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Last active September 16, 2024 14:02
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Python script for downloading data from Mapillary API v4 in a bounding box
import mercantile, mapbox_vector_tile, requests, json
from import vt_bytes_to_geojson
# define an empty geojson as output
output= { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [] }
# vector tile endpoints -- change this in the API request to reference the correct endpoint
tile_points = 'mly_map_feature_point'
tile_traffic_signs = 'mly_map_feature_traffic_sign'
tile_coverage = 'mly1_public'
# tile layer depends which vector tile endpoints:
# 1. if map features or traffic signs, it will be "point" or "traffic_sign" respectively
# 2. if looking for coverage, it will be "image" for points, "sequence" for lines, or "overview" for far zoom
tile_layer = "point"
# Mapillary access token -- user should provide their own
access_token = 'MLY|XXX'
# a bounding box in [west_lng,_south_lat,east_lng,north_lat] format
west, south, east, north = [-80.13423442840576,25.77376933762778,-80.1264238357544,25.788608487732198]
# list of values to filter for and keep -- update this if changing to traffic signs
filter_values = ['object--support--utility-pole','object--street-light']
# get the list of tiles with x and y coordinates which intersect our bounding box
# MUST be at zoom level 14 where the data is available, other zooms currently not supported
tiles = list(mercantile.tiles(west, south, east, north, 14))
# loop through list of tiles to get tile z/x/y to plug in to Mapillary endpoints and make request
for tile in tiles:
tile_url = '{}/2/{}/{}/{}?access_token={}'.format(tile_points,tile.z,tile.x,tile.y,access_token)
response = requests.get(tile_url)
data = vt_bytes_to_geojson(response.content, tile.x, tile.y, tile.z,layer=tile_layer)
# filter for only features matching the values in filter list above
filtered_data = [feature for feature in data['features'] if feature['properties']['value'] in filter_values]
# check if features are inside bbox, and push to output geojson object if yes
for feature in filtered_data:
if (feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0] > east and feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0] < west)\
and (feature['geometry']['coordinates'][1] > south and feature['geometry']['coordinates'][1] < north):
# save a local geojson with the filtered data
with open('mydata.geojson', 'w') as f:
json.dump(output, f)
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@cbeddow the above code is not working. Can u please suggest

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tordans commented Aug 27, 2024

FYI I learned recently, that the number of image points in the vector tiles at are limited to about 2k per tile. Depending on the use case, it is not the right approach to fetch the data. The mapillary JSON api does have a 2k limit as well but there are plans to add pagination to those endpoints which will make it easier to fetch all data for a given reagion+filter.

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cbeddow commented Sep 16, 2024

@jyothir07 can you share the errors you get?

@tordans yes this may end up working better. I also have done it before where I split into like zoom 16 tiles, then get a tile bbox, and just continuous make a request to the JSON API with that bbox so it's always small but in theory it could still exceed 2000, though typically it's because of someone uploading 2000+ images with the same GPS point

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