['M'])
plt.subplot(3, nCases, i + nCases * 0 + 1)
plt.title(f'Input ({testcase["input"]["window"]})')
plt.subplot(3, nCases, i + nCases * 1 + 1)
plt.title('Output samples')
plt.subplot(3, nCases, i + nCases * 2 + 1)
plt.title('Expected output samples')
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.signal import get_window
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../software/models/'))
import stft
import utilFunctions as UF
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
A4-Part-2: Measuring noise in the reconstructed signal using the STFT model
Write a function that measures the amount of noise introduced during the analysis and synthesis of a
signal using the STFT model. Use SNR (signal to noise ratio) in dB to quantify the amount of noise.
Use the stft() function in to do an analysis followed by a synthesis of the input signal.
A brief description of the SNR computation can be found in the pdf document (A4-STFT.pdf, in Relevant
Concepts section) in the assignment directory (A4). Use the time domain energy definition to compute
the SNR.
With the input signal and the obtained output, compute two different SNR values for the following cases:
1) SNR1: Over the entire length of the input and the output signals.
2) SNR2: For the segment of the signals left after discarding M samples from both the start and the
end, where M is the analysis window length. Note that this computation is done after STFT analysis
and synthesis.
The input arguments to the function are the wav file name including the path (inputFile), window
type (window), window length (M), FFT size (N), and hop size (H). The function should return a python
tuple of both the SNR values in decibels: (SNR1, SNR2). Both SNR1 and SNR2 are float values.
Test case 1: If you run your code using piano.wav file with 'blackman' window, M = 513, N = 2048 and
H = 128, the output SNR values should be around: (67.57748352378475, 304.68394693221649).
Test case 2: If you run your code using sax-phrase-short.wav file with 'hamming' window, M = 512,
N = 1024 and H = 64, the output SNR values should be around: (89.510506656299285, 306.18696700251388).
Test case 3: If you run your code using rain.wav file with 'hann' window, M = 1024, N = 2048 and
H = 128, the output SNR values should be around: (74.631476225366825, 304.26918192997738).
Due to precision differences on different machines/hardware, compared to the expected SNR values, your
output values can differ by +/-10dB for SNR1 and +/-100dB for SNR2.
def computeSNR(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
inputFile (string): wav file name including the path
window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming,
blackman, blackmanharris)
M (integer): analysis window length (odd positive integer)
N (integer): fft size (power of two, > M)
H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
The function should return a python tuple of both the SNR values (SNR1, SNR2)
SNR1 and SNR2 are floats.
## your code here
(fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)
w = get_window(window, M, False)
y = stft.stft(x, w, N, H)
noise = y - x
SNR1 = 10 * np.log10(np.sum(x**2) / np.sum(noise**2))
trimmed_x = x[M:-M]
trimmed_noise = noise[M:-M]
# print(M)
# print(x.shape)
# print(trimmed_x.shape)
# print(f'E x: {np.sum(x**2)}')
# print(f'E trimmed x: {np.sum(trimmed_x**2)}')
# print(f'E noise: {np.sum(noise**2)}')
# print(f'E trimmed noise: {np.sum(trimmed_noise**2)}')
# plt.subplot(3, 2, 1)
# plt.plot(x[:1000])
# plt.subplot(3, 2, 3)
# plt.plot(y[:1000])
# plt.subplot(3, 2, 5)
# plt.plot(noise[:1000])
# plt.subplot(3, 2, 2)
# plt.plot(trimmed_x[:1000])
# plt.subplot(3, 2, 4)
# plt.plot(trimmed_y[:1000])
# plt.subplot(3, 2, 6)
# plt.plot(trimmed_noise[:1000])
# exit(1)
SNR2 = 10 * np.log10(np.sum(trimmed_x**2) / np.sum(trimmed_noise**2))
return (SNR1, SNR2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import loadTestCases
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nCases = 3
for i in range(nCases):
testcase = loadTestCases.load(2, i + 1)
(SNR1, SNR2) = computeSNR(**testcase['input'])
print(f'Test case {i + 1}')
print(f'inputFile: {testcase["input"]}')
print(f'Expected: {testcase["output"]}')
print(f'Actual: {(SNR1, SNR2)}')
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import get_window
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../software/models/'))
import stft
import utilFunctions as UF
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
A4-Part-3: Computing band-wise energy envelopes of a signal
Write a function that computes band-wise energy envelopes of a given audio signal by using the STFT.
Consider two frequency bands for this question, low and high. The low frequency band is the set of
all the frequencies between 0 and 3000 Hz and the high frequency band is the set of all the
frequencies between 3000 and 10000 Hz (excluding the boundary frequencies in both the cases).
At a given frame, the value of the energy envelope of a band can be computed as the sum of squared
values of all the frequency coefficients in that band. Compute the energy envelopes in decibels.
Refer to "A4-STFT.pdf" document for further details on computing bandwise energy.
The input arguments to the function are the wav file name including the path (inputFile), window
type (window), window length (M), FFT size (N) and hop size (H). The function should return a numpy
array with two columns, where the first column is the energy envelope of the low frequency band and
the second column is that of the high frequency band.
Use stft.stftAnal() to obtain the STFT magnitude spectrum for all the audio frames. Then compute two
energy values for each frequency band specified. While calculating frequency bins for each frequency
band, consider only the bins that are within the specified frequency range. For example, for the low
frequency band consider only the bins with frequency > 0 Hz and < 3000 Hz (you can use np.where() to
find those bin indexes). This way we also remove the DC offset in the signal in energy envelope
computation. The frequency corresponding to the bin index k can be computed as k*fs/N, where fs is
the sampling rate of the signal.
To get a better understanding of the energy envelope and its characteristics you can plot the envelopes
together with the spectrogram of the signal. You can use matplotlib plotting library for this purpose.
To visualize the spectrogram of a signal, a good option is to use colormesh. You can reuse the code in
sms-tools/lectures/4-STFT/plots-code/ Either overlay the envelopes on the spectrogram
or plot them in a different subplot. Make sure you use the same range of the x-axis for both the
spectrogram and the energy envelopes.
NOTE: Running these test cases might take a few seconds depending on your hardware.
Test case 1: Use piano.wav file with window = 'blackman', M = 513, N = 1024 and H = 128 as input.
The bin indexes of the low frequency band span from 1 to 69 (69 samples) and of the high frequency
band span from 70 to 232 (163 samples). To numerically compare your output, use
script to obtain the expected output.
Test case 2: Use piano.wav file with window = 'blackman', M = 2047, N = 4096 and H = 128 as input.
The bin indexes of the low frequency band span from 1 to 278 (278 samples) and of the high frequency
band span from 279 to 928 (650 samples). To numerically compare your output, use
script to obtain the expected output.
Test case 3: Use sax-phrase-short.wav file with window = 'hamming', M = 513, N = 2048 and H = 256 as
input. The bin indexes of the low frequency band span from 1 to 139 (139 samples) and of the high
frequency band span from 140 to 464 (325 samples). To numerically compare your output, use script to obtain the expected output.
In addition to comparing results with the expected output, you can also plot your output for these
test cases.You can clearly notice the sharp attacks and decay of the piano notes for test case 1
(See figure in the accompanying pdf). You can compare this with the output from test case 2 that
uses a larger window. You can infer the influence of window size on sharpness of the note attacks
and discuss it on the forums.
def computeEngEnv(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
inputFile (string): input sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning,
hamming, blackman, blackmanharris)
M (integer): analysis window size (odd positive integer)
N (integer): FFT size (power of 2, such that N > M)
H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
The function should return a numpy array engEnv with shape Kx2, K = Number of frames
containing energy envelop of the signal in decibles (dB) scale
engEnv[:,0]: Energy envelope in band 0 < f < 3000 Hz (in dB)
engEnv[:,1]: Energy envelope in band 3000 < f < 10000 Hz (in dB)
### your code here
(fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)
w = get_window(window, M, False)
mX, pX = stft.stftAnal(x, w, N, H)
mX = 10 ** (mX / 20)
# Get the frequency bins
freq_per_bin = fs / N
lfb = np.ceil(3000 / freq_per_bin)
hfb = np.ceil(10000 / freq_per_bin)
low_freq_bins = np.arange(1, lfb, dtype=int)
high_freq_bins = np.arange(lfb, hfb, dtype=int)
#print(lfb, hfb)
#print(low_freq_bins * freq_per_bin)
#print(high_freq_bins * freq_per_bin)
low_band = mX[:, low_freq_bins]
high_band = mX[:, high_freq_bins]
# Compute the energy envelope
low_band_env = 10 * np.log10(np.sum(np.abs(low_band) ** 2, axis=1))
high_band_env = 10 * np.log10(np.sum(np.abs(high_band) ** 2, axis=1))
engEnv = (np.vstack((low_band_env, high_band_env))).T
return engEnv
if __name__ == '__main__':
import loadTestCases
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nCases = 3
f, axs = plt.subplots(3, nCases, figsize=(16, 8))
f.tight_layout(h_pad=3, w_pad=3)
for i in range(nCases):
testcase = loadTestCases.load(3, i + 1)
engEnv = computeEngEnv(**testcase['input'])
print(f'Test case {i+1}:')
print(f'Actual output: {engEnv}')
print(f'Expected output: {testcase["output"]}')
axs[0][i].plot(engEnv[:, 0], label='Low Band')
axs[0][i].plot(engEnv[:, 1], label='High Band')
axs[0][i].set_xlabel(f'Frame number')
axs[0][i].set_ylabel(f'Energy (dB)')
axs[0][i].set_title(f'Test case {i+1}: Actual')
axs[1][i].plot(testcase['output'][:, 0], label='Low Band')
axs[1][i].plot(testcase['output'][:, 1], label='High Band')
axs[1][i].set_xlabel(f'Frame number')
axs[1][i].set_ylabel(f'Energy (dB)')
axs[1][i].set_title(f'Test case {i+1}: Expected')
axs[2][i].plot(engEnv[:, 0] - testcase['output'][:, 0], label='Low Band')
axs[2][i].plot(engEnv[:, 1] - testcase['output'][:, 1], label='High Band')
axs[2][i].set_xlabel(f'Frame number')
axs[2][i].set_ylabel(f'Energy (dB)')
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charlee commented Aug 9, 2023

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