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Last active January 31, 2024 16:31
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  • Save celesteking/4711f1bd8021dfb189bc7493c685825e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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vault list /pki/certs but with more info
# Enumerates vault /pki/certs outputting subject and SAN of certificates.
# openssl must be of latest version
vault list -format json /pki/certs | jq -r .[] | while read serial; do data=$(vault read -format=json pki/cert/$serial); (echo "$data" | jq -er '.data.revocation_time > 0 ' >/dev/null) && echo "******REVOKED*******" || echo "-------- OK --------"; echo $serial; echo "$data" | jq -r '.data.certificate' | openssl x509 -noout -nameopt RFC2253 -subject -enddate -ext subjectAltName 2>/dev/null; echo; done
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