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Last active April 4, 2019 10:21
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#create the cluster
jx create cluster eks -n $CLUSTER_NAME \
--default-admin-password admin123!
These include #
-> Jenkins as CI/CD pipeline solution
-> Nexus - an artifact repository
-> Chartmuseum - a Helm Chart repository
-> Monocular which provides a Web UI for searching and discovering charts deployed into your cluster via Jenkins X.
-> Lets check our JenkinsX installation
helm init --upgrade && jx version
-> get URL's
jx get urls -n jx
-> We can check our environments by running
jx get environments
-> Explain env/requirements.yml
##create a spring-boot application
#DO create a demo app with name $DEMO_APP in the dialog
jx create spring -d web -d actuator
-> You can create new Spring Boot applications using the "Spring Boot Initializr"
and then import them into Jenkins X via the `jx import command.
-> You can use the jx to create the app
-> create a new Spring Boot application in a subdirectory
-> add your source code into a git repository
-> create a remote git repository on a git service and pushes the code
-> adds default files:
--> Dockerfile to build your application as a docker image
--> Jenkinsfile to implement the CI / CD pipeline
--> helm chart to run your application inside Kubernetes
--> register a webhook on the remote git repository to your teams Jenkins
--> add the git repository to your teams
--> trigger the first pipeline
#see build logs
--> first build needs longer because all maven dependencies are downloaded
--> dependencies were cached to nexus repo within the jx cluster
-> a snapshot and release were pushed to nexus so artifacts can be shared between teams
--> docker image was created and pushed to the internal docker-registry
--> changelog were generated
--> publisched to a chartmuseum chart registry
--> a pipeline is waiting for a pull request on a staging environment to be merged
--> another pipeline is waiting to be triggered to perform the deployment to staging environment using HELM
jx get build logs
#show buildlogs , explain whats happen
#jx console
#jx get activity -f $DEMO_APP -w
jx get act
jx get applications -n jx-staging
#see versions and URL
#Open URL in web browser
jx get applications -e staging
jx get applications -e production
#see versions
#jx open --env staging
# Let's now create a homepage with an pull request
jx create issue -t "add a homepage #1"
jx get issues
#DO open issue URL
#git checkout -b feature-1
git checkout -b wip
mkdir src/main/resources/static
cat <<< '
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Hallo Welt! Hier bin ich!</p>
<img src="">
</html>' > src/main/resources/static/index.html
#commit and push to origin
git add .
git commit -m "hp added #1"
git push origin wip
#create a pull request with hub
#hub is a command line tool that wraps git in order to extend it with extra features and commands that make working with
hub pull-request
#because we have a webhook a PR a pipeline is automatically triggered for this PR
#DO open pull request in web-browser and wait for availability of preview env!!
#DO compare it to the output of jx get previews
# A preview environment is available for this PR until the PR is merged
#DO click on the link in GitHub PR as soon as it shows the preview link
jx get build logs # to see the build for the PR
#DO wait until build is finished
jx get applications # to see that next version is deployed to staging
# DO open web browser and see releases-> changelog and issues
# close issue
#promote to production stage
#jx promote --version 0.0.7 --env production --timeout 1h -a demo1
#jx promote --version 0.0.7 --env production --timeout 1h
#jx get applications -e production
#jx get applications -e staging
git checkout master
jx promote --version 0.0.X --env production -a $DEMO_APP
#start a pipeline
#jx start pipeline
#create env
jx create env -n test -l Test --no-gitops --namespace jx-spring-test
jx create spring
jx create spring -d web -d actuator
jx get activity -f $DEMO_APP -w
jx get build logs cccaternberg/$DEMO_APP/master
jx get pipelines
#get clusters
kubectl config get-clusters
#get urls
jx get urls
#jx import hellonode
#project actions
Watch pipeline activity via: jx get activity -f hellonode -w
Browse the pipeline log via: jx get build logs cccaternberg/hellonode/master
Open the Jenkins console via jx console
You can list the pipelines via: jx get pipelines
When the pipeline is complete: jx get applications
#show suported buildpacks (created by running jx create/init)
ls -al ~/.jx/draft/packs/
ls -al ~/.jx/draft/packs/
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