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Forked from davedice/InflatableSeqLock.cpp
Created December 13, 2016 22:42
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Inflatable SeqLock
// InflatableSeqLock
// Copyright(C) 2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates
// Dave Dice :
// Remarks:
// * Implements composite writer mutex and seqlock in a single word-sized lock.
// Allows optimistic reading and pessimistic writing.
// Readers don't write to shared synchronization metadata, which helps avoid
// coherence traffic. Readers must tolerate observing inconsistent state, however.
// * Writer mutex is based on LIFO-CR lock from
// * If 2 words were available then we'd simply use a (SeqLock,WriterLock) tuple.
// The writerlock could be a classic LIFO-CR lock.
// We'd update the SeqLock least significant bit to reflect the WriterLock state.
// This can be accomplished with normal non-atomic accesses.
// Additional fencing is required for those non-atomic SeqLock updates.
// * Does not support reentrant locking -- nesting
// The identity of lock owner is anonymous
// * Optimistic readers that fail repeatedly on the same episode are
// expected to fall back to pessimistic write locking to ensure progress.
// * Because we're interested in footprint and density, a single-word lock will be
// more vulnerable to false sharing for contended or promiscuous use cases.
// * LIFO-CR properties :
// + single-word lock
// + succession by direct handoff
// + aggressive self-deflating locks -- prompt deflation
// + Uses Spin-then-park polite waiting ; no unbounded spinning
// + provides local spinning in spin-then-park waiting
// + Requires CAS in both lock and unlock fast paths
// + Explicit lock-free stack of waiters
// The stacks are immune to the ABA problem as access is single-consumer-multiple-producer.
// The SC safety property derives from lock itself.
// Only the lock owner can pop.
// + When writer threads are waiting, the upper bits of the SeqLock field point to
// the head (top) of a stack of waiting threads.
// The set of waiting threads are linked together via on-stack "PushNode" elements.
// + uses Bernoulli trials for long-term fairness
// Occasionally select the tail of the stack for succession.
// Unfair over the short-term but enforces long-term fairness.
// A classic seqlock that uses the LSB as a test-and-set lock can exhibit
// sustained long-term unfairness and starvation.
// + Through happenstance, the current implementation happens to be
// "thread oblivious" in the sense that thread T1 might acquire the lock
// and thread T2 could subsequently release the lock.
// * A viable alternative to the LIFO-CR lock is the following:
// Yoshihiro Oyama, Kenjiro Taura, Akinori Yonezawa
// Executing Parallel Programs with Synchronization Bottlenecks Efficiently
// PDSIA 1999
// * If necessary, a writer can access the displaced inflatable seqlock word
// by traversing the lock stack. The displaced word is the terminal element.
// * Lock word encoding = (Variant : CONTENDED : LOCKED)
// Normal : V:0:0 V is Version
// Locked : V:0:1 Writer is active
// Contended : P:1:1 P is pointer to PushNode element
// Illegal : *:0:1
// CONTENDED=1 implies LOCKED=1
// LOCKED=0 implies CONTENDED=0
// CONTENDED=1 implies remainder contains pointer to PushNode
// CONTENDED=0 implies remainder contains version
// * The implementation is not strictly complaint C++ given the casting
// of bit operations on pointers.
// We assume the low order 2 bits of pointers are available for our use,
// which in turn presumes alignment of the referents.
// * Invariant:
// The displaced version number resides at the tail of the stack -- (V:0:1)
// * We assume a 64-bit environment with 62 bits for the seqlock.
// Roll-over is not a practical concern.
// * The implementation may batch together groups of writes under one seqlock "increment"
// episode.
// Remarks specific to the implementation sketch:
// * For the purposes of explication, we've implemented waiting via unbounded spinning.
// It is trivial, however, to convert the code to use park-unpark facilities.
// * The implementation is conservatively over-fenced with std::memory_order_seq_cst.
// Using more efficient and relaxed fencing is left as an exercise for the reader.
// * Potential thrown exceptions in the lambdas are ignored.
// * Various bits of support infrastructure are assumed.
// * To make the code a bit shorter I've used gotos.
static const auto LCAS = [](auto ARef, auto Cmp, auto Set) {
std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong (ARef, &Cmp, Set) ;
return Cmp ;
} ;
class InflatableSeqLock {
// ISeqLock tag and VERSION(1) encoding ...
std::atomic<uintptr_t> ISeqLock {VERSION1} ;
// Policies for succession ...
static const enum {LIBERAL, STRICT} SuccessionMode {LIBERAL} ;
static const double TailProbability = 0.0001 ;
static_assert(sizeof(uintptr_t) == 8, "invariant") ;
struct PushNode {
std::atomic<uintptr_t> Next alignas(128) {0} ;
std::atomic<int> Admit {0} ;
} ;
// Pass lock ownership to thread referenced by "t"
// Unpark(t) as necessary
void Resume (PushNode * t) {
ASSERT (t->Admit == 0) ;
t->Admit = 1 ;
// Standard RAII wrapper
class Guard {
InflatableSeqLock & I ;
Guard (InflatableSeqLock & s) : I(s) { I.Lock() ; }
Guard (InflatableSeqLock * s) : I(*s) { I.Lock() ; }
~Guard() { I.Unlock() ; }
Guard (const Guard &) = delete ;
Guard & operator=(const Guard &) = delete ;
} ;
uintptr_t ReadVersion() { return ISeqLock ;}
int IsLocked (uintptr_t v) { return (v & LOCKED) != 0; }
int Validate (uintptr_t v) { return ((v & LOCKED) | (v ^ ISeqLock)) == 0; }
void Lock() {
uintptr_t w = ISeqLock ;
Again : (0) ;
if ((w & LOCKED) == 0) {
// Uncontended lock fast path ...
// Locked == 0 implies Contended == 0
ASSERT ((w & CONTENDED) == 0) ;
const uintptr_t v = LCAS (&ISeqLock, w, w|LOCKED) ;
if (v == w) {
return ;
w = v ;
// CAS failed via remote interference; we lost the race
// Inopportune interleaving
goto Again ;
// Contended arrival ...
// Push reference to TSelf onto arrival stack
PushNode TSelf ;
TSelf.Admit = 0 ;
TSelf.Next = w ;
ASSERT ((uintptr_t(&TSelf) & TAGMASK) == 0) ;
const uintptr_t v = LCAS (&ISeqLock, w, uintptr_t(&TSelf)|LOCKED|CONTENDED) ;
if (v != w) {
w = v ;
goto Again ;
// Contended waiting phase ...
// Should park() here
while (TSelf.Admit == 0) {
Pause() ;
ASSERT (IsLocked(ISeqLock)) ;
void Unlock () {
// Consider: prefetch-for-write
uintptr_t w = ISeqLock ;
ASSERT (IsLocked(w)) ;
if ((w & CONTENDED) == 0) {
// Fast uncontended unlock path ...
// Version number remains installed in ISeqLock
// Transition V:0:1 --> V+1:0:0
// Clear LOCKED and increment version field in ISeqLock
// Stream of unlocked version numbers should be monotone ascending.
uintptr_t v = LCAS (&ISeqLock, w, (w & ~TAGMASK)+VERSION1) ;
if (w == v) {
return ;
w = v ;
// New threads have arrived ...
// Impose long-term fairness - anti-starvation
// periodically select tail as successor
// Bernoulli trial determines if we pass to tail.
// All interior elements should be LOCKED|CONTENTED
// The ultimate element is the displaced version number and is LOCKED only.
// Runs in O(T) time where T is the depth of the stack
if (Bernoulli (TailProbability)) {
PushNode * Penult = nullptr ;
PushNode * Tail = reinterpret_cast<PushNode *>(w & ~TAGMASK) ;
// traverse list to find penultimate
for (;;) {
uintptr_t nw = Tail->Next ;
PushNode * nxt = reinterpret_cast<PushNode *>(nw & ~TAGMASK) ;
if ((nw & TAGMASK) == LOCKED) break ;
Penult = Tail ;
Tail = nxt ;
if (Penult != nullptr) {
// claim : At least two threads on the stack
ASSERT (Tail != nullptr) ;
ASSERT ((uintptr_t(Penult->Next) & ~TAGMASK) == uintptr_t(Tail)) ;
ASSERT ((uintptr_t(Tail->Next) & (LOCKED|CONTENDED)) == LOCKED) ;
// remove tail from list and grant ownership to tail
// Truncate list
Penult->Next = Underlying(Tail->Next) ;
Resume(Tail) ;
return ;
// There is at least one thread on the stack
// While locked, the stack only grows : push-only
// While the lock remains held, code in unlock should never observe
// the stack shrink, or the top-of-stack change from LOCKED|CONTENDED to any other state.
// It _is legal to observe transitions from LOCKED to LOCKED|CONTENDED.
TryPop : (0) ;
auto Head = reinterpret_cast<PushNode *> (w & ~TAGMASK) ;
ASSERT (Head != nullptr) ;
uintptr_t T2 = Head->Next ;
const uintptr_t v = LCAS (&ISeqLock, w, T2) ;
if (v == w) {
// CAS was successful
Resume(Head) ;
return ;
// CAS failed; we raced and lost
// inopportune interleaving -- concurrent interference and race
// some other thread modified ISeqLock in the LD-CAS window above.
// new threads have arrived in interim window
if (SuccessionMode == STRICT) {
// Force strict pedantic LIFO ordering.
// Retry the "pop" operation.
// unlock() is NOT constant-time for STRICT mode.
w = v ;
goto TryPop ;
ASSERT (SuccessionMode == LIBERAL) ;
// CAS failed, so there must be 2 or more threads on the stack
// Wake the 2nd thread.
// unlock() runs in constant time with no loops but the admission
// order is not strict LIFO.
Head = reinterpret_cast<PushNode *> (v & ~TAGMASK) ;
ASSERT (Head != nullptr) ;
T2 = Head->Next ;
const auto nxt = reinterpret_cast<PushNode *> (T2 & ~TAGMASK) ;
ASSERT (nxt != nullptr) ;
Head->Next = nxt->Next.load() ;
Resume (nxt) ;
// Alternative concise usage: int v = SeqLock + [&]{....} ;
// Allow lambda body to return values thru seqlock.
auto operator+ (auto && fn) -> decltype(fn()) {
Guard G (this) ;
return fn() ;
void Write (std::function<void(void)> Activity) {
Guard G (this) ;
Activity() ;
// Encapsulated read operator that takes a reader-CS expressed as a lambda
// This allows us to hide the policy code that reverts from
// optimistic reads to pessimistic writes.
void Read (std::function<void(void)> Activity) {
// Optimistic-speculative phase
int OptimisticAttempts = 5 ;
for (;;) {
if (--OptimisticAttempts < 0) break ;
if (TryRead (Activity) == 0) return ;
// revert to pessimistic mutual exclusion - ensure eventual progress
Write(Activity) ;
// TryRead() return values
// 0 : success : observed values were consistent
// 1 : aborted because writer was present at start of attempt
// 2 : aborted because writer arrived during attempt
int TryRead (std::function<void(void)> Activity) {
const auto v = ReadVersion() ;
if (IsLocked(v)) return 1 ;
// speculative read attempt ...
// The reader can see inconsistent values and is expected to
// tolerate and behave gracefully.
// Be extremely careful of dependent loads and pointers!
// FENCE : LD | LD
Activity() ;
// FENCE : LD | LD
if (Validate(v)) return 0 ;
return 2 ;
} ;
static_assert(sizeof(InflatableSeqLock) == sizeof(intptr_t), "invariant") ;
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