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Created November 30, 2023 03:21
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Anki Template with User Action
<div class="entry">
<p class="en_bold">
<p class="zh_light">{{definition}}</p>
{{#sentence}}<p class="separator"></p>{{/sentence}}
<div class="context">
<p class="en_regular" id="sentence">{{sentence}}</p>
<p class="zh_regular">{{translation}}</p>
{{#definition_en}}<p class="separator"></p>{{/definition_en}}
<div class="context">
<p class="en_regular">{{definition_en}}</p>
{{#definitions}}<p class="zh_regular">{{definitions}}</p>{{/definitions}}
{{#interference}}<p class="zh_regular">[辨] {{interference}}</p>{{/interference}}
{{#mnemonic}}<p class="zh_regular">[记] {{mnemonic}}</p>{{/mnemonic}}
{{#etymology}}<p class="zh_regular">[源] {{etymology}}</p>{{/etymology}}
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<div id="yy" style="display: none;">
<div class="footnote">
<dt>🔍</dt> <dd><a href='eudic://dict//{{entry}}'>Eudic</a> <a href='mkdictionaries:///?text={{entry}}'>物書堂</a></dd>
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html += newTag;
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<div class="entry">
<p class="en_bold">
<span class="phonetic">/{{phonetic}}/</span>
{{#audio}}<div class="audio"> {{audio}} </div> {{/audio}}
var entry = "{{entry}}";
var ref_sentence = document.getElementById("sentence").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("sentence").innerHTML = ref_sentence.replace(entry, entry.bold());
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