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Mykhailo Chalyi (Mike Chaliy) chaliy

  • Ukraine, Lviv
  • 11:51 (UTC +03:00)
  • X @chaliy
View GitHub Profile
# Герератор базових математичних завданнь
zlib-devel.x86_64 1.2.7-18.amzn2 @amzn2-core
zlib.x86_64 1.2.7-18.amzn2 installed
zip.x86_64 3.0-11.amzn2.0.2 @amzn2-core
yum-plugin-priorities.noarch 1.1.31-46.amzn2.0.1 installed
yum-plugin-ovl.noarch 1.1.31-46.amzn2.0.1 installed
yum-metadata-parser.x86_64 1.1.4-10.amzn2.0.2 installed
yum.noarch 3.4.3-158.amzn2.0.5 installed
yarn.noarch 1.22.15-1 @yarn
xz-lzma-compat.x86_64 5.2.2-1.amzn2.0.2 @amzn2-core
xz-libs.x86_64 5.2.2-1.amzn2.0.2 installed
# Flux2 install for Kubernetes v1.15.0
flux install --export --watch-all-namespaces=false -n {{inputs.parameters.namespace}} | \
yq4 e 'select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition").apiVersion = ""' - | \
yq4 e 'select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition").spec.additionalPrinterColumns = select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition").spec.versions[0].additionalPrinterColumns' - | \
yq4 e 'del(select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition").spec.versions[].additionalPrinterColumns)' - | \
yq4 e 'select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition").spec.validation = select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition").spec.versions[0].schema' - | \
yq4 e 'del(select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition").spec.versions[0].schema)' - | \
yq4 e 'select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition").spec.subresources = select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition").spec.versions[0].subresources' - | \
yq4 e 'del(select(.kind == "CustomResourceDe
chaliy / az_acr_auth,sh
Last active August 30, 2018 20:30
Oneliner that replicates `aws ecr get-login` for `az acr`
az acr credential show -n mysuperpuperregistry \
--query "join(' ', ['docker login', '-u', username, '-p', password])" \
--output tsv | sh
var svg =[0])
.attr('width', '99%')
.attr('height', '99%')
.attr('style', 'border: 1px solid silver; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 1001');
var data = []
var refresh = function () {
var joints = svg
chaliy /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Parse time table of the Lvivska Politehnica and then convert to iCalendar format
# coding=utf-8
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from icalendar import Calendar, Event
from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta
def read_table():
r = requests.get('')
#r.encoding = 'utf-8'
chaliy /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Monkeypatch Pandas DataFrame to render tables with bootstrap styles. Still no lack with ugly black borders.
import pandas as pd
pd.DataFrame._repr_html_ = lambda self: self.to_html(classes='table table-striped')
# What output you expect form this?
class Fooker(object):
def __init__(self, items = []):
self.items = items
def append(self, item):
o = Fooker()
chaliy /
Created February 3, 2014 21:52
Algorithm course has trees encoded as array, simple routine to draw grapth from it
import pydot
def print_tree(tree):
g1 = pydot.Dot(graph_type='graph')
for i in range(len(tree)):
g1.add_edge(pydot.Edge(i, tree[i]))