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Andreas Caternberg cccaternberg

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# Create The Cluster #
az login
az provider register -n Microsoft.Network
az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage
cccaternberg /
Created October 11, 2018 12:09 — forked from jbaranski/
Artifact upload to nexus using curl
# nexus 2.x
# Assuming you run this command against the directory the jar sits in
# r - repository
# hasPom - whether you are supplying the pom or you want one generated. If generated g, a, v, p, and c are not needed
# e - extension
# g - group id
# a - artifact id
# v - version
# p - packaging
source kops
export BUCKET_NAME=devops23-$(date +%s)
aws s3api create-bucket \
--bucket $BUCKET_NAME \
--create-bucket-configuration \
kops edit --help
kops edit ig --name $NAME nodes
# Change `spec.maxSize` and `spec.minSize` to `2`, save, and exit.
kops update cluster --name $NAME --yes
kops validate cluster
git clone
cd k8s-specs
git pull
open ""
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[...]
aws elb describe-load-balancers
kubectl config view
kubectl create -f
kubectl --namespace kube-ingress get all
aws elb describe-load-balancers
#This one wont work for me
cccaternberg / jmx-parameters-example.txt
Created May 29, 2018 08:04 — forked from m-szalik/jmx-parameters-example.txt
How to enable remote JMX access
java -jar yourApp.jar [JVM_OPTIONS]
For local host access only JVM_OPTIONS are:
1. Setup a project
2. Add groovy SDK support:
3. Download http://(yourjenkinsurl)/job/(yourpipelinejob)/pipeline-syntax/gdsl
- this will give you the .gdsl file - download this to the src folder of your project.
4. Finally follow this step - right click on the src folder -> Mark directory as -> Sources Root
// assume this is some list of things you're going to do something with
def someList
def parallelBranches = someList.collectEntries { n ->
[(n): {
throttle('category') {
node('some-node') {
// do some things with n
cccaternberg / Jenkinsfile
Created October 11, 2017 16:22 — forked from abayer/Jenkinsfile
An example Declarative Pipeline Jenkinsfile for Feb 15 2017 demo
// A Declarative Pipeline is defined within a 'pipeline' block.
pipeline {
// agent defines where the pipeline will run.
agent {
// This also could have been 'agent any' - that has the same meaning.
label ""
// Other possible built-in agent types are 'agent none', for not running the
// top-level on any agent (which results in you needing to specify agents on
// each stage and do explicit checkouts of scm in those stages), 'docker',