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Forked from jgomezdans/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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A script to grab timeseries from MODIS data using GDAL and python
#!/usr/bin/env python
A script to grab timeseries from MODIS data using GDAL and python
Author: J Gomez-Dans/NCEO & UCL
__author__: J Gómez-Dans
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from osgeo import gdal
# Read in the landcover data
g = gdal.Open( "modis_lc1.tif" )
lc = g.ReadAsArray()
# The different landcover types we are interested in
lc_labels = {1: "Evergreen Needleleaf forest",
2: "Evergreen Broadleaf forest",
3: "Deciduous Needleleaf forest",
4: "Decidious Broadleaf forst",
5: "Mixed forest",
6: "Closed shrublands",
7: "Open shrublands",
8: "Woody savannas",
9: "Savannas",
10: "Grasslands",
11: "Permanent wetlands",
12: "Croplands",
14: "Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic"}
# Time axis
doys = np.arange ( 1, 365, 8 )
t_axis = np.array( [ 730486. + doys + 365*i \
for i in xrange(10)] ).flatten()
iplot = 1
# Loop over landcover types
for ( class_no, class_label ) in lc_labels.iteritems():
# The landcover filter for this class is calculated now.
passer_lc = ( lc==class_no )
print class_label
n_years = 0
# Remember to clear the screen
mean_gpp = []
std_gpp = []
# The lists above will hold the time series
# Now loop over years
for year in xrange ( 2002, 2012 ):
print year
# Open the relevant file
g = gdal.Open ( "MOD17A2.%04d.tif" % year )
# For eacth time step (ie band)...
for tstep in xrange ( g.RasterCount ):
# Read the data. Note bands start @ 1 in GDAL, not 0
gpp = g.GetRasterBand ( tstep+1 ). ReadAsArray ()
# Scale and filter wrong values
gpp = np.where ( gpp >= 30000, np.nan, gpp*0.0001 )
# Filter, where the data are OK, and the landcover is
# the one we stipulated above
passer = np.logical_and ( np.isfinite( gpp ), \
# The pixels that get selected from this date.
work = gpp[ passer]
# Calculate means and standard deviations
mean_gpp.append ( work.mean() )
std_gpp.append ( work.std() )
# At the end of all years, do some plotting
plt.fill_between ( t_axis, np.array(mean_gpp) - \
np.array(std_gpp), np.array(mean_gpp)+ np.array(std_gpp), \
facecolor="0.8" )
plt.plot ( t_axis, np.array( mean_gpp ), '-r', lw=1.2)
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title ( "%s" % class_label )
plt.grid ( True )
plt.xlabel ("Time")
plt.ylabel (r'GPP $[\frac{kg C}{m^2}]$' )
iplot = iplot + 1
print "Saving"
plt.savefig ( "lc_%02d.png" % class_no, dpi=150 )
plt.savefig ( "lc_%02d.pdf" % class_no )
print "\tSaved..."
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