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Forked from lenary/partials.rb
Created May 6, 2010 03:29
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An implementation of partials for Sinatra, with support for a :spacer_string parameter (like rail's :spacer_template, but less robust and more tailored to my needs). See how it's used here:
# stolen from and made a tiny bit more robust by me
# this implementation uses haml by default. if you want to use any other template mechanism
# then replace `erb` on line 23 and line 31 with `erb` or whatever
#This implementation varies from lenary's because it allows a :spacer_string to be specified
# a spacer_string works the same way as a :spacer_template in rails,
# except instead of rendering a page it plops in a string,
# but only in between elements of the collection, not at the end.
# This is useful if you have, say, a collection of blog tags,
# rendered as a collection of links with commas between them.
#DISCLAIMER: I have never used a :spacer_template in rails,
#so I designed this from my perhaps-misguided understanding of it.
module Sinatra::Partials
def partial(template, *args)
template_array = template.to_s.split('/')
template = template_array[0..-2].join('/') + "/_#{template_array[-1]}"
options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
options.merge!(:layout => false)
if collection = options.delete(:collection) then
spacer_string = options.delete(:spacer_string)
collection.inject([]) do |buffer, member|
rendered = haml(:"#{template}", options.merge(:layout =>
false, :locals => {template_array[-1].to_sym => member}))
if spacer_string
rendered << spacer_string if member != collection.last
buffer << rendered
haml(:"#{template}", options)
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