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Created August 3, 2020 22:41
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import List, Union
import numpy as np
class TicTacToe:
"""Play a game of tictactoe, optionally against a human"""
def __init__(self, human_opponent: bool = True):
self.board = np.tile(" ", (3, 3))
self._sides = ("X", "O")
self.human_opponent = human_opponent
while not self.who_won():
for side in self._sides:
if self.who_won():
def __repr__(self):
b = self.board
rows = [f" {r[0]}{r[1]}{r[2]} \n" for r in self.board]
sep = "═══╬═══╬═══\n"
return sep.join(rows)
def printboard(self):
"""Pretty print the board"""
print("Current board is:\n" + self.__repr__())
def who_won(self):
"""Has either side won? If so which?"""
rows = self.board
cols = self.board.T
diag = (self.board.diagonal(), self.board.T.diagonal())
for side in self._sides:
wrow = any([all([v == side for v in row]) for row in rows])
wcol = any([all([v == side for v in col]) for col in cols])
wdia = any([all([v == side for v in dia]) for dia in diag])
side_won = any((wrow, wcol, wdia))
if side_won:
return side
if " " not in self.board.flat:
return "Neither"
return False
def set_position(self, row: int, col: int, side: str):
"""Set a loc (row, col) to belong to side, False illegal"""
if self.board[row, col] == " ":
self.board[row, col] = side
return True
return False
def turn(self, side):
"""Take a turn"""
if side == "X":
print("X's turn, input as row,col:")
row, col = [int(x) for x in input().split(",")]
elif side == "O" and self.human_opponent:
print("O's turn, input as row,col:")
row, col = [int(o) for o in input().split(",")]
elif side == "O" and not self.human_opponent:
print("O's turn, computer version")
row, col = 0, 0
while not self.set_position(row, col, side):
print("Invalid move, try again:")
row, col = [int(o) for o in input().split(",")]
if self.who_won() != False:
print(f"{self.who_won()} won")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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