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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Servlet/JSP Resources

Servlet/JSP Resources

Much as I usually advise people to google, beware of going down the rabbit-hole, because the universe of Java EE and Java web application development is huge, and probably 98% of it is irrelevant and overly complicated for what you need to achieve in SE.

Here's some material I collected at the start of term a year ago. Beginning/Intermediate Servlet & JSP Tutorial

Look at the following topics:

  • Servlets & JSP: Overview and Setup
    (slide 1-17)
  • Servlet Basics
  • Handling the Client Request: Form Data
  • Generating the Server Response: HTTP Status Codes
    (slide 1-9)
  • Session Tracking
  • JSP Introduction & Overview
    (slide 1-17)
  • Invoking Java Code with JSP Scripting Elements
    (slide 1-25)
  • Controlling the Structure of Generated Servlets: The JSP page Directive
    (slide 6 only)
  • Including Files and Applets in JSP Pages
    (slide 1-17)
  • The Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture: Integrating Servlets and JSP
    (slide 1-9, 15-27, but ignoring the ${...} stuff and JavaBeans, assume that beans are just Entity objects from OOAD)

Personally I just look at the slide decks, and have never touched their source code/examples, so I can't vouch for those. Advanced Servlet and JSP Tutorials

Look at the following topics:

  • Using and Deploying Web Applications
    (slide 1-8, 20-27)
  • Accessing Databases with JDBC
    (slide 1-21, 35-45, 51-58, optionally 63-65)

The Java EE 5 Tutorial

I only mention this for completeness. I don't particularly recommend it, it goes on and on about Beans and JSF and all the advanced features. If you're curious about the big picture of Java EE, you can skim through parts of this or the Java EE 6 / Java EE 7 editions.

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