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Forked from jalapic/serialinput.R
Created June 21, 2018 04:19
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Arduino data to R
rm(list = ls()) # clear environment # close all graphic windows
### establish a serial connection
con <- serialConnection(name = "get_temps",
port = "COM5",
mode = "115200,n,8,1",
buffering = "none",
newline = 1,
translation = "cr")
### grab data from serial port
#Grab last five characters and turn into number
substrRight <- function(x, n){ substr(x, nchar(x)-n+1, nchar(x)) }
tmp <- read.serialConnection(con)
#### Single Non-Moving Plot
N <- 1000
x <- rep(NA,N)
for(i in seq(N)) {
tmp <- read.serialConnection(con)
x[i] <- as.numeric(substrRight(tmp,5))
plot(1:N, x, type="l", ylim=c(22, 28),lwd=2,
main="Temperature from Arduino", xlab="Seconds*10",
ylab="Temperature - Celsius")
#### Scrolling Plot
N <- 1000
x <- rep(NA,N)
for(i in seq(N)) {
tmp <- read.serialConnection(con)
x[i] <- as.numeric(substrRight(tmp,5))
plot(1:200, x[1:200], type="l", ylim=c(22, 28),lwd=2,
main="Temperature from Arduino", xlab="Seconds*10",
ylab="Temperature - Celsius")
} else
plot((i-200):i, x[(i-200):i], type="l", ylim=c(22, 28),lwd=2,
main="Temperature from Arduino", xlab="Seconds*10",
ylab="Temperature - Celsius")
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* | Arduino Experimentation Kit Example Code |
* | CIRC-10 .: Temperature :. (TMP36 Temperature Sensor) |
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* A simple program to output the current temperature to the IDE's debug window
* For more details on this circuit:
//TMP36 Pin Variables
int temperaturePin = 0; //the analog pin the TMP36's Vout (sense) pin is connected to
//the resolution is 10 mV / degree centigrade
//(500 mV offset) to make negative temperatures an option
* setup() - this function runs once when you turn your Arduino on
* We initialize the serial connection with the computer
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200); //Start the serial connection with the copmuter
//to view the result open the serial monitor
//last button beneath the file bar (looks like a box with an antenae)
void loop() // run over and over again
float temperature = getVoltage(temperaturePin); //getting the voltage reading from the temperature sensor
temperature = (temperature - .5) * 100; //converting from 10 mv per degree wit 500 mV offset
//to degrees ((volatge - 500mV) times 100)
Serial.println(temperature); //printing the result
delay(100); //waiting a tenth of a second
* getVoltage() - returns the voltage on the analog input defined by
* pin
float getVoltage(int pin){
return (analogRead(pin) * .004882814); //converting from a 0 to 1023 digital range
// to 0 to 5 volts (each 1 reading equals ~ 5 millivolts
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