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Last active December 9, 2020 18:21
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# - name: Blacklight Solr | List zookeeper configsets
# uri: "{{ solr_install_path }}"/solr/admin/configs?action=LIST&omitHeader=true
# register: existing_configsets_list
- name: Blacklight Solr | Zip the current zookeeper configsets
- "{{ rails_app_install_path }}/solr/conf/*"
dest: "{{ rails_app_install_path }}/solr/"
format: zip
become: yes
when: solr_update_configset
- name: Blacklight Solr | Upload the zookeeper configset
url: "{{ solr_endpoint }}/solr/admin/configs?action=UPLOAD&name={{ solr_configset_name }}"
method: post
src: "{{ rails_app_install_path }}/solr/"
remote_src: yes
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
become: yes
become_user: "{{ rails_app_user }}"
when: solr_update_configset
# - name: Blacklight Solr | List current collections
# uri:
# url: "{{ solr_endpoint }}/solr/admin/collections?action=LIST"
# register: existing_collections_list
- name: Blacklight Solr | Create a collection with the zookeeper config
url: "{{ solr_endpoint }}/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name={{ solr_collection }}&numShards={{ zk_num_shards }}&replicationFactor={{ zk_replication_factor }}&maxShardsPerNode={{ zk_max_shards_per_node }}"
when: traject_index_now
- name: Blacklight Solr | Set config for the collection
url: "{{ solr_endpoint }}/solr/admin/collections?action=MODIFYCOLLECTION&collection={{ solr_collection }}&collection.configName={{ solr_configset_name }}"
when: traject_index_now
- name: Blacklight Solr | Update config for the collection
url: "{{ solr_endpoint }}/solr/admin/collections?action=MODIFYCOLLECTION&collection={{ solr_collection }}&collection.configName={{ solr_configset_name }}"
when: solr_update_configset
# - name: Blacklight Solr | List aliases
# uri: "{{ solr_install_path }}"/admin/collections?action=LISTALIASES
# register: existing_aliases_list
# - name: Blacklight Solr | Set alias
# uri:
# url: "{{ solr_endpoint }}/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATEALIAS&name={{ solr_alias_name }}&collections={{ solr_collection }}"
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