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Created October 3, 2016 13:46
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* Underscore.php v1.0
* Copyright (c) 2013 Jonathan Aquino
* This is a fork of Brian Haveri's Underscore.php. I have removed the
* object-oriented way of calling the functions, and changed all functions to
* static. This eliminates the E_STRICT warnings under PHP >=5.4.
* Underscore.php is licensed under the MIT license
* Underscore.php was inspired by and borrowed from Underscore.js
* For docs, license, tests, and downloads, see:
// Underscore.php
class __ {
// Invoke the iterator on each item in the collection
public static function each($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
if(is_null($collection)) return null;
$collection = (array) self::_collection($collection);
if(count($collection) === 0) return null;
foreach($collection as $k=>$v) {
call_user_func($iterator, $v, $k, $collection);
return null;
// Return an array of values by mapping each item through the iterator
// map alias: collect
public static function collect($collection=null, $iterator=null) { return self::map($collection, $iterator); }
public static function map($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
if(is_null($collection)) return array();
$collection = (array) self::_collection($collection);
if(count($collection) === 0) array();
$return = array();
foreach($collection as $k=>$v) {
$return[] = call_user_func($iterator, $v, $k, $collection);
return $return;
// Reduce a collection to a single value
// reduce aliases: foldl, inject
public static function foldl($collection=null, $iterator=null, $memo=null) { return self::reduce($collection, $iterator, $memo); }
public static function inject($collection=null, $iterator=null, $memo=null) { return self::reduce($collection, $iterator, $memo); }
public static function reduce($collection=null, $iterator=null, $memo=null) {
if(!is_object($collection) && !is_array($collection)) {
if(is_null($memo)) throw new Exception('Invalid object');
else return $memo;
return array_reduce($collection, $iterator, $memo);
// Right-associative version of reduce
// reduceRight alias: foldr
public static function foldr($collection=null, $iterator=null, $memo=null) { return self::reduceRight($collection, $iterator, $memo); }
public static function reduceRight($collection=null, $iterator=null, $memo=null) {
if(!is_object($collection) && !is_array($collection)) {
if(is_null($memo)) throw new Exception('Invalid object');
else return $memo;
$__ = new self;
return $__->reduce($collection, $iterator, $memo);
// Extract an array of values for a given property
public static function pluck($collection=null, $key=null) {
$collection = (array) self::_collection($collection);
$return = array();
foreach($collection as $item) {
foreach($item as $k=>$v) {
if($k === $key) $return[] = $v;
return $return;
// Does the collection contain this value?
// includ alias: contains
public static function contains($collection=null, $val=null) { return self::includ($collection, $val); }
public static function includ($collection=null, $val=null) {
$collection = (array) self::_collection($collection);
return (array_search($val, $collection, true) !== false);
// Invoke the named function over each item in the collection, optionally passing arguments to the function
public static function invoke($collection=null, $function_name=null, $arguments=null) {
$args = func_get_args();
$__ = new self;
list($collection, $function_name) = $__->first($args, 2);
$arguments = $__->rest(func_get_args(), 2);
// If passed an array or string, return an array
// If passed an object, return an object
$is_obj = is_object($collection);
$result = (empty($arguments)) ? array_map($function_name, (array) $collection) : array_map($function_name, (array) $collection, $arguments);
if($is_obj) $result = (object) $result;
return $result;
// Does any values in the collection meet the iterator's truth test?
// any alias: some
public static function some($collection=null, $iterator=null) { return self::any($collection, $iterator); }
public static function any($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$__ = new self;
if(!is_null($iterator)) $collection = $__->map($collection, $iterator);
if(count($collection) === 0) return false;
return is_int(array_search(true, $collection, false));
// Do all values in the collection meet the iterator's truth test?
// all alias: every
public static function every($collection=null, $iterator=null) { return self::all($collection, $iterator); }
public static function all($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$__ = new self;
if(!is_null($iterator)) $collection = $__->map($collection, $iterator);
$collection = (array) $collection;
if(count($collection) === 0) return true;
return is_bool(array_search(false, $collection, false));
// Return an array of values that pass the truth iterator test
// filter alias: select
public static function select($collection=null, $iterator=null) { return self::filter($collection, $iterator); }
public static function filter($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$return = array();
foreach($collection as $val) {
if(call_user_func($iterator, $val)) $return[] = $val;
return $return;
// Return an array where the items failing the truth test are removed
public static function reject($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$return = array();
foreach($collection as $val) {
if(!call_user_func($iterator, $val)) $return[] = $val;
return $return;
// Return the value of the first item passing the truth iterator test
// find alias: detect
public static function detect($collection=null, $iterator=null) { return self::find($collection, $iterator); }
public static function find($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
foreach($collection as $val) {
if(call_user_func($iterator, $val)) return $val;
return false;
// How many items are in this collection?
public static function size($collection=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
return count((array) $collection);
// Get the first element of an array. Passing n returns the first n elements.
// first alias: head
public static function head($collection=null, $n=null) { return self::first($collection, $n); }
public static function first($collection=null, $n=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
if($n === 0) return array();
if(is_null($n)) return current(array_splice($collection, 0, 1, true));
return array_splice($collection, 0, $n, true);
// Get the rest of the array elements. Passing n returns from that index onward.
public static function tail($collection=null, $index=null) { return self::rest($collection, $index); }
public static function rest($collection=null, $index=null) {
if(is_null($index)) $index = 1;
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
return array_splice($collection, $index);
// Return everything but the last array element. Passing n excludes the last n elements.
public static function initial($collection=null, $n=null) {
$collection = (array) self::_collection($collection);
if(is_null($n)) $n = 1;
$first_index = count($collection) - $n;
$__ = new self;
return $__->first($collection, $first_index);
// Get the last element from an array. Passing n returns the last n elements.
public static function last($collection=null, $n=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
if($n === 0) $result = array();
elseif($n === 1 || is_null($n)) $result = array_pop($collection);
else {
$__ = new self;
$result = $__->rest($collection, -$n);
return $result;
// Return a copy of the array with falsy values removed
public static function compact($collection=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$__ = new self;
return $__->select($collection, function($val) {
return (bool) $val;
// Flattens a multidimensional array
public static function flatten($collection=null, $shallow=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$return = array();
if(count($collection) > 0) {
foreach($collection as $item) {
if(is_array($item)) {
$__ = new self;
$return = array_merge($return, ($shallow) ? $item : $__->flatten($item));
else $return[] = $item;
return $return;
// Returns a copy of the array with all instances of val removed
public static function without($collection=null, $val=null) {
$args = func_get_args();
$collection = $args[0];
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$num_args = count($args);
if($num_args === 1) return $collection;
if(count($collection) === 0) return $collection;
$__ = new self;
$removes = $__->rest($args);
foreach($removes as $remove) {
$remove_keys = array_keys($collection, $remove, true);
if(count($remove_keys) > 0) {
foreach($remove_keys as $key) {
return $collection;
// Return an array of the unique values
// uniq alias: unique
public static function unique($collection=null, $is_sorted=null, $iterator=null) { return self::uniq($collection, $is_sorted, $iterator); }
public static function uniq($collection=null, $is_sorted=null, $iterator=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$return = array();
if(count($collection) === 0) return $return;
$calculated = array();
foreach($collection as $item) {
$val = (!is_null($iterator)) ? $iterator($item) : $item;
if(is_bool(array_search($val, $calculated, true))) {
$calculated[] = $val;
$return[] = $item;
return $return;
// Returns an array containing the intersection of all the arrays
public static function intersection($array=null) {
$arrays = func_get_args();
if(count($arrays) === 1) return $array;
$__ = new self;
$return = $__->first($arrays);
foreach($__->rest($arrays) as $next) {
if(!$__->isArray($next)) $next = str_split((string) $next);
$return = array_intersect($return, $next);
return array_values($return);
// Merge together multiple arrays
public static function union($array=null) {
$arrays = func_get_args();
$__ = new self;
return $__->flatten(array_values(array_unique(call_user_func_array('array_merge', $arrays), SORT_REGULAR)));
// Get the difference between two arrays
public static function difference($array_one=null, $array_two=null) {
$arrays = func_get_args();
return array_values(call_user_func_array('array_diff', $arrays));
// Get the index of the first match
public static function indexOf($collection=null, $item=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$key = array_search($item, $collection, true);
return (is_bool($key)) ? -1 : $key;
// Get the index of the last match
public static function lastIndexOf($collection=null, $item=null) {
$collection = self::_collection($collection);
$__ = new self;
return $__->indexOf($collection, $item);
// Returns an array of integers from start to stop (exclusive) by step
public static function range($stop=null) {
$args = func_get_args();
$__ = new self;
$args = $__->reject($args, function($val) {
return is_null($val);
$num_args = count($args);
switch($num_args) {
case 1:
list($start, $stop, $step) = array(0, $args[0], 1);
case 2:
list($start, $stop, $step) = array($args[0], $args[1], 1);
if($stop < $start) return array();
list($start, $stop, $step) = array($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]);
if($step > 0 && $step > $stop) return array($start);
$results = range($start, $stop, $step);
// Switch inclusive to exclusive
if($step > 0 && $__->last($results) >= $stop) array_pop($results);
elseif($step < 0 && $__->last($results) <= $stop) array_pop($results);
return $results;
// Merges arrays
public static function zip($array=null) {
$arrays = func_get_args();
$num_arrays = count($arrays);
if($num_arrays === 1) return $array;
$__ = new self;
$num_return_arrays = $__->max($__->map($arrays, function($array) {
return count($array);
$return_arrays = $__->range($num_return_arrays);
foreach($return_arrays as $k=>$v) {
if(!is_array($return_arrays[$k])) $return_arrays[$k] = array();
foreach($arrays as $a=>$array) {
$return_arrays[$k][$a] = array_key_exists($k, $array) ? $array[$k] : null;
return $return_arrays;
// Get the max value in the collection
public static function max($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
if(is_null($iterator)) return max($collection);
$results = array();
foreach($collection as $k=>$item) {
$results[$k] = $iterator($item);
$__ = new self;
$first_key = $__->first(array_keys($results));
return $collection[$first_key];
// Get the min value in the collection
public static function min($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
if(is_null($iterator)) return min($collection);
$results = array();
foreach($collection as $k=>$item) {
$results[$k] = $iterator($item);
$__ = new self;
$first_key = $__->first(array_keys($results));
return $collection[$first_key];
// Sort the collection by return values from the iterator
public static function sortBy($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
$results = array();
foreach($collection as $k=>$item) {
$results[$k] = $iterator($item);
foreach($results as $k=>$v) {
$results[$k] = $collection[$k];
return array_values($results);
// Group the collection by return values from the iterator
public static function groupBy($collection=null, $iterator=null) {
$result = array();
$collection = (array) $collection;
foreach($collection as $k=>$v) {
$key = (is_callable($iterator)) ? $iterator($v, $k) : $v[$iterator];
if(!array_key_exists($key, $result)) $result[$key] = array();
$result[$key][] = $v;
return $result;
// Returns the index at which the value should be inserted into the sorted collection
public static function sortedIndex($collection=null, $value=null, $iterator=null) {
$collection = (array) self::_collection($collection);
$__ = new self;
$calculated_value = (!is_null($iterator)) ? $iterator($value) : $value;
while(count($collection) > 1) {
$midpoint = floor(count($collection) / 2);
$midpoint_values = array_slice($collection, $midpoint, 1);
$midpoint_value = $midpoint_values[0];
$midpoint_calculated_value = (!is_null($iterator)) ? $iterator($midpoint_value) : $midpoint_value;
$collection = ($calculated_value < $midpoint_calculated_value) ? array_slice($collection, 0, $midpoint, true) : array_slice($collection, $midpoint, null, true);
$keys = array_keys($collection);
return current($keys) + 1;
// Shuffle the array
public static function shuffle($collection=null) {
$collection = (array) self::_collection($collection);
return $collection;
// Return the collection as an array
public static function toArray($collection=null) {
return (array) $collection;
// Get the collection's keys
public static function keys($collection=null) {
if(!is_object($collection) && !is_array($collection)) throw new Exception('Invalid object');
return array_keys((array) $collection);
// Get the collection's values
public static function values($collection=null) {
return array_values((array) $collection);
// Copy all properties from the source objects into the destination object
public static function extend($object=null) {
$args = func_get_args();
$num_args = func_num_args();
if($num_args === 1) return $object;
$is_object = is_object($object);
$array = (array) $object;
$__ = new self;
$extensions = $__->rest(func_get_args());
foreach($extensions as $extension) {
$extension = (array) $extension;
$array = array_merge($array, $extension);
return ($is_object) ? (object) $array : $array;
// Returns the object with any missing values filled in using the defaults.
public static function defaults($object=null) {
$args = func_get_args();
list($object) = $args;
$num_args = count($args);
if($num_args === 1) return $object;
$is_object = is_object($object);
$array = (array) $object;
$__ = new self;
$extensions = $__->rest($args);
foreach($extensions as $extension) {
$extension = (array) $extension;
$array = array_merge($extension, $array);
return ($is_object) ? (object) $array : $array;
// Get the names of functions available to the object
// functions alias: methods
public static function methods($object=null) { return self::functions($object); }
public static function functions($object=null) {
return get_class_methods(get_class($object));
// Returns a shallow copy of the object
public static function clon(&$object=null) {
$clone = null;
if(is_array($object)) $clone = (array) clone (object) $object;
elseif(!is_object($object)) $clone = $object;
elseif(!$clone) $clone = clone $object;
// shallow copy object
if(is_object($clone) && count($clone) > 0) {
foreach($clone as $k=>$v) {
if(is_array($v) || is_object($v)) $clone->$k =& $object->$k;
// shallow copy array
elseif(is_array($clone) && count($clone) > 0) {
foreach($clone as $k=>$v) {
if(is_array($v) || is_object($v)) $clone[$k] =& $object[$k];
return $clone;
// Invokes the interceptor on the object, then returns the object
public static function tap($object=null, $interceptor=null) {
return $object;
// Does the given key exist?
public static function has($collection=null, $key=null) {
$collection = (array) self::_collection($collection);
return array_key_exists($key, $collection);
// Are these items equal?
public static function isEqual($a=null, $b=null) {
if($a === $b) return true;
if(gettype($a) !== gettype($b)) return false;
if(is_callable($a) !== is_callable($b)) return false;
if($a == $b) return true;
// Objects and arrays compared by values
if(is_object($a) || is_array($a)) {
// Do either implement isEqual()?
if(is_object($a) && isset($a->isEqual)) return $a->isEqual($b);
if(is_object($b) && isset($b->isEqual)) return $b->isEqual($a);
if(is_array($a) && array_key_exists('isEqual', $a)) return $a['isEqual']($b);
if(is_array($b) && array_key_exists('isEqual', $b)) return $b['isEqual']($a);
if(count($a) !== count($b)) return false;
$__ = new self;
$keys_equal = $__->isEqual($__->keys($a), $__->keys($b));
$values_equal = $__->isEqual($__->values($a), $__->values($b));
return $keys_equal && $values_equal;
return false;
// Is this item empty?
public static function isEmpty($item=null) {
return is_array($item) || is_object($item) ? !((bool) count((array) $item)) : (!(bool) $item);
// Is this item an object?
public static function isObject($item=null) {
return is_object($item);
// Is this item an array?
public static function isArray($item=null) {
return is_array($item);
// Is this item a string?
public static function isString($item=null) {
return is_string($item);
// Is this item a number?
public static function isNumber($item=null) {
return (is_int($item) || is_float($item) && !is_nan($item) && !is_infinite($item));
// Is this item a bool?
public static function isBoolean($item=null) {
return is_bool($item);
// Is this item a function (by type, not by name)?
public static function isFunction($item=null) {
return is_object($item) && is_callable($item);
// Is this item an instance of DateTime?
public static function isDate($item=null) {
return is_object($item) && get_class($item) === 'DateTime';
// Is this item a NaN value?
public static function isNaN($item=null) {
return is_nan($item);
// Returns the same value passed as the argument
public static function identity() {
$args = func_get_args();
if(count($args) > 0) return $args[0];
return function($x) {
return $x;
// Generate a globally unique id, optionally prefixed
public static $_uniqueId = -1;
public static function uniqueId($prefix=null) {
return (is_null($prefix)) ? self::$_uniqueId : $prefix . self::$_uniqueId;
// Invokes the iterator n times
public static function times($n=null, $iterator=null) {
if(is_null($n)) $n = 0;
for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) $iterator($i);
return null;
// Temporary PHP open and close tags used within templates
// Allows for normal processing of templates even when
// the developer uses PHP open or close tags for interpolation or evaluation
const TEMPLATE_OPEN_TAG = '760e7dab2836853c63805033e514668301fa9c47';
const TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TAG= 'd228a8fa36bd7db108b01eddfb03a30899987a2b';
const TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_EVALUATE = '/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/';
const TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE= '/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/';
const TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_ESCAPE = '/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/';
public static $_template_settings = array(
'evaluate' => self::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_EVALUATE,
'interpolate' => self::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE,
// Set template settings
public static function templateSettings($settings=null) {
$_template_settings =& self::$_template_settings;
if(is_null($settings)) {
$_template_settings = array(
'evaluate' => self::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_EVALUATE,
'interpolate' => self::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE,
return true;
foreach($settings as $k=>$v) {
if(!array_key_exists($k, $_template_settings)) continue;
$_template_settings[$k] = $v;
return true;
// Compile templates into functions that can be evaluated for rendering
public static function template($code=null, $context=null) {
$class_name = __CLASS__;
$return = function($context=null) use ($code, $class_name) {
$ts = $class_name::$_template_settings;
// Wrap escaped, interpolated, and evaluated blocks inside PHP tags
extract((array) $context);
preg_match_all($ts['escape'], $code, $vars, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if(count($vars) > 0) {
foreach($vars as $var) {
$echo = $class_name::TEMPLATE_OPEN_TAG . ' echo htmlentities(' . trim($var[1]) . '); ' . $class_name::TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TAG;
$code = str_replace($var[0], $echo, $code);
preg_match_all($ts['interpolate'], $code, $vars, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if(count($vars) > 0) {
foreach($vars as $var) {
$echo = $class_name::TEMPLATE_OPEN_TAG . ' echo ' . trim($var[1]) . '; ' . $class_name::TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TAG;
$code = str_replace($var[0], $echo, $code);
preg_match_all($ts['evaluate'], $code, $vars, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if(count($vars) > 0) {
foreach($vars as $var) {
$echo = $class_name::TEMPLATE_OPEN_TAG . trim($var[1]) . $class_name::TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TAG;
$code = str_replace($var[0], $echo, $code);
$code = str_replace($class_name::TEMPLATE_OPEN_TAG, '<?php ', $code);
$code = str_replace($class_name::TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TAG, '?>', $code);
// Use the output buffer to grab the return value
$code = 'ob_start(); extract($context); ?>' . $code . '<?php return ob_get_clean();';
$func = create_function('$context', $code);
return $func((array) $context);
// Return function or call function depending on context
return ((isset($this) && isset($this->_wrapped) && $this->_wrapped) || !is_null($context) ? $return($context) : $return);
// Escape
public static function escape($item=null) {
return htmlentities($item);
// Memoizes a function by caching the computed result.
public static $_memoized = array();
public static function memoize($function=null, $hashFunction=null) {
$class_name = __CLASS__;
return function() use ($function, $class_name, $hashFunction) {
// Generate a key based on hashFunction
$args = func_get_args();
if(is_null($hashFunction)) $hashFunction = function($function, $args) {
// Try using var_export to identify the function
return md5(join('_', array(
var_export($function, true),
var_export($args, true)
$key = $hashFunction($function, $args);
if(!array_key_exists($key, $class_name::$_memoized)) {
$class_name::$_memoized[$key] = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
return $class_name::$_memoized[$key];
// Throttles a function so that it can only be called once every wait milliseconds
public static $_throttled = array();
public static function throttle($function=null, $wait=null) {
$class_name = __CLASS__;
return function() use ($function, $wait, $class_name) {
// Try using var_export to identify the function
$key = md5(join('', array(
var_export($function, true),
$microtime = microtime(true);
$ready_to_call = (!array_key_exists($key, $class_name::$_throttled) || $microtime >= $class_name::$_throttled[$key]);
if($ready_to_call) {
$next_callable_time = $microtime + ($wait / 1000);
$class_name::$_throttled[$key] = $next_callable_time;
return call_user_func_array($function, func_get_args());
// Creates a version of the function that can only be called once
public static $_onced = array();
public static function once($function=null) {
$class_name = __CLASS__;
return function() use ($function, $class_name) {
// Try using var_export to identify the function
$key = md5(var_export($function, true));
if(!array_key_exists($key, $class_name::$_onced)) {
$class_name::$_onced[$key] = call_user_func_array($function, func_get_args());
return $class_name::$_onced[$key];
// Wraps the function inside the wrapper function, passing it as the first argument
public static function wrap($function=null, $wrapper=null) {
return function() use ($wrapper, $function) {
$args = array_merge(array($function), func_get_args());
return call_user_func_array($wrapper, $args);
// Returns the composition of the functions
public static function compose() {
$functions = func_get_args();
return function() use ($functions) {
$args = func_get_args();
foreach($functions as $function) {
$args[0] = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
return $args[0];
// Creates a version of the function that will only run after being called count times
public static $_aftered = array();
public static function after($count=null, $function=null) {
$class_name = __CLASS__;
$key = md5(mt_rand());
$func = function() use ($function, $class_name, $count, $key) {
if(!array_key_exists($key, $class_name::$_aftered)) $class_name::$_aftered[$key] = 0;
$class_name::$_aftered[$key] += 1;
if($class_name::$_aftered[$key] >= $count) return call_user_func_array($function, func_get_args());
return ($count) ? $func : $func();
// Get a collection in a way that supports strings
private static function _collection($collection) {
return (!is_array($collection) && !is_object($collection)) ? str_split((string) $collection) : $collection;
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