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VernonGrant / .vimrc
Last active August 26, 2021 09:03
Faster vertical movement in vim
" Faster up and down movement bindings.
nnoremap <C-k> :-5<CR>
inoremap <C-k> <Esc>:-5<CR> i
nnoremap <C-j> :+5<CR>
inoremap <C-j> <Esc>:+5<CR> i
nnoremap <C-Up> :-5<CR>
inoremap <C-Up> <Esc>:-5<CR> i
nnoremap <C-Down> :+5<CR>
inoremap <C-Down> <Esc>:+5<CR> i
tegansnyder / disable mcafee endpoint
Last active December 26, 2023 03:18
Disable McAffee Endpoint Protection OSX

method 1

sudo /usr/local/McAfee/AntiMalware/VSControl stopoas


sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.mcafee.ssm.antimalware.plist OAS_Enable -bool False
sudo /usr/local/McAfee/AntiMalware/VSControl stop
sudo /usr/local/McAfee/AntiMalware/VSControl reload
jctosta / screen_cheatsheet.markdown
Last active September 18, 2024 10:20
Screen Cheatsheet

Screen Quick Reference


Description Command
Start a new session with session name screen -S <session_name>
List running sessions / screens screen -ls
Attach to a running session screen -x
Attach to a running session with name screen -r
joaopizani / .screenrc
Created May 17, 2012 11:55
A killer GNU Screen Config
# the following two lines give a two-line status, with the current window highlighted
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= kG}[%{G}%H%? %1`%?%{g}][%= %{= kw}%-w%{+b yk} %n*%t%?(%u)%? %{-}%+w %=%{g}][%{B}%m/%d %{W}%C%A%{g}]'
# huge scrollback buffer
defscrollback 5000
# no welcome message
startup_message off