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Last active August 12, 2021 16:58
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what has Chad been doing

Thu 2021-03-12

Wed 2021-03-11

Tue 2021-03-10

Mon 2021-03-09

  • runner: almost get it working on testnet

Fri 2021-03-06

  • runner: review & merge view/patch state v1
  • runner: finish re-organizing code to enable pointing at testnet

Thu 2021-03-05

  • sandbox/runner: add Quick Start & Pro Tips to README; publish v0.1.3
  • meeting: human time with Kevin
  • meeting: dev platform work group
  • sandbox/runner: start re-organizing code to enable pointing at testnet

Wed 2021-03-04

  • sandbox: split near-runner into own repo, publish to npm
  • sandbox: solicit feedback on current API design from Daryl & Vlad G
  • sandbox: discuss binary distribution approach with Willem
  • meeting: planning The Tutorial; ✌️ Raenville vs Crossword ✌️
  • sandbox: document current API design

Tue 2021-08-03

  • sandbox: improve in-repo tests to use proper TS and more Jest features
  • sandbox: prepare slides to demonstrate sandbox motivations & current functionality to internal team
  • meeting: sandbox demo & visioning

Mon 2021-08-02

  • sandbox: make view and call default to returning value (view_raw and call_raw return full tx info)
  • sandbox: add rust-status-message to repo
  • meeting: sprint kickoff
  • meeting: 1:1 Jim

Sat 2021-07-31

  • continue narwhal-problems effort

Fri 2021-07-30

Thu 2021-07-29

  • pair with Willem to get near-sandbox tests working with non-Jest tests and almost working with Jest tests
  • meeting: discuss Dev Platform team process
  • meeting: open web sandbox monthly party

Wed 2021-07-28

  • meeting: Near Inc all-hands
  • review: near-sdk-as bindgen fix & refactor
  • pair with Willem to come up with API for near-sandbox JS tests and get code into approximate shape needed

Tue 2021-07-27

  • comms & small readability tweaks to Raenville README
  • update myself on The Grand Unified Theory of Documentation, a discussion that started while I was out
  • meeting: update from Willem on what's up with AssemblyScript stuff in NEAR
  • meeting: team OKRs
  • meeting: 1:1 with Josh Q, discuss docs strategy & Raenville concept
  • meeting: dev platform standup
  • meeting: discuss near-sandbox interface & initial features with Willem
  • support call: respond to Qs in #dev-contracts Discord channel, jump on call to help Benji & Maria from Fayyr get contracts deployed to their localnet (we didn't quite get their localnet all sorted out, though)

Mon 2021-07-26

Fri 2021-07-23

Thu 2021-07-22

  • Finish writing how to upgrade contracts, request reviews, address reviews, merge PR
  • Start formalizing Zero to Hero pitch & comparison
  • Belatedly learn secret (not secret) details of how ✌️ attaching a deposit ✌️ to a tx with a Function Call access key actually works (thanks Mike!)

Wed 2021-07-21

  • how to upgrade contracts – dig into list of links used as source material enough to distinguish "migration method" approach and "use enums" approach in my own mind. Finalize "migration method" docs. Discuss how to write "use enums" section with Mike; decide that keeping it and the whole "Upgrading via DAO vote" sections as short stubs is good enough for now.
  • Discuss Zero to Hero with Mike; get quick run-through of slides for near-crossword. Spend all evening thinking about Zero to Hero.

Tue 2021-07-20

  • start documenting how to upgrade contracts; complete "rapid prototyping" doc, start more deeply learning the "use Enums" approach
  • meeting: standup-turned-near-sandbox-planning

Mon 2021-07-19

Fri 2021-07-16

Thu 2021-07-15

Wed 2021-07-14

  • install RescueTime to better ensure full workday
  • meeting: 1:1 with Pierre-Alain to catch up on Rainbow Bridge / Aurora
  • answer support requests in Discord #dev-contracts channel
    • flag near view-state bug in Slack #development channel
    • update artifacts in NFT repo
  • meeting: coffee chat with some NEARians
  • schedule follow-up chat about recent discussion on NFT standard (participants contacted)
  • read through near-cli NEP, fixing grammar & typos, addressing straightforward comments. Do some cross-comparison between this proposal and what Frol has been working on, which is a significantly different approach. Reconciling these and reaching consensus on our preferred approach will take a while. I'm super happy to be part of the team doing this, though!
  • started looking into sandbox; computer keeps nearly running out of disc when building nearcore, so I looked into using a shared cargo cache but ran into some issues
  • review NFT metadata PR to add token_holder
  • review & merge link fixes for FT standard
  • review NFT approval management standard updates and create follow-up PR to unblock it

Tue 2021-07-13

First day back from parental leave.

  • mark all Discord and Slack messages as read
  • start skimming emails, especially emails
  • research how to make it easier for create-react-app fans to get started quickly with NEAR, since create-near-app uses Parcel instead
  • add to Aligning our NEAR API/connector Libraries discussion with thoughts on Metadata ACI (application contract interface)
  • meeting: dev platform OKRs
  • meeting: dev platform standup
  • meeting: catch-up with Mike about org changes and project updates
  • meeting: catch-up with Willem about org changes and the future of create-near-app
  • meeting: 1:1 with Jim Berry, my new People Manager, to get to know each other
  • catch up on near-api-js rename discussions
  • start reviewing near-cli NEP
  • skim recent discussion on NFT standard; still need to form an opinion and respond

Tue 2021-04-20

  • Parental leave begins

Mon 2021-04-19

  • NFT Library – get cross-contract nft_on_approve tested
  • Catch up on email, including NFT community discussion
  • Meeting: Dev Platform standup; discuss short-term plans for near-cli, near-api-js, and create-near-app

Fri 2021-04-16

  • NFT Library - get almost all essential functionality written and tested

Thu 2021-04-15

  • NFT Library
  • Rainbow Bridge Client: met with Collab-land folks about using @near-eth/client in their upcoming NEAR NFT Marketplace, so Ethereum peeps can get assets into NEAR
  • Rainbow Bridge Client: update README so Collab-land folks don't have to wonder what's accurate and what's not

Wed 2021-04-14

  • NFT Library

Tue 2021-04-13

Mon 2021-04-12

Fri 2021-04-09

Thu 2021-04-08

  • Meeting: Dev Platform Work Group
  • Meeting: TessaB
  • Meeting: Chad:Mike 1:1
  • NFT library: get all files & types in place
  • Review: zero-case NFT NEP
  • Review: Payouts NEP

Wed 2021-04-07


Tue 2021-04-06

  • Rainbow Bridge Promo: fix images in Twitter & Facebook embeds
  • Review: BorshStorageKey
  • Perf Cycle: review self, manager, and peers

Mon 2021-04-05

  • Help Corwin clear some hurdles for his contributions to Rainbow Bridge Frontend
  • Meeting: Q2 OKRs
  • Rainbow Bridge promo: review & feedback for super-short version of video
  • Read through Perf Cycle documentation
  • Add detail & fix typos/grammar in near-sdk-rs Best Practices

Fri 2021-04-02

  • Early-morning recording of Take 4 of Rainbow Bridge Promo Video – it worked! Got it to Chad Lamon ahead of his workday so he wouldn't be blocked.
  • Write & solicit feedback on script for a 20-second version of the promo video
  • Human Time with Josh
  • Taxes
  • Harrison Assessment review with Adele
  • Performance Review Orientation

Thu 2021-04-1

  • Early-morning conversation with maintainers of to ensure Faucet gives 0.1N instead of 0.01N
  • Surfaced critical bugs in both Rainbow Bridge frontend (aurora-is-near/rainbow-bridge-frontend#179) and the FT Connector contracts (Near-One/rainbow-token-connector#52) (some help & discussion with Marcelo on the latter)
  • Peer review discussion with Sherif
  • 1:1 Peter
  • Record Take 3 of Rainbow Bridge Promo Video. Still failed with "not enough balance" even with 0.1N from faucet. Got Riqi to update faucet to give out 0.2N.
  • Analyze Rainbow Bridge frontend issues with Pierre-Alain.

Wed 2021-03-31

  • Get some Rainbow Bridge UI improvements across the finish line before recording next take. Discuss some off-seeming elements with Corwin. aurora-is-near/rainbow-bridge-frontend#175
  • Record Take 2 of Rainbow Bridge Promo Video. Failed with "not enough balance."
  • Help Dorian understand Rainbow Bridge functionality (two short meetings, in which I created a JS file-based analog for understanding how blockchains work which I and Dorian should have recorded and which will probably form the groundwork for future edu/devrel efforts)
  • Start reviewing near-sdk-rs Best Practices
  • Start addressing Rainbow Bridge typos & localization-support issue
  • RB Frontend discussion with Pierre-Alain

Tue 2021-03-30

Mon 2021-03-29







  • Meeting: OKR review & planning
  • Meeting: Application Engineering standup
  • NFT NEP: updates specifically focused on getting in good-enough shape for Working Group meeting



Mostly meetings:

  • Berry Pickers Sync
  • Dev Tooling Sync
  • Live App Review (MintBase contract review, in fact)
  • 1:1 with Vlad Grichina, talking a lot about NFTs
  • Berry Pickers standup





Over the weekend, we got near-sdk-sim README & related bug fixes merged near/near-sdk-rs#327

Today my main focus was clearing my somewhat-neglected work email inbox. This led to scattered work:


Other things:

  • Update near-examples/FT#93 with latest code from near-sdk-rs; bump team for review; DM some other people to ask for review who I know have strongly held views on AssemblyScript to see if they agree it makes sense for now to stop advertising AS in this example
  • Compile poll results from my ETH Denver talk for NEAR Wallet design discussion about bridged token names (near/near-wallet#1512 (comment))
  • Let commentor on outdated NFT NEP know about the new discussion (near/NEPs#4 (comment))
  • Fill out Harrison communication style assessment
  • Read through NFT standard discussion and start forming thoughts; leave some feedback


  • Berry Pickers team sync
  • Team check-in with Oysterpack


near-sdk-sim README near/near-sdk-rs#327




  • Berry Pickers work group
  • Dev Tooling Sync
  • TessaB
  • 1:1 Mike

Documenting near-sdk-sim, near/near-sdk-rs#327. Highlights:


All near/near-sdk-rs#327 today


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